In Revelation 3:14-22 Jesus (see 1:1) is addressing the apostate church at Laodicea, saying, “… I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, I WILL VOMIT YOU OUT OF MY MOUTH.” Let us stop here and examine this statement. Notice that the church had “WORKS.” The problem was that they substituted religious works–today’s church attendance, Bible study, witnessing, bus ministry, building program, t.v. and radio ministry, missionary work, loud music, social gatherings, “I’m just like you” ministers, etc. This constitutes the church’s version of “hot.” The “cold” designation today comes in the form of a highly selected, twisted (2 Pet. 3:16), perverted (Gal. 1:6-9), out-of-context Scripture reading before the preaching of a spirited “You’re all saved; stay the course” message. Following a set of sound-bytes and catchy platitudes, the “sermon” ends with something like, “See you next Sunday (Satan’s sabbath–the day the heathen worshiped their sun god)” Then the message mercifully ends, usually early enough for the watch-watching congregation to beat their religious rivals to the local eatery. In this part of the world church services have been known to end just prior to the start of the Cowboys game. If they are playing on the East Coast, that can be even earlier than usual. I personally know a pastor who told the men in his congregation that, if they wanted to leave the service early due to the start of a game, they could go right ahead. And if they would like, they could gather in a room at the back of the sanctuary where they would catch the start of the game on t.v. I suppose they could order out in order not to miss one snap, or perhaps those fabulous half-naked Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders with their bump and grind routines.
Notice that the Lord also told this “on fire, spirit-filled, Bible-based” organization that if they did not repent–do a 180 degree turn–He would “… vomit you out of My mount.” He called them “VOMIT.” They were His church in name only, exactly like today’s version of “the church” (Catholicism/ Protestantism). They, like their religious descendants, are so putrid to Him that He will hurl them out like spoiled food.
Jesus then goes on to say to the backslidden church that, because of their religious “works” they believed themselves to be “… rich (religiously) and have become wealthy (financially), and have need of nothing (spiritually).” Do to their attitude of “Don’t send us your Bible-quoting preachers spouting their ‘thus saith the Lord’ verbiage” they do not realize that they “… are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.” To this high-flying, four-services-on-Sunday to accommodate the thronging masses” church He commands to ZEALOUSLY (pursue His Truth and obey it) and REPENT (of rebellion against Him). Then comes a warning: “I stand at the door (He will not go in) and knock. IF anyone (inside) hears My voice (Truth) and opens the door (embraces Him/His Word) ….” He will then, and only then embrace the supplicant who has repented, been converted and is obeying Him as (the only) proof of his/her true conversion. To do this one must “… come out of her (the Institutional Church) and be ye separate … touch not the unclean thing” (2 Cor. 6:17). Otherwise, the converted one becomes like the dog that returns to his vomit and the sow that returns to her mire. Contrary to universal church opinion, one is either “in Christ” or out of Christ.
Then Jesus delivers the most important statement in His message to the fallen church then and now. “TO HIM WHO OVERCOMES I WILL GRANT TO SIT WITH ME ON MY THRONE.” At this point Jesus makes a statement that the church ignores even more than the first part–that she must not merely overcome, but must overcome “AS I ALSO OVERCAME AND HAVE SAT DOWN WITH MY FATHER ON HIS THRONE.” Because the church completely misses the meaning of the word “OVERCOME,” she unwittingly falls into Satan’s “I’m Okay-You’re Okay” trap. See the posting by that name along with Bait and Switch.
Notice that Jesus said that to join Him in the Kingdom of God following His second advent the believer must “…overcome (EVEN) AS (IN THE SAME WAY THAT) I OVERCAME.” He further notes that only those who “… have an ear to hear” (know, believe and obey His Words–is converted) will be allowed into His presence. Only those “few” who “find” His strait gate and walk his narrow way will have the required “ears” and will qualify to sit with Him on His throne in the coming kingdom (Mat. 7:13,14). It is to the other 99% of church people that this posting, as well as this website is dedicated. To be continued. L.J.
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