On the fifth of April multiplied millions of people will pay homage to the goddess of fertility whom pagans were honoring hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Known globally by a variety of names, in the Western world she is called Easter. As with all of the heathenistic rituals the church practices, the celebration of Easter is an abomination to the Lord. Upon reading the following postings Truth-seekers will agree with God, reject Easter and begin observing Passover as the Lord commands. Contrary to popular opinion, Passover is not a “Jewish thing” as this study will prove.
To understand the significance of God’s commanded observance of Passover for the New Covenant Church one must return to the time of Israel’s miraculous deliverance from Egyptian slavery. In Exodus 12 we read about the first Passover which took place the evening before Israel’s departure from the land after 420 years. In preparation for leaving Egypt, God required all who would be leaving to observe what would come to be known as Passover. Leaving nothing to chance, God instructed Israel on exactly how and when to conduct the service.
Following their deliverance from Egypt, God commanded the Israelites to observe Passover annually on a specific date and in a specified manner. An often overlooked fact is that a large number of Gentiles, referred to as “strangers,” were involved in the exodus. This is brought out in Exodus 12:38 where it is noted that a “mixed multitude” came out of Egypt “with” the Israelites. Though the identity of these Gentiles is not revealed, they were possibly slaves from other countries who, having witnessed the power of Israel’s God, had seen the light and had embraced Him. In that only those who obeyed God’s instruc- tions could be saved from the death angel and delivered from Egypt, the converted Gentiles had to have celebrated Passover along with the Israelites. The spiritual Israelites who had become part of the Com- monwealth of Israel were to observe Passover forever as would biological Israelites (Exo. 12:14,17,43).
Following God’s command relative to the annual observance of Passover, He decreed that no “stranger” (Gentile) was to partake of the annual observance. This referred to Gentiles who happened to be visiting or doing business with His people during Passover. In 12:48 He stated that all strangers who “sojourned” with Israel were to partake of the Passover memorial. He went on to command that the sojourner, now a part of the Commonwealth of Israel, must also obey “one Law”–the same Law that the Israelites must obey (vs 49). He would later write that Law in stone on Mt. Sinai. The word “sojourn” (Heb.-guwr) has a variety of meanings depending on the context. In this instance the context renders the word to mean “to dwell,” “to inhabit,” “to remain.” All Gentiles who chose to become Israelites by wor- shipping and obeying the God of Israel were placed under the same Law (Ten Commandments) as “homeborn” Israelites. Gentiles were absorbed into the family of Israel by believing in and obeying her God. From that time until the end of the present age, all Gentiles-turned-Israelites are considered equal members of God’s church and are subject to the same rules, rights and privileges as their Israelite brethren. I will reveal the true identity of the New Covenant Church a future posting. In Leviticus 23 Moses reminded the tribes of Israel, into which the “mixed multitude” of Gentiles had been absorbed, of God’s commanded Passover observance, once again telling them how and when to observe it. Note in Exodus 12:42 that Passover was to be an ANNUAL CELEBRATION THROUGHOUT THEIR GENERATIONS–as long as there was an Israelite, which now included former Gentiles. At this point I will insert a few Scriptures in which God warns against allowing paganism to seep into one’s worship of Him, thereby rendering one’s worship meaningless. As will be shown, the New Covenant Church rejects His warnings.
Judges 10:6 relates how Israel did evil in the sight of God by serving the Ashtoreths–the gods of Syria, Sidon, Moab, Ammon and Philistia. I will reveal how the Ashtoreths fit into the Easter situation later. In Ezekial 22:26 God warns about mixing the holy with the profane, thereby profaning Him. In Jeremiah 10:2 He warns the people not to learn the ways of the heathen, which are an abomination to Him. In Second Corinthians 6:14-16 and 17:1 God states that there can be no relationship between His people and Satan’s people, righteousness and unrighteousness, Lawfulness and unlawfulness, light and darkness, the temple of God (the saint) and the temple of idols (the sinner). Throughout the Bible God warns believers not to partake of the things of Satan. By celebrating such heathen holidays as Easter, Christmas, Halloween, New Years, Valentines Day, Lent, Good Friday, etc., the Institutional Church defies the God she claims has saved her. To be continued.
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