Part one of this series made it Biblically clear that Satan is the master of false, misunderstood, counterfeit peace. But his peace affects only those who either do not know the Bible, or know it and reject it. The written Word of God is the key to the PEACE situation. This is one of the reasons God preserved His Holy Scriptures for thousands of years. As the Apostle Paul notes in his letter to the church at Ephesus, the Lord’s dealings with ancient Israel were recorded and preserved to be used as teaching material for God’s true church that would be in existence at the end of this world as we have known it. That church exists today as the world rapidly approaches the end of the Laodicean Church age. Next up: the Great Tribulation, the Day of the Lord and the return of Jesus Christ.
Satan, through the “serpent” in the Garden of Eden, implemented his FALSE PEACE strategy on the first humans. Eve was fearful of offending God by eating of the forbidden tree which, she knew, would bring about her spiritual death initially, then her physical death later. With just five words the serpent erased her fear and replaced it with his PEACE. His words were: “You shall not surely die.” Having provided her with false peace, he then added BOLDNESS which would open her and Adam up to more sin. He said: “For God knows that when you eat of the tree, then your eyes will be opened and you will BE AS GODS, ABLE TO DETERMINE GOOD AND EVIL. ” And we know that he was right, for we later find the Lord God saying to the Word (Jn. 1:1-4,14): “Behold, the man has become AS one of Us, to know (decide what is) good and evil ….” (Gen. 3:22).
Adam and Eve, their sin having separated them from the Godhead both physically and spiritually (Isa.59:2) would thereafter be living in a world which they themselves would create. In that world they would determine right and wrong and live accordingly, even while acknowledging the Godhead (God and the Word Who would later come to earth as Jesus of Nazareth) as supreme while going through the motions of worshiping and obeying Them. One of their sons–Cain–followed in their footsteps while the other son–Abel–obeyed God. Both Cain and Abel knew God’s rules governing the offerings they brought to Him. As did his parents, Cain failed to obey His rules. Abel did. Cain was punished by God. Abel was not. Cain hated Abel because He obeyed God. Sound familiar? They formed the first edition of “the church,” only one of whom obeyed the Pastor. Nothing has changed. Religious man has been going through the religious motions ever since. Only a tiny minority has served Him through obedience.
Back to Cain. These were grown men. They had undoubtedly gave God offerings many times before. They both knew the rules for doing so. When Cain was gathering weeds to offer to God he undoubtedly was not experiencing fear for doing so. Satan had undoubtedly given him PEACE about disobeying the God he would stand before with a fist full of garbage. He believed that he would receive a positive response from His Creator. What made him sure that his counterfeit, rule-breaking offering would be accepted? PEACE. And where did such peace come from? SATAN. Sound familiar?
It should, for it takes place millions of times each sun god day as deceived millions file into their citadels of sin to pay homage to their god. Like Cain, they have PEACE in their hearts as they present their offerings of praise, money and music to Satan whose lies his priests will have told them. They leave, “knowing” that they have heard Biblical Truths.
And what is their attitude toward someone who tells and shows them the Bible Truths found in the Book they claim to believe? Cain’s treatment of Abel answers that question. And through it all they have perfect PEACE, compliments of the great peace counterfeiter who has “… deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). Which brings us to the TRUE PEACE.
The keys to understanding the true peace are attained by answering two questions: 1) Who has the true peace offered to “you” in the Holy Scriptures, and 2) who is the “you” to whom the true peace is offered?
The answer to number one is obvious to those who know their Biblical God, for it is Him. A serious problem becomes apparent when the “you” question is approached. The problem involves identifying exactly who is the “you” to whom God is referring. When the Holy Spirit-led Bible writers remind church people about God’s promises of peace, provision, protection, healing and other signs, wonders and miracles, they use the term “you” without identifying “you.” Normally we must search elsewhere for that information, which only a minutely few believers do.
For example, I have heard numerous references to the promises God made in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 verses 1 through 13 and 1 through 14 respectively. True disciples of God notice the word “you” is found in the opening sentences in both cases and know who “you” is. Others automatically assume that “you” means “me.” Because of this mistake they ignore what the Lord commands us to do in order to qualify to receive the promises that follow. The assumption is that because they have completed the prescribed rituals of their denomination, church, faith, etc., that they are saved, born again, etc. and therefore eligible for all that God promises to “you” in the following verses. What He says to the reader AFTER verses 13 and 14 respectively do not apply to them because they are the “you” He referred to in verse one. With this “fact” firmly fixed in their minds, they have great PEACE, knowing that every promise to “you” is a promise to “me.”
With that “truth” in mind, they see no need to read verses 14 and 15 in Leviticus 26 and verse 15 in Deuteronomy 28. As a result they expect to get paid for doing a job which they refuse to do. Using my terms, they embrace the LORD’S “headlines” but refuse to heed His “fine print.” Because Satan has given them PEACE as they rebel against God’s commands (Law), they do not understand why the promised blessings rarely materialize. I have been involved in the Lord’s miracle ministry for some 50 years. I estimate that not more that 1% of church prayers are answered. The excuse usually given is that “God said no.” Which He did. The question is, why? Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 answer the question.
Even though church people suffer exactly as does the thief next door, the prostitute on the corner and the liar at the office, PEACE still fills their hearts. But that peace is not from God. As stated before, God whispers; Satan shouts. Only through diligent Bible study can we hear the voice of the true God telling us that in order to receive His promises we must obey His commands. Then we will receive the true PEACE OF GOD. L.J.
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