The surest sign that one is truly a child of God is persecution brought on by one’s belief in and obedience to the Word of God. In John 14:33 Jesus told those who follow Him that in this life they WILL have tribulation. He warns us that through MUCH tribulation we will enter the Kingdom of God in Acts 14:22. The word “must” reveals that only those who have solicited the hatred of the Institutional Church by such obedience can be saved. Since the beginning, who has persecuted God’s people and why?
The Old Testament prophets were hated, despised, rejected, and in some cases, killed by the religious hierarchy among whom they ministered. God’s New Testament saints are treated as harshly as the law will allow by the same type of people–the Counterfeit Church. In the Western world the unchurched do not persecute the saints in that they do not believe the Bible and therefore do not mind being accused of disobeying it. It is the most religious among us that come against God’s people–the more religious, the more persecution. The reason for the persecution, rejection, etc. is summed up in one word–revelation. Works of light reveal works of darkness. And when that darkness masquerades as light, the revelation is extremely painful. When those who claim to walk in God’s light (obedience to His Word) are shown to be darkness dwellers, Satan immediately stirs them up against those who have outed them. It was for this reason that the Jewish hierarchy killed Jesus. He spoke and lived the life they claimed to be living and thereby revealed to the people that they were fakes. Today, the hirelings employed by the church tell the people that they are saved, born again, etc. All goes smoothly until someone rises up and proclaims God’s Truth, thereby revealing to all that they are living a lie. Wrath soon follows. Is this what Jesus said would happen? Old Testament saints were treated harshly because of the times in which they lived. Surely He did not mean for His New Testament saints to be hated, rejected and despised by local religionists. Surely this humble man of peace intended for all to go well for His people as they walked through life. Let Him tell us.
In Matthew 10 beginning with verse 23 Jesus warns those who would follow Him about denying Him–not obeying His Words. If we are not being persecuted as Christ was it is because we are not “walking as He walked” (1 Jn. 1:6/2:6) and are therefore “denying Him,” in which case he will deny us before the father (2 Tim. 2:10-13). Why would a believer deny Him? He tells us beginning with verse 34: “Think not that I am come to bring peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a SWORD. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s foes will be those of his own household.” He goes on to say that His SWORD/WORD will separate men and women from their parents, husbands, wives, children, etc. To save one’s life means to give up those who refuse to follow Christ. To lose life means to care more for them than for Him. AND THE CHOICE WILL HAVE TO BE MADE BY THE BELIEVER. This is the cross that God’s people must bear. To “deny Him” is to choose anyone else over Him. I stand totally alone spiritually within my family. I am an embarrassment to them. Former churchmates want nothing to do to with me on a spiritual level. THIS IS THE STANDARD REACTION OF CHURCH PEOPLE TO ONE WHO TELLS THE TRUTH AND LIVES IT. Note in verses 37 that those who fail to take up their cross and follow Him (deny Him) are not worthy of Him. Knowledge=command–what one knows one must obey.
In Romans 5:3-5 Paul tells the church that they are to glory (rejoice) in their persecutions, knowing that the outcome of lifelong obedience will result in salvation. It is only through God and His Holy Spirit that we can endure suffering in order to receive that for which we now hope–eternal life. In 8:17,18 he says that the sufferings of this life will result in glory in the next life. The following are other passages that prepare the New Covenant believer for what WILL TAKE PLACE if he/she chooses to follow the Lord:
Paul’s letters to the church in Thessalonica emphasized his pride in them because they suffered greatly for their belief in and obedience to the Word of God he had preached to them. Hebrews 10:32-38–Paul reminded the Hebrews that after coming to Christ they became a reproach to those that knew them. James (1:2-4) told the church to rejoice in their sufferings in that they made them complete in Christ. We are told in 1 Peter 2:8-21 that Christ is our example of suffering for righteousness’ sake. In 1 John 3:13 we are told not to be surprised if the world hates us. I will leave you with this most definite statement concerning this subject: “… ALL who will LIVE GODLY IN CHRIST JESUS WILL SUFFER PERSECUTION.”
For anyone thinking of coming out of false Christianity (Catholicism/Protestantism), taking up his cross and following Jesus, take heed to His warning to “… count the cost” (Lk. 14:28). Note that the cross belongs to the believer–he must bear it by the power of God. “No one, after having put his hand to the plow (work in God’s field) and looking back (weakening when all turn against him) is fit for the Kingdom of God” (Lk. 9:62). Why would one “look back?” Because the cost is too great. Nothing hurts like being spiritually rejected by one’s loved ones. In Matthew 5:3-9 Jesus characterizes those who are blessed by God the Father for their righteousness. Then in verses 10-12 He warns of the consequences of being righteous: “Blessed are they which are PERSECUTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS SAKE, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you WHEN (not if) men shall REVILE YOU, and PERSECUTE YOU and SAY ALL MANNER OF EVIL AGAINST YOU FOR MY SAKE.” He then told them to rejoice, for others had been so treated before them. Notice that He did not say that those who followed Him MIGHT be so treated. The operative word is “WHEN.”
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