The “normalcy bias” is exactly what it says it is–a preference, sometimes a passion, to have things remain the same. Because He was a man, Jesus undoubtedly yearned for things to remain the same following His entrance into the ministry to which His Father had called Him. One day He was just Jesus the son of Joseph and Mary, popular and well-liked by all. The next day he was the most hated man on earth. The Romans hated Him because He claimed to be the Son of God, which meant that their god–Caesar–had a rival. The Jews hated Him for making that same claim. Being students of the Talmud, they refused to believe what was written in the Old Testament about their future King. Therefore they rejected Him outright. Secondarily, they were afraid, and rightfully so, that the Romans would come down hard on them for recognizing another king. Because He was different and was causing such a stir, Jesus’ own mother, brothers and sisters were ashamed of Him and wanted Him to leave the country.
This was nothing new. The Old Testament prophets were hated, despised, tortured and killed for telling God’s chosen people what God was saying to them. Even Moses, the one whom God used to bring them out of Egyptian slavery, was hated by those he risked his life to free. The pressure became so heavy that at one point his own brother and sister turned on him. We are warned that, in the latter days, true saints will experience having loved ones turn on them in order to save their own lives. Fear does strange things to people. As does Pride. The combination is deadly when it comes to following the Lord. Pride and fear are the deadly duo that prevents many believers from coming out of the religious “closet,” standing for Christ and being peculiar as did the prophets and apostles, not to mention the thousands written about in Hebrews 11 and the millions martyred by the Catholics during the Inquisition. The cowardice of professing Christendom is obvious when it comes to taking a stand for Christ. Many, not just the readers of this website, know the Truth but lack the right stuff when it comes to admitting and obeying it. Jesus had this to say about such Counterfeit Christians: “If anyone desires to COME AFTER ME, let him deny himself (stand up for Him), take up his cross (bear up under persecution) and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life (by bowing to churchites) will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake (for obeying Him) will save it. For whoever is ASHAMED OF ME AND MY WORDS, OF HIM THE SON OF MAN WILL BE ASHAMED WHEN HE COMES IN HIS OWN GLORY ….” Note it: Jesus equates Himself and His Words. To reject His Words is to reject Him. He is THE WORD (Jn. 1:1-4,14). During His tenure on earth the vast majority of Jews were ashamed of Him and His Word. During Old Testament times the vast majority of Israelites were ashamed of Him and the Words He spoke through the prophets.
Nothing has changed. Those who claim to be His spiritual brothers and sisters are ashamed of Him and His gospel and will do everything possible to distance themselves from Him by denying His gospel and following Satan’s gospel. Just as the Jews formulated the Talmud while in captivity in Babylon and continue to exalt it over the Old Testament today, modern believers have formulated the church gospel (Gal. 1:6-9) while enslaved in the modern version of Babylon–the Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/ Protestantism)–and exalt it over God’s Word.
False prophets, parroting what they have been taught and lacking the will to obey God, have wooed their followers into a false sense of security. See I’m Okay; You’re Okay. Many of these leaders know the Truth but lack the will to walk and preach it. As I was told by a former missionary, “It’s too much trouble to obey God.” Content with a weekly sugar high, billions of Satan’s followers refuse to “try the spirits” of their sugar dispensers, and as a result, are walking with them down that same wide path leading to destruction. It all comes down to faith, which comes from the Word of God. Faith is believing and obeying what God said. Church faith means that one believes in God, which means nothing. Satan and his demons believe in God. And unlike the church, they believe Him.
Refusing to leave his comfort zone, religious man is dying spiritually–gliding down the crowded slippery slope leading to Satan’s abyss. Where do you stand–with God, obeying His Word and suffering for doing so, or with Satan, embedded in his protective cocoon known as “the church?” Interested in converting and following Christ?–obey His Word. Not interested?–go back to church. L.J.
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