Everyone “hears voices” that are not their own. Even those who do not believe in a spiritual world “hear” “voices” that “speak” into his/her spiritual “ears.” Man is created with an inner “ear” that enables him to “hear” those spiritual “voices.” After the Serpent had told Eve that she and Adam could defy God and be rewarded with eternal life, his “voice” did not stop entering into Adam’s spiritual “ear.” Though the serpent did not speak directly to Adam, Adam nevertheless heard his “voice” through Eve’s lips. When she asked him to come “with her” to see the forbidden tree, her voice lingered in his mind. Having heard the true voice of God concerning the sin he about to commit, Adam was hearing another “voice” as he walked with Eve to find it. Genesis 3:6 reveals that they had not seen the tree before that time. “When the woman saw the tree,” a “voice” drew her attention to 1) how attractive it was, 2) that it was good for food and 3) that it would make her and Adam wise so that they could determine right and wrong for themselves. The “voice” inside her mind left out nothing. Having entertained that voice for some time, she did not hesitate to partake of a fruit. She then handed one to Adam (all the while she was “speaking” to him, silently beaconing to him to follow her lead). Having heard her “voices,” Adam “did eat.” No doubt both Adam and Eve remembered God’s quiet voice concerning the forbidden fruit. But Satan’s was the “voice” they chose to obey. The rest is history. Nothing has changed, except in the lives of God’s tiny “remnant,” His “chosen generation,” His “royal priesthood,” His “holy nation,” His “peculiar people” who faithfully serve Him by obeying His Word. These are they who have been “called out of darkness and into His marvelous light “(1 Pet. 2:9).
Every human being hears inner “voices” that guide his/her thoughts, words and acts–his/her “walk.” I frequently deal with a boy whose inner “voice” continually “tells” him to do things he should not do. When I confront him he always has a logical reason why his actions are okay. When I speak God’s Truth (voice) to him it creates a turmoil within him. He knows right from wrong because I continually tell him the difference. He is old enough to make choices. So far, Satan is winning the battle for his heart/mind.
WARNING: EVERYTHING ONE “HEARS” IN HIS HEART (MIND) IS A TYPE OF REVELATION AND COMES FROM A GOD–either the Biblical God or the “god of this world.” Both voices are persuasive. One is active and large. The other is quiet and small. One needs personal stimulation to be followed. The other needs the Holy Bible to be followed. One says: “Do what you want to do.” One says: “Do what I tell you to do.” One focuses on the desires of man. One focuses on His desire for man. One is the god (current ruler) of this earth. The other is the God (creator) of the universe, Whose voice is obeyed by those who have “put off the old man and put on the new man.”
Beginning at the point in time known as the “age of accountability,” each of us must determine which voice we will obey, when and under what circumstance. One voice will lead the chooser to the Lake of Fire. The other will lead him/her to the Kingdom of God. In the eyes of the Creator of all things, the chooser has only one choice.–His way–take it all or leave it all. There is no middle ground. Read Revelation 3:14-20 concerning the church of the final days–the Laodicean (final) era of church history in which we are now living. The church of this current era is so putrid that God describes her as religious vomit. She “hears” inner voices, true enough. But they do not come from the Biblical God.
The key to knowing which “voice” is coming from which deity, one must “Study to show yourself approved by (the Biblical) God” (2 Tim. 2:15). This is the ONLY way one can know whose “voice” one is hearing. I know from experience that Satan’s voice can sound very holy and be very persuasive. The key to not being deceived by the great deceiver is to use a combination of prayer, Bible study and fasting. Churchivity will only result in more “voices.” Do not look for God in the Institutional Church for He is not there. Note in Revelation 3:20 that He “stands at the door and knocks” at the doors of the hundreds of denominations, faiths, etc. into which Satan has divided his religious system. The Almighty remains outside that church system, calling those inside to “Come out of her” (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1). Jesus warned that few would answer His call.
Understand this bit of wisdom from the Apostle Paul relative to our fight against the devil and his minions: “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the (spiritual) power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God so that you can stand against the wiles (“voices”) of the devil, for we fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES” (Eph. 6: 10-12) who work for “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2). “Though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage war in the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (physical), but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down (mental) imaginations and every high (airborne) thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.” How do we do this? By “TAKING CAPTIVE EVERY THOUGHT TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST” (2 Cor. 10:3-5).
