Pride is man telling God to sit down and shut up. Having just survived yet another “Pride Month” we are faced with yet another year of having sin, degradation, etc. thrown in our faces as the worst of the worst proclaim their rebellion against God using every venue possible. Those directly involved in the abominations are only part of the problem. Those who support them are equally as guilty as this series will prove. There is a reason why the so-called Christian world is seeing the vileness of man coming out with such force. Satan knows that his time is short and he is in a frenzy to do as much damage as possible before the Lord Jesus returns and brings his (Satan’s) godship over man to an end. Man is in the process of destroying himself spiritually and would destroy himself physically if Jesus did not return at the last minute, as He has promised to do in Mark 13:19,20).
What is the problem with the world in general and the so-called civilized world in particular? The problem is that man refuses to obey God’s Ten Commandment Law, specifically commandment number one which consists of the most powerful, fate-determining words man will ever read or hear: “You will have no other gods before Me ….” Unconverted mankind has many gods. The central problem with man is that, in choosing to worship other gods, he is in fact worshiping Satan as his god. Satan in turn allows man to worship himself. Read Matthew 16:23. Church people obey Satan indirectly and themselves indirectly while believing they are worshiping the One Who created. This is the same One who created them distinctly male and female (Gen. 1:27). Many trans people belong to “the church” with more joining the inclusion-crazed church masses every day. Trans pastors will soon be all the rage, followed by transes married to transes. We are witnessing Satan at his most effective.
In the Garden of Eden Satan deceived Adam and Eve into believing that he had given them the power to be their own gods and thereby determine for themselves what was good and what was evil. The rest is the sordid history of the ever-increasing sinfulness and degradation of mankind which is coming to its apex now in these last days of this world. The ultimate end-time rejection of God is being carried out by the mass slaughter of unborn children. Among the supporters of child murder are those who are trying to confuse the male and female sexes. Their (Satan inspired) goal is to reverse the acts and Words of God. The church is way ahead of the sexual deviant crowd. She took over the reigns of the church during the days of the original apostles who fought against it until their deaths. The war continues. In terms of numbers, Satan is winning in a landslide. But the war is not over. God has a surprise waiting for the counterfeit church and all others who reject His Law. It will be unlike anything this world has ever seen. And yet the church and the world will not abandon their god. Then will come the Tribulation and the Day of the Lord –forty-eight months of literal hell on earth when Law breakers will realize what they have done to themselves and whom they have been obeying and serving for thousands of years. As the Scriptures tell us, there will be “weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth” (Mat. 8:12; 13:42; 13:50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30).
As this website has pointed out many times, man’s rejection of God’s will/Law has been the devil’s goal from the beginning. We know from what the early apostles said and wrote that warning people against Law-breaking was the primary focus of their ministries. It still is for their ministerial descendants. Could anything be any more grotesque than what we are witnessing today? Yes. We have not seen anything yet. It has been said that in the near future male transes will be surgically outfitted with female reproductive organs so that he/she can give birth. One such person wants to have mammary glands implanted in his chest so that he can provide “trans milk’ for pregnant males. The irony is that the people who want males to give birth also want to kill as many unborn babies as possible. To these demon possessed people, this makes sense. ONLY SATAN COULD CREATE SUCH A DEBACLE AND MAKE IT “RIGHT” IN THE EYES OF MANY PEOPLE.
What is God’s attitude toward pride? Before we turn to the Book of Proverbs for a quick lesson on that subject, let us see what the Apostle Paul said about the Old Testament: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for creating doctrine,(recognizing God’s Truth), for reproof (pointing out error), for correction (revealing God’s Word on the subject) and for instruction in righteousness (what to obey and how)”–2 Tim. 3:16). In his letters to the churches and to the other apostles Paul repeatedly referred to the Old Testament Scriptures. The New Testament would not come into being until after all of the apostles except John were dead.
Now let us turn to the Old Testament to see how God feels about pride. He tells us in Proverbs 8:13 where He says: “One proves his fear of Me by hating evil. PRIDE, arrogance, the evil way and a perverse mouth do I hate.” Note that pride is the first “evil” He lists. Pride is man trying to replace Him–to have another god before Him. Man’s pride is corrupting the already corrupt church even more. For example, the number one album on the iTunes religious music chart is titled Bible Belt Baby. The singer is Flamy Grant, a trans female. Church people are exalting a trans “Christian.” Later on we will look at some other so-called Christian organizations that have declared their allegiance to Satan.
Pride is sin at its most deadly, most popular and least understood. Man does not know he is trying to replace God. The process happens slowly and without fanfare. It begins with a little, seemingly unimportant compromise with sin–the breaking of God’s Law (1 Jn. 3:4) which, we are told, is no longer in effect. Sin, we are told in Isaiah 59:1,2, cuts us off from God. The Prophet Jeremiah warns us about the sneakiness of sin, telling us that it distorts our thinking process then buries itself ever deeper in our minds. As Paul told Timothy, sin, if allowed to remain in our minds, sears the conscience (1 Tim. 4:2/ Eph. 4:19). The sin of Pride is a powerful searing agent Satan uses on man. Man , “knowing” that he is saved, born again and rapture-ready, simply does not feel the heat.
Of all sins, sexual sin is in a class by itself. It perverts good thoughts and feelings and undermines our honor and respect for the opposite sex. Sexual sins are instrumental in the break-up of the family, which is the foundation of any successful society. When the family unit dissolves, the society decays from within. Sexual sin is unique in that the visual aspects of it are almost as powerful as the physical aspects of it.
I am referring to pornography. Today, pornography is a $130,000,000,000 a year industry. That’s billion, with a B. I recall only a decade or so ago when porn brought in approximately $30,000,000,000 each year. The cell phone has made pornography an instantly-attainable fix for one of man’s most powerful addictions. With a small plastic box in hand one can be having visual sex while in a meeting or having lunch. We have been warned that “Satan is as a roaring lion, walking around seeking whom he can devour” (1 Pet. 5:8). Peter is writing to the church about the church. Only a few, he had noted in 4:17,18, would resist the temptations of Satan and be saved. Judgment, he had noted, was ongoing within the church and would continue until the Lord takes His people to their place of safety just prior to the beginning of the Great Tribulation. All other church people, along with the non-churched, will be cast into that most horrific three and one half years of man’s history.
Sexual sin feeds on itself–a little creates the need for a lot. In Romans 1:8 Paul writes: “The wrath of God is being revealed from haven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who SUPPRESS THE TRUTH BY THEIR WICKEDNESS.” Sin suppresses God’s Truth by “casting the law to the ground” (Dan. 8:12). Prideful man proudly parades his self-granted godship by stomping on God’s Word. And we wonder why we have wars, physical and mental disease, pandemics, droughts, floods, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, accidents, crime, etc. “The curse without a cause does not exist” (Prov. 26:2). Where there is a curse, there is a causative sin. Man sows the wind, then reaps the whirlwind–he sows sin and reaps curses from on high. And what makes man think he can disobey the Biblical God and get away with it? PRIDE–HE IS HIS OWN GOD AND MAKES HIS OWN RULES. The church believes that the curses listed above are not really curses from God. After all, everyone is affected by them. Not everyone. The question is, why are the masses cursed? The answer is, sin. So says God in His Word. Read The Voices of God. Key word–Voices. L.J.
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