Contrary to popular opinion, SIN IS VOLUNTARY. It is not forced upon man by the transfer of a sin gene from Satan to Adam, then from Adam to the whole of mankind. This most egregious of Satan’s deceptions will be discussed at length in the segment on human nature. We will now enter into a Scriptural study of the character traits God demands of all who would join Him in His kingdom. We begin in the Book of Revelation where we find the Lord telling us that in order to be with Him in the future we must overcome Satan now.
In Revelation 2:7,11,16;3:5,12,21 and 21:7 Jesus tells us that those who overcome Satan and live a perfect (Gr.-mature) life free from his leadings will be rewarded. For example, overcomers, and only overcommers will: eat of the tree of the hidden manna; not be harmed by the second death; keep His works unto the end; rule over the nations; be clothed in white raiment; have their names recorded in the Book of Life; be confessed before the Father and His angels; be pillars in the temple of God; have the Father’s name written on their foreheads along with the name of the city of God–New Jerusalem; sit with Christ on His throne and inherit all things. Notice that Jesus said all these things will be inherited by “HE WHO OVERCOMES,” not he who joins the church, takes Jesus as his Savior, preaches, etc. Notice also that the Lord nowhere says that man is born a sinner or that Satan can force anyone to sin. These are church “truths” that have caused untold disaster to multiplied millions of Scripturally unlearned seekers who believe what they are told by church authorities.
That man cannot, by doing religious works (“filthy rags”), produce the righteousness commanded by God is brought out in revelation 3:1-15 where Jesus condemns man’s religious works. God’s commanded righteousness is accomplished by overcoming Satan using His Spirit/power. The church must eliminate sin (overcome Satan) by using the power of God’s Spirit. The church scoffs at this command from God, claiming that Christ’s blood automatically cleanses her of her inevitable sins. What results is serial sinning and serial repenting. But, we are told from pulpit and podium, all is well because all are saved, born again, sanctified and rapture ready. And Satan smiles.
“Overcoming” constitutes the “works” God requires. James 2:14-3:13 and 1 Peter 2:12 bring this out graphically: “… what does it profit … if a man says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? Therefore, FAITH, IF NOT ACCOMPANIED BY WORKS, IS DEAD. Show me your (dead) faith without your works, and I will show you my (living) faith BY MY WORKS. You believe in God, this is good. The DEMONS BELIEVE, and they tremble.” Faith without works is like a body without a spirit. Because she believes that faith is all that is needed for salvation, the Counterfeit Church lacks the three aforementioned traits: works, fear and trembling. Consensus holds that one need only take Jesus into one’s heart as one’s Savior to affect salvation. So why work? Why fear? Why tremble in that faith and obedience to church doctrine are enough? But dead faith cannot save a dead church member, no matter how religious he/she may be.
God commands that we “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12). We must come before Him an an attitude of trembling, fearfully making certain that our concept of salvation matches His Word on the subject. In order to work out our salvation according to God’s Word we must “Study to show yourself approved of God” (2 Tim. 2:15). Declaring himself already approved by God, churchman ignores this command. Being already saved, what is there to work out? As I was once told, “It’s too much trouble.”
Being the forerunner of the “reward-before-work” mindset of professional sports, the false church awards the petitioner the crown of victory before the race begins, not after crossing the finish line at the end of the race, which is what Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Here God reminds His church that, though we are all running the “race”–the “walk” referred to in 1 John 2:6 and 2 John 2:6, only those who run/walk God’s prescribed race course according to His prescribed rules will receive the crown upon crossing the finish line. The Institutional Church awards the believer the victor’s crown for merely showing up at the starting point. The church’s modus oparandi is, “On your mark” (come to the alter), “get set” (perform the prescribed ritual), “go” (receive salvation)–race completed; crown received. And he/she has yet to take the first step.
We marvel that professional sports franchises promise to pay players for what they will hopefully do in the future. As a result of what is called a “Personal Services Contract,” the owners must pay the player every cent, even if he proves to be a total failure. To receive their money the player need only show up and go through the motions. This concept is straight out of Institutional Church doctrine in which she issues a “Personal Salvation Contract” to all who “walk the aisle,” assuring them that the contract is binding on God no matter what they do or fail to do in the future. They need only show up (if they want to) and go through the motions (unless its inconvenient). The race/walk of the church is completed by making one’s way from the pew to the alter. Having arrived at the finish line (alter), he/she is led through a prescribed ritual resulting in the immediate awarding of the crown of victory–instant salvation. However, God describes salvation as a PROCESS.
The heading of this segment is found in Matthew 5:48. Here Jesus is telling those who would follow Him into God’s kingdom that, because the Father is perfect, in order to join Him they also must be perfect. In other words, saints must be like God–perfect (Gr.-teleios–mature, complete) as was Jesus in order to be accepted by Him. Contrary to church opinion, God’s commanded perfection is not awarded for attending church over many years, being “active in church,” bible study, prayer, pastoring churches, baptizing people, serving on the mission field, etc. Perfection is the result of obeying God’s Word, thereby overcoming Satan.
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