What was THE ONE AND ONLY message Jesus Christ preached and instructed His messengers to preach until His return? Ask any professing Christian and the answer will likely be “the Gospel.” Which is true. Ask what the Gospel is about and one will be told that the Gospel is about Jesus Himself, His birth, His life, His death, His resurrection, etc. Is that what Jesus Himself preached and instructed His messengers to preach until His return? The answer comes to us in Matthew 24 where He is preparing His disciples for His soon-coming death, their ministry direction, His return, etc. In verses 1-13 He warns them about what would take place following His death and resurrection. This time period, which began on the Day of Pentecost 50 days following His death, would be characterized as “the beginning of sorrows” (vs 8). Exactly what the Gospel was then, and still is today, is found in verse 14 where He tells those who would soon be His apostles (“sent ones”) and their ministerial descendants the message He wanted them to preach until His return. This is that message: “And THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM SHALL BE PREACHED IN ALL THE WORLD AS A WITNESS TO ALL NATIONS, and then the end will come.” What is it His true apostles are preaching today? THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. When was the last time, or possibly the only time, you heard a sermon concerning God’s Kingdom? The Kingdom of God/heaven is mentioned by Jesus approximately 40 times in the Book of Matthew alone. Some use to get around the true Gospel message. Here the Apostle Paul said: “I preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” He preached Christ’s message (the kingdom gospel) and how it’s promises were made available (His crucifixion).
In Mark 1:4 and Matthrew 9:35 we are told that Jesus went about preaching the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD/HEAVEN. In Matthew 8:11 Jesus tells us that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will be in the Kingdom of heaven. In Luke 13:38 He says that His true saints will sit down with those holy men of old in the Kingdom of God. Note that the Kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God are one in the same. Though there is no Scriptural command relevant to this, I call the true church (God’s Very Elect) the Kingdom of heaven because she (the true church) is as the Kingdom of God, only in an embryonic stage.
In Matthew 6:33 Jesus tells us that, in this life, we are to seek first of all “the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” We must exhibit His righteousness in this life (be in His church now) in order to enter that future kingdom which is to come to earth. In that kingdom God’s will IS BEING DONE NOW. In God’s true church His will IS BEING DONE NOW. For this reason I call her the Kingdom of heaven–the Kingdom of God in embryo. As a human embryo is all that an adult will ever be, only in miniature form, those in the Church of God are expected to grow up unto the “measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,” who is the Head of the Church, which is His Body here on earth. In order to enter it and remain we must manifest His measure, stature and fullness. THE BODY MUST MATCH THE HEAD. If not, that church is not God’s church. That church is not Christ’s body. The head of that church is “another Jesus” (2 Cor. 11:4). Each individual in THE (one and only) body of Christ must match THE (one and only) head. THERE IS ONLY ONE CHURCH, ONE BODY AND ONE HEAD, not hundreds of different churches, bodies, faiths, denominations, etc. as advertised. God’s church must be searched for and found (Mat. 7:13,14). “Few,” Jesus warned, “find” IT. Jesus said that most salvation seekers would choose one of the hundreds of substitutes Satan has to offer. His gate is much wider (“come as you are”) and his way is much broader (“stay as you are).”
In his letter to the Hebrew Christians the Apostle Paul chastised many of them for their lack of maturity . Many were still in the “milk” stage of knowledge and obedience. Paul knew that they were falling short of true Body (church) membership (5:7-6:6). who dined on “strong meat.” Read this passage very carefully, for in it Paul was telling the Hebrews that they were exactly where the false church is today. This is serious, firstfruits information. Read 1 Peter 4:17,18. Note that he is writing to the church. He was calling them to obey God in order to attain the status of Very Elect whom Jesus mentions in Matthew 24:24, saying that even the VERY ELECT are not beyond being deceived. Remember the five foolish VIRGINS of Matthew 25. Note that they were ALL called “VIRGINS”–Christian. Read All That Glitters. Key word–Glitters.
And what is it that the very humble (Very Elect) will inherit?: “The meek (humble) shall inherit the EARTH” (Mat. 5:5). THE KINGