In John 9:4,5 Jesus told His disciples that as long as He was in the world He was the light of the world. He stressed that He had to do the works of God (produce His light) while it was still day, for night was coming when no man would be able to work. Notice that, having referred to Himself relative to work, He then said the same about “no man.” By this He made it clear that what He was doing other men would do (Jn. 14:12), but that a time would come a time when they (“no man”) would not be able to do God’s work. In Matthew 5:14 He had told His disciples that they were the light of the world, meaning that they were the men He was referring to in John 9. In that He commanded them to “… make disciples in all nations” and to “… teach them all things” He had taught them (Mat. 28:19,20), we know that since that time His saints have been His light to the world. In the John 9 statement He was warning true believers that there would come a time when the work His Father had commissioned would come to an end. That time is rapidly approaching.
For several decades Satan has been working on the local, state, national and international level to estab- lish laws that would regulate both spoken and written speech. His focus has been on those who offend others, specifically those who maintain that the God of the Bible is the only true God, that Jesus Christ is the only way to Him, etc. Satan’s efforts have come to fruition in the form of Hate Crimes Laws. The United States, along with many other nations, have passed and are enforcing such laws. Now the United Nations has passed global Hate Crimes Laws. Over time we will see national laws being absorbed by international law–U.S. law will be subjugated to U.N. law. The U.S. administration is pushing for this at this time. When that happens hate crimes cases will be referred to the World Court where one is pre- sumed guilty until proven innocent. Hate crime brings a more harsh sentence than regular crime. Con- viction is guaranteed, for how does one prove intent at the time of an act? Preaching and teaching of the Bible is by nature a hate crime in the eyes of non-believers because it rejects all other gods and truths as counterfeit. For this reason God’s ministry will be the first to be prosecuted, first on the local, then on higher levels.
Soon the act of preaching God’s gospel as the only way to eternal life will be outlawed because it offends those of other religions. This prohibition will not include preaching and teaching against Christianity. The seed of this evil tree was planted long ago. Today we are seeing it bear fruit. Last evening (1/25/15) I heard of another church (in Dallas) that had welcomed Muslims into their services as a show of solidarity–CHRIST AND SATAN WERE WORSHIPED TOGETHER! In spite of what God commanded in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, more and more so-called churches are joining with heathen congregations to worship their respective gods in spiritual unity. And the worst is yet to come.
Due to Religious Correctness, with its emphasis on Love and Inclusion, the darkness that engulfed professing Christendom long ago is thickening. Soon the flicker of light being produced by her will be extinguished. The entire earth is being shrouded in the blackness of spiritual death as God’s light is being doused by God-haters inside and outside “the church.” I predict that within my lifetime (I am 73) we will see all Bible-based preaching, teaching, writing, etc. designated as hate crimes and prosecuted on an international scale. This is the darkness to which Jesus was referring (Jn. 9). This heresy will usher in the Great Tribulation during which the Antichrist and his False Prophet will rule the world. During that time only God’s Two Witnesses will be able to preach His Truth (Rev. 11:3-12). Doing so will cost them their lives. We must spiritually prepare for that time. There will be no “rapture” to snatch religious people out and up before the Great Tribulation arrives. As He did with Noah, Lot, baby Moses and baby Jesus, God will keep His true saints (His church) from harm in “… her place” (Rev. 12:14). This will not include the Counterfeit Church which will have become part of the False Prophet’s global religious organization. Send for the free study titled The Ingathering–the Forming of the End Time Church.
This ministry is directed toward the Institutional Church (Catholicism/Protestantism)–God’s primary mission field. Like the tares, bad fruit and bad fish of Scripture, she lives side-by-side with God’s tiny body of saints, calling herself “the church” and telling the world that the God she claims has saved her is an inveterate liar. This website is dedicated to exposing her lies about the Living God, Whose Word, Jesus said, it Truth (Jn. 17:17). L.J.
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