Scripturally, one either overcomes Satan and obeys God or is overcome by Satan and obeys him. We must learn to view all things in this life through God’s eyes and according to His standards. Unregenerate man views all things through Satan’s eyes, which he believes is his (man’s) own eyes. Unless a man’s mind is stayed on God (Isa. 26:3), one’s mind is open for Satan’s interference, which always directs man’s mind away from the Lord. Satan strengthens this Truth by giving man what he wants, which is what got Adam and Eve in trouble. Jesus speaks to this reality in Matthew 16:23 where He says to the disciple Peter: “Get behind Me, Satan, for you do not care about the things of God, but rather the THINGS OF MAN.” Note that Jesus spoke directly to Peter while addressing Satan who was controlling him at that moment. This is the same Peter who, earlier, had said to Jesus: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Mat. 16:16).
These passages reveal that no matter who we are or how close we are to God, we must be continually overcoming Satan who continually attacks us with opportunities to sin using His “fiery darts” of temptation to do, say or think that which is not of God (Eph. 6:16). When we are overcome by him (when we sin) we separate ourselves from the Lord (Isa. 59:2), leaving ourselves at the mercy of the devil against whom we have no chance using only our own power. This is why sin begets sin, which begets another sin, etc. Conversely, when we recognize Satan’s temptations and reject them we exhibit holiness, which begets holiness, which ….
In order to qualify to sit with Jesus on His throne in the Kingdom of God we must overcome Satan just as Jesus had to overcome him (Rev. 3:21). The church’s theological “Only believe and be sure to repent” precept will not enable us to make the cut. God has a very sharp sword by which He cuts off all those who do not qualify for salvation by rejecting Satan and obeying Him. That “sword of the Spirit” is His Word (Eph.6:17). In Ephesians 6:16 the Apostle Paul calls Satan’s temptations “fiery darts.” In the following verse he tells us how to overcome them–by using the Word of God, just as Jesus did when He was tempted by Satan following His 40 day fast. In Matthew chapter 4 we find Satan tempting him three times and failing three times. Jesus responds to his temptations by saying, “It is written,” then quoting a passage of the Old Testament. This is the same Old Testament the church nailed to the cross, then blamed its demise on God Who spoke it to the Word Who spoke it to His prophets. That same Law was preserved to be used to instruct the New Testament Church (Mat. 10:11). If the Old Testament was good enough for Jesus, isn’t it good enough for us? We overcome the devil’s temptations by obeying the Holy Scriptures. We will either use the Word of God as our standard of life and thereby overcome the devil, or we will follow the leadings of Satan’s church doctrines and be overcome by him. THE CHOICE IS OURS.
In Deuteronomy 21:13 Moses tells the people of Israel that they have a choice to make–either life or death. “Therefore, choose life ….” Later, Joshua says the same thing to their descendants, saying: “Choose you this day whom you will serve,” either the living God or the god of the heathen (24:15). There are only two choices and two gods from which to choose. One provides eternal life; the other provides eternal death. The god we choose to obey is our master to whom we are enslaved (2 Pet. 2:9). There is no middle ground in God’s world. Sinners saved by grace serve Satan have Satan as their master whom they serve (Lk. 16:13).
The Lord’s Very Elect will make the right choice and spiritually separate themselves from the masses of church people who, while carrying Bibles and wearing crosses, will do the bidding of their god–Satan, “the god of this world who has blinded the minds of those who do not believe the Words of the living God so that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, can shine on them (2 Cor. 4:4). The false church’s “truths” lead us into darkness which masquerades as light. For this reason the Catholic/Protestant Religious system hates God’s light which exposes her darkness.
In chapter six of Second Corinthians Paul addresses those who were continuing to affiliate with the devil’s people by meeting with them, listening to their leaders’ messages, etc. Here he tells them what to do and why, beginning with the “why?” In chapter 6, beginning with verse 14, he tells true believers in the Corinthian Church not to be in any way connected with the unbelievers who claim to be God’s people but who do not believe and obey His Word (Law). Paul goes on to tell them why true believers are forbidden to fellowship with false believers. He tells them that light has no fellowship with darkness, Christ has no relationship with Satan, neither does a saint fellowship with an infidel. The temple of God (the believer-vs 16) has no spiritual dealings with idols. In verse 17 and 18 Paul tells true saints to “come out from among them and remain separate, do not touch that unclean thing (church system).” Then (and only then), God will receive them and be a Father to them, thereby making them his true sons and daughters.
In 7:1 Paul summarizes what we must continue to do in order to remain in the spiritual presence of God as His sons and daughters. We must: “cleanse ourselves of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit by perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” How do we do this: “By the washing by the water by the Word of God” (Eph. 5:26). Just as continually pouring water into a glass will keep it clean, continually filling our hearts (minds) with the Word of God will keep us cleansed of sin, IF WE BELIEVE AND OBEY WHAT WE ARE STUDYING. As Paul told Timothy: “Study (the Scriptures) to gain the approval of God ….” (2 Tim. 3:15). The Scriptures Timothy was to study was the Old Testament. The New Testament would not come into existence for another 50 years or so. That we are to study, learn, believe and obey the entire Bible was proclaimed by Jesus when He said that He had not come to earth to destroy the Law and the writings of the prophets, but rather to fulfil them, meaning to obey them to the fullest. In order to claim oneness with Him we must “… WALK AS HE WALKED, PURIFY OURSELVES AS HE IS PURE AND OVERCOME (SATAN) AS HE OVERCAME (HIM)” (1 Jn. 2:6; 3:3/ Rev. 3:21). Only in this way can we quality to receive eternal life upon His return.
We will either live by the sword of the Holy Spirit or die by it. In John 12:44-50 Jesus tells us that we will not be judged by Him, but rather by the Words He had spoken. He spoke every Word found in the Holy Bible, first to His prophets, then in person to His apostles. This is why “Man must live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” An explanation is in order. God gave Jesus (Who was the Word of the Old Testament–Jn. 1:1-4,14) every Word He (Jesus) spoke to the prophets and apostles. The Bible is the Word that God sent to mankind through those prophets and apostles, who had received it from Jesus through the Holy Spirit in most cases. The Holy Scriptures are God’s commands that must be met in order to receive eternal life. Eventually every human being ever born will be given the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of God. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three. L.J.
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