Perversion: The act of perverting; the state of being perverted. Perverse: Different or varying from the correct or normal. Pervert: To turn to an improper use; to lead astray, to corrupt; one who practices perversion. In John 6:68 the disciple Peter voiced perhaps the most important words ever spoken concerning salvation. Responding to a question from Jesus, he said: “Where shall we go; THOU HAST THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE.” Five verses earlier we hear Jesus saying: “THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK ARE … LIFE.” Then later He said to His disciples: “… the Word that you hear is not Mine, but FATHER’S WHO SENT ME” (vs 24). In John 12:48-50 He said that the Words He spoke will judge all of mankind because HIS (THE FATHER’S) WORD IS EVERLASTING LIFE.” Christ’s meaning is clear to those who will hear it– TO RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE ONE MUST OBEY GOD’S WORD. Nothing can be added to it and nothing can be taken from it, not so much as a jot or tittle. Any alteration of His Word is PERVERSION; anyone who alters His Word is a PERVERT; anyone who acts contrary to His Word is PERVERSE.
Paul, writing to the churches in the region of Galatia (and the modern church), warned believers about false prophets who were trying to turn them away from the Lord by presenting an “improved” version of His gospel. Paul’s words make it obvious that they were having success. “I marvel that you are TURNING AWAY FROM HIM WHO CALLED YOU … to ANOTHER GOSPEL, which is not (actually) another gospel, but there are some among you who PERVERT THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. But if we (apostles) or an angel from heaven preach ANY OTHER GOSPEL (church doctrine) … let him be ACCURSED” (Gal. 1:6-9). To identify the source of his doctrines, Paul told the church in verses 11 and 12 that the gospel he preached did not come from man, rather it came to him by revelation directly from Jesus Christ Himself. Any other gospel put forth by anyone or anything is PERVERSE–A PERVERSION put forth by a PERVERT.
Due to God’s condemnation of sexual perversion in His Word, the church world by in large rejects it as a deviation from God’s will. What the church does not realize is that any deviation from God’s Word is perversion, which Paul warned about in Galatians 1:6-9. In the introduction to this website I listed a number of perversions embraced by the Counterfeit Church. Incredibly, these perversions are practiced IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. An ancient example of the same mind-set is presented in Exodus 32 where we find Moses atop Mt. Sinai enjoying an extended visit with God–the One Who would later come to earth as Jesus of Nazareth. We all know how the Israelites’ demanded that Aaron make them a god that would lead them back to Egypt (sin). Bowing to the wishes of the people, Aaron formed a golden calf and built an alter (place of worship) before it. He then announced that the following day they would all bow before their new god and hold a “… feast (festival) unto the LORD.” Which they did (vs 5,6) by presenting burnt offerings and peace offerings to the idol, followed by a time of eating, drinking and playing. Nothing has changed. The modern version of the Sinai church worships her self-made god, then goes about business as usual. Notice that the “church in the (physical) wilderness” of Sinai (Acts 7:38) provided physical “things” with which to make her god. In a similar way the church in the spiritual wilderness of today’s world provides spiritual “doctrines” which her god supposedly embraces. Just as Aaron told the Israelites that the god he had made was the one who “… brought you out of Egypt” (vs 4), his modern counterparts preach PERVERSIONS of God’s gospel by telling the people what they want to hear. And just as the Israelites ate, drank and played, their modern counterparts return to discussing the same carnal subjects, striving for the same carnal things, watching the same carnal t.v. shows and movies, reading the same carnal books and magazines, listening to the same carnal music, etc. All of which is designed to satisfy a carnal nature. Let us perform a periodic heart-check. In 2 Corinthians 13:5 Paul admonished the church (then and now) to “Examine yourselves whether you are in THE (ONE TRUE) FAITH. Test yourselves (against the Word).” Paul went on to say that unless Christ (the Word) is in (controlling) us, we will be disqualified (for salvation).
Though spiritual perversion is repeatedly identified and warned against by God in His Word, the Institutional Church blindly involves herself in its deadly activities and speaks its deadly “truths” for all the world to see and hear. Let us examine ourselves continually by comparing our lives to the Word of Life. This should be done daily as we study to show ourselves approved by God while proving all things by His Word. L.J.
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