Whether to observe Passover or Easter is not an issue for the Institutional Church (Catholicism/ Protestantism). For those involved in this system, Passover, supposedly a “Jewish thing,” was supposedly nailed to the cross along with everything else the Old Testament Prophets wrote. People like myself become laughing stocks when we bring up the subject of Passover. But God is not laughing; He is deadly serious about His saints observing His Holy Day that symbolizes Christ’s shedding His blood for mankind. In fact, He warned us in the eleventh chapter of the Book of Daniel that an organization would arise in the latter days that would turn God-seekers away from Him and to itself. One of the main weapons this organization would use to lure people into Satan’s camp was to have its leader “change times and laws” (vs 25). God had told Daniel to “seal up the vision”–what God had shown him–until the “time of the end,” meaning the end of the world in which we have lived since its creation. Just before His Messiah would come to earth to right all wrongs, God would open men’s eyes to His Truth about this “little horn” (church) that, as Revelation 17 tells us, would be a great religious hierarchy that would control a mighty military power, riding it like a woman (church) riding a beast (government). This “little horn” would be ruled by a singular, all powerful leader who would, using the power of the beast she would ride, “change times and laws.” As I have stated in previous postings, I believe the woman/church to be Catholicism, its supreme leader to be the pope reigning at the time of the end, and the government the church controls to be the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, which today is known as the European Union. See The Mark Of The Beast.
This “little horn” introduced to us in Daniel seven is brought forth again in Revelation 17 where it is described as ruling over kings and kingdoms of the earth and persecuting the saints, many of whose blood she holds in her cup. This great church (woman), using the power of the beast she controls (the resurrected Holy Roman Empire–European Union) did indeed “change times and laws.” Let us see exactly which times and laws she changed.
God begins the day at sunset; the little horn (Catholic Church) changed it to the middle of the night. God begins the week by ending it at sunset on His Sabbath–the seventh day (Saturday); the Roman Empire, at the behest of the Catholic (little horn) church, changed the sabbath to Sunday. God begins the month with a new moon (the English “month” is “moon” in Hebrew). The woman begins it according to man’s calculations. God begins the year in the spring when new life is coming forth; the little horn has it beginning in the dead of winter. God gave His children a specific day of the week to rest–the seventh day of creation (Saturday); the Roman Government-backed little horn forced the world to observe Sunday– the day the heathen worshiped the sun god. As the postings titled God’s Holy Days bring out, this little horn, also called the Great Whore, Mystery, Babylon, has lured some two billion churchites into observing other of Satan’s holidays such as Christmas, Easter, New Years and Valentine’s Day. Each of these, along with a number of doctrines, were embraced by the Catholic Church in order to appease the masses of heathen coming into the church rather than be killed by the Roman Government. As will be pointed out in these postings, Easter is a Satanic counterfeit of God’s Passover, just as the first day sabbath is a counterfeit of God’s seventh day Sabbath. To be continued. L.J.
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