When dealing with the voice of Satan one is dealing with a wide variety of demonic (spiritual) beings who whisper Satan’s words into the heart of the one they want to control. Their greatest victory is evidenced by their total control over those involved in Catholicism/Protestantism. With rare exception, when we do, say or think what we should not do, say or think, a demon (“devil”) is usually involved. Also, when things in one’s life are contrary to the will of God, demons are usually involved. God’s will for us is summarized wonderfully in Leviticus 26:1-13 and Deuteronomy 28:1-14. Read the rest of those chapters to learn what happens when God looses Satan’s demons on those who do not obey Him. Then compare those curses to what is going on today in the so-called “Christian nations,” America being #1. Satan’s “messengers” are powerful and persistent. They “speak” in a variety of ways involving all manner of situations–spiritual, physical, material, social, political, etc. Wherever man is involved, Satan’s devils are involved in the hearts (minds) of those who allow them to enter and remain.
Whenever sin is involved, demons are involved. When such things as physical and mental diseases, false religion, so-called “acts of nature” that destroy lives, etc. are involved, one can be sure that devils (demons) are involved either directly or indirectly as a result of sin in those humans involved in the situation. Note in the New Testament how many times Jesus and the disciples (apostles) dealt with demons that had afflicted people. Casting out demons was one of the things Jesus commissioned His disciples/apostles to do routinely in the course of their daily ministry (Mat. 10:8).
When, at true conversion, we “put off the old man” and “put on the new man” we receive the Holy Spirit internally. Then, “greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world (Satan)” (1 Jn. 4:4). This “greater” power enables us to “overcome them”–the “rulers of the darkness of this world” which are the “principalities and POWERS of the air”–SATAN’S DEMONS/DEVILS/FALLEN ANGELS. Go to YouTube and download my on-air series on my site–Prove All Things Of God. Then download The Prince of the Power of the Air Pt. 1. This three part series explains in detail the method Satan uses to afflict salvation seekers and how I have dealt with them.
The problem is that we are not told this when we are supposedly “saved.” Instead of God’s Biblical Truths we are told that we cannot overcome such powers because of Adam’s sin gene we supposedly inherited at conception, thereby weakening us so that we cannot resist Satan’s temptations. We are told that Jesus, knowing about our weakness, died so that we do not need to overcome Satan and his demons as Jesus says we must do in order to join Him in the Kingdom of God (Rev. 3:21). We are told that obeying God’s Law, which He commands that we do, is impossible. But Jesus has come to the rescue by overcoming the “powers of the air” for us. This in spite of His saying in Revelation 3:21 that WE MUST OVERCOME THEM AS HE OVERCAME THEM in order to join Him in paradise. This proves that those who are preaching Satan’s “truths” are controlled by him through his demons. These “ministers of righteousness” are Biblically called “false prophets.” Their leader is Satan–the rider on the white horse who goes about “conquering and (continuing) to conquer” salvation seekers (Rev. 6:2).
Satan, through the work of his demons, has conquered the entire religious world except for the “few” who search for and “find” God’s gate (church) and walk His path (obey His Law) into His kingdom (Mat. 7:13,14). These are they who diligently study the Holy Scriptures with open hearts in obedience to His study instructions found in Isaiah 28:9-13. Such study enables them to discern which voice belongs to the Biblical God and, having the Holy Spirit power to obey Him, do so. Let us all search the Scriptures for God’s “fine print” so that we can “rightly divide” (“make a clean cut”) relative to the Word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15). Read about His “fine print” using the key word–Fine. Searching out and believing His “fine print” enables us to determine if the “voice” we are hearing is of God.
As I have said many times, EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO THE WORD. There is no other source of God’s Truth. This is why God has preserved His Truth for so many centuries in spite of Satan’s attempts to destroy it. God’s WORD, Jesus tells us in John 17:17, is TRUTH. Any “voice” that does not line up with GOD’S TRUTH is not of Him. This is why I provide book, chapter and verse for everything I write or speak. I wand people to know if what we hear or read lines up with God’s Truth which we must KNOW, BELIEVE AND OBEY. Only by diligent study of His Truth can we know what is of God and what is of Satan. A love for the Word/Truth comes with “putting on the new man.” The New man loves the Truth with all his heart. L.J.
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