This year Passover begins at sundown on April 2 at which time the Passover meal is undertaken along with the traditional wine and unleavened bread communion service. This is followed by seven days of unleavened bread which begin on April 2 with the Passover meal and end on April 10 at sundown. Actually, there eight days of unleavened bread if one counts the Day of Passover. God’s days begin and end at sundown. I use Jewish Matzah bread, but anything lacking in leaven will suffice–corn bread, tortillas, crackers, etc. It is not always possible to find mutton. But God knows our hearts. Saturday April 4th is a Sabbath and April 10th is a Sabbath. No “servile” work is to be done on Sabbaths. Servile work is the work one does to make a living. Also, no strenuous work of any kind is to be done on a Sabbath. Such work should be done prior to the Sabbath. There are several Sabbaths in the church year outside of the 7th day (Saturday) weekly Sabbath. The next Holy Day is Pentecost. Pentecost (50th day) falls on May 24th this year. Pentecost is also a Sabbath.
If anyone who reads this website (people from 46 countries and 59 American cities at this time) who wish to observe God’s Holy Days, and who do not have family members who share the beliefs presented on this website, observing the Lords Holy Days can be a bit of a challenge. Unbelievers will be assured that you are mentally deranged. You are not alone. I also have no family member with whom to share the blessings. Due to my being out of town for Passover this year, I will not be able to share it with the only person in this area who believes as I do–Billy Roberts who lives some 25 miles away. We meet on the weekly Sabbath to share the Word of God. God said that where two or three are gathered together in His name He would be there. He also said that people would come to Him one of a city, two of a family. He certainly was right about that. I am still waiting for that other family member. I will not be posting again until Monday April 6th. L.J.
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