Relative to sexual immorality, the first chapter of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Rome sets the tone for God’s condemnation of everything the Pride people are desperately trying to legitimize from the smallest church to the highest court. Due to the ineptness of the Institutional Church, they are succeeding with amazing speed and effectiveness. Romans 1 explains how the world-leading United States of America reached her current level of depravity that is rapidly engulfing the lives of Americans from cradle to grave.
Romans 1:18 introduces us to what is wrong with this so-called Christian nation and God’s reaction to that wrong: “The wrath (voices) of God are being revealed from heaven against all of the wickedness of people who suppress the Truth (God’s Word–Jn. 17:17).” Read The Voices of God. Key word–Voices. There are many things man can and should know about God. However, those things have been suppressed by those who call themselves by His name. Church people are allowed to know Who God is and to believe His “headlines,” but nothing more. They are being instructed by their ministers to ignore, even reject, His “fine print” which tells them how to make His “headlines” a reality in their lives (vss 19,20). As a result, the only difference between the churched and the unchurched is the church’s Sunday morning visits to the building with the cross outside. Increasingly we are finding the cross accompanied by a queer flag. I prophesy: The time will come when the cross will be adorned with a queer flag.
In the eyes of God, there is no difference between the churched and the non-churched. This is why His “voices” (curses) afflict the churched and the non-churched in the exact same the way with the exact same effect. Whether Christ worshiper or Satan-worshiper– everything is the same. My job is to tell those with eyes to see and ears to hear why this is true. In Matthew 15:19 Jesus provides the answer in one short statement in which He warns disobedient church people that although they do indeed WORSHIP HIM, their worship of Him is all in vain because they do not obey Him. The expression that “Jesus is the answer” is indeed true, but only IF ONE OBEYS THE LAW. Read John 14:15,23; 15:10/ Matthew 19:17 and First John 2:5. The Lord lamented that: “My people perish for lack of knowledge” about the Law. Not knowing it, they obviously fail to obey it. They are told that the Law (the Old Testament) was “nailed to the cross.”
In Romans 1:19,20 Paul writes about God’s people in the past who had rejected His Truth: “For although they KNEW God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking BECAME futile (useless) and their foolish hearts (minds) WERE DARKENED” (vs 21). Note that these people had known God and His message, but had then BECOME DARKNESS, had REJECTED HIS WORD, THEREBY REJECTING HIM AND HIS SON. Read Luke 10:16. In Deuteronomy 5:9 the Lord says that those who do not obey His Law (“the Word of the Lord”–vs 5) reveal that they HATE HIM. Remember that Paul is writing to those who “have received grace and apostleship leading to obedience to the faith among all nations for His name, among whom YOU (those in the Rome church) ALSO ARE CALLED BY JESUS CHRIST (to also obey Him).”
In his letter to the church at Rome Paul is warning the Roman Christians about people who once knew God but rebelled against Him. Let us note God’s reaction to their rebellion in the following verses: “Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men and were cursed for their sins. Because they refused to obey God’s Words, He GAVE THEM (males and females) OVER TO A REPROBATE MIND SO THAT THEY DID THAT WHICH WAS SINFUL (vss 26-28). Notice that He “gave them over” to sexual perversion because THAT IS WHAT THEY WANTED TO DO. They insisted on going their own way and He allowed them to do so. As I have said, if one wants to commit spiritual suicide, God will provide the tree, the rope, the stool and the foot to kick it. This is the God few people know. All the church preaches is Sweet baby Jesus of manger fame Who no longer exists. He is now THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH.
The perversion we see being glorified and, in more and more cases, embraced by professing Christianity, is the result of mankind rejecting God’s Law, thereby denying the authority of the Bible. As a result, we find God’s one-time Christian nation glorifying and normalizing fornication, adultery, the destruction of the God-based family structure, divorce and single-parenthood. Because sin begets sin, what is coming will make today’s reality pale by comparison. I prophesy again: Americans will one day watch sex, both strait and queer, performed on television.
This scenario brings up another question: What about those who do not participate in man’s Satan-prescribed walk, but stand by and watch it destroy the nation? In Leviticus 20 the Lord pronounces the death penalty on anyone who would sacrifice a child to Molech. Then He says about those who watch the abomination but do nothing: “If the people close their eyes when children are sacrificed to Molech and fail to put the child’s parents to death, I Myself will set my face against them and destroy them (vss 4,5). For those who have nailed the Old Testament to the cross, Paul writes the same thing in Romans 1:32 where he addresses those “who, know the righteous judgement of God and know that those who practice such things are deserving of death, … nevertheless approve of those who practice them.” His condemnation includes not only those who practice sexual immorality, but also those who sacrifice their children on the alter of convenience through abortion. Today His condemnation includes those who vote into office those who legalize such atrocities. As I stated in the series on abortion, liberal voters are as guilty as those who wield the knives. Read the series. Key word–Abortion.
The United States of America, once God’s “light to the nations,” is now leading those nations in glorifying Satan’s darkness, even calling it God’s light, which is why He says “great is her darkness” (Mat. 6:23). Her people’s unwillingness to stand against those who are leading our once-enlightened nation down Satan’s path has set her on a slippery slope whose surface is being greased by God’s enemy. As a result, America now finds herself tolerating things that not long ago would have outraged her. What I told my college classes would happen in the past has surpassed my expectations in terms of both the speed and the extent of America’s internal decay. I am not easily surprised. Admittedly, I am shocked by what I see and hear.
How did this “city on a hill” reach the depths of degradation in which she now wallows? In reality, masses of Americans have been led into the moral sewer by a minutely few perverts who have captured the attention of equally perverted news and internet providers. What is a citizen to do? Occasionally, we hear about people boycotting stores that glorify sexual perversion, which is commendable. But the key is to keep laws from being passed that legitimize perversion. The solution to that problem is found in our prayer rooms. Those like myself whom God has given a platform from which to “shout from the housetops” what He has “told us in secret” (Mat. 10:27/Lk. 12:3) must do so with the power of the Holy Spirit. I again prophesy: One day the world will hear me speak audibly and in real time what I write on this website.
Do not look to the Institutional Church for the solution to the problems that are about to overwhelm the entire world. God is not in the church. He is in your prayer closet. Go there, close the door and enter God’s holy of holies (Mat. 6:6). Speak out when given the opportunity. Stand up for God, and when you have done all you can do, continue to stand (Eph. 6:13). Doing so cost Jesus and eleven of His apostles their lives. They thought it was worth the effort. L.J.
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