That the Apostle Paul was God’s premier New Covenant writer is obvious. What made Paul unique was that he received his Gospel directly from Jesus Christ by revelation through the Holy Spirit (Gal. 1:12). As Paul said, he did not receive his Gospel from men, but rather from the Lord Himself. The man Jesus, being a human being, received His Gospel directly from His heavenly Father. Everything He did and said was either shown Him or spoke to Him by the Father by way of the Holy Spirit. Paul was given what he knew by Jesus, Who received it from God. Therefore, whatever Paul wrote is worthy of our study. So let us study some of his writings as a way of learning about the ways of God and Christ.
Everything begins in the mind, Biblically known as the heart. In order to “walk” (live–think, speak and do) as did Jesus” in His earthly life, which those who call themselves by His name are commanded to do (1 Jn. 2:6), there must be a central and singular source of information. In order to think, speak and do as Jesus thought, spoke and did we must have the same mind/heart as did our Savior. Impossible? Not according to the One Who makes all things possible for them that believe His Word (Mk. 9:23). That God implanted His mind in Jesus of Nazareth is evident in that man thinks before he speaks. Jesus was no exception to that rule. Jesus said that the Words He spoke had been given to Him by the Father (Jn. 14:10). He also said that He did what He saw the Father do (Jn. 5:17-20). Being at one with the Father, Jesus only thought, did spoke what He received from the Father.
Jesus said that he who hears God’s Words, believes and does them is of God (Jn. 8:47), whether the information comes through the Holy Spirit or through God’s human messenger. Conversely, he who hears His Words and rejects them proves that he despises both Christ and God (Lk. 10:16). Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that we think as Christ thought, speak as He spoke and do as He did. In Biblical language, we must “walk as He walked” (1 Jn. 2:6). If we fail to do this, we are Christians In Name Only (CINO). Jesus said about those who call Him their Lord, do many wonderful things in His name, honor Him with their lips but who refused to do as He said: “… their heart (mind) is far from Me.” They do not have the same mind/heart as Christ.
The promise of Christ-mindedness is made to anyone who will hear God’s Word, believe and obey it. In First Corinthians 2:16 and Philippians 2:5 salvation seekers are COMMANDED to “have the mind of Christ.” The Word “have” means that the choice is ours, that we can choose to either receive Christ’s mind or reject it. Without His mindset, salvation will not be available. We must choose to think, speak and act like Christ in order to spend eternity sitting with Him on His throne in universe headquarters ruling that universe. Read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe and The Kingdom of God. Key words–Caretakers and Kingdom respectively.
We must choose to know what Jesus knows as far as mankind is allowed to know. To do so we must have the mind of Christ, which means that we must consult the same Source–God the Father, the Source of all man is allowed to know. Recall that when asked when the end of the world would come, the MAN Jesus said that He did not know. To gain the knowledge of what He did know we must live by (“walk”) “… every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Mat. 4:4). God, through Jesus who spoke to the prophets and apostles, brought forth every Word found in the Holy Bible, which the prophets and apostles wrote.. The Scriptures are the way, the Truth and the life of God in written form. Jesus said that He was the way, the Truth and the life in human form. We must be like Him. How? By following His instructions which we call the Holy Bible. We are not to judge His Words, but to believe them and follow those instructions that apply to us. Not every Word is for everyone. For example, not everyone is called to preach, so Words relative to ministry do not apply to everyone.
An interesting aside concerns the status of Jesus Christ as He now sits at the right hand of the Father in the northern heavens. I have written about this on several occasions over the past dozen years or so. But for the sake of newcomers to the website I want to share this incredible news once again. It concerns what those who rise in the first resurrection (God’s Very Elect) will be like in the future and throughout eternity. A hint concerning this question was revealed by Jesus when He was talking with Saul of Tarsus (Paul) on the road to Damascus. Paul asked him, “Lord, who are you?” He replied, “I am (now) Jesus of Nazareth, Whom you persecute” (Acts 22:8). Though this was several years after Jesus had gone to be with the Father, He identified Himself using His human name (Jesus) and His human home town (Nazareth). A delightful hint as to the future status of God’s Very Elect is found in two statements which I will leave with you. In Hebrews 10:11,12 and First Timothy 2:5 we find that, “this MAN (Jesus) sat down at the right hand of God” where “the MAN Jesus Christ sits at God’s right hand.” Note it: the MAN Jesus of Nazareth is with God now and IS A GOD now. True saints will share Christ’s inheritance with Him. His inheritance includes everything about Him, including His divinity. This means that HUMAN BEINGS WILL BE MADE HUMAN GODS IN THE HEREAFTER AND WILL RULE AND REIGN FOREVER WITH CHRIST OVER HIS INHERITANCE (THE UNIVERSE) AS GODS. Paul said we will (then) be known as we are (now) known (1 Cor. 13:12). After we have been born again we will still have the same appearance as we have now, only in spirit form. For more information read Jesus of Nazareth: God, Man or God-man? and Born Again. Key words–God-man and Born respectively. Now back to the subject.
In First Corinthians 2:1 Paul tells us that the Holy Bible is “the testimony of God.” The Words given to the prophets and apostles, which they recorded and the Lord preserved for “our instruction” (10:11) comprise God’s testimony (Truth) to man about Himself–His thoughts, words, works, commands, etc. These Words comprise the foundation upon which the New Covenant Church was built (Eph. 2:20). MOST OF WHAT MANKIND KNOWS ABOUT GOD IS WRITTEN IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Some of what man knows from Scripture is presented in symbolic form. For example, there is nothing in the Scriptures about television, the internet, etc. However, we are told concerning the Gospel to “… preach it from the housetops” (Mat. 10:27).
Other information comes through “REVELATION,” which is also known as “PRESENT TRUTH” (2 Pet. 1:12). In the Book of Daniel the Lord is showing the prophet what will occur in the future. Daniel said that He did not understand what God was showing and telling Him. Notice that God told Daniel that some information was not for him to know, and that it would not be known by God’s saints until the end of the end times (Dan. 12:9) when His messengers would receive revelation from Him to share with their followers. The meaning of the symbols and teachings found in the Book of Revelation have stayed hidden from God’s people until recently. As God told Daniel, the symbols he saw were not at that time “present Truths” but would b at the end of the age.
The Lord tells us in the Holy Scriptures that there is certain information about His testimony that can be received only by those to whom God “speaks” through His Holy Spirit. This is “revelation” (apocalypse–a revealing of Truth). For everything there is a season. The season for end-time revelation is now. L.J.
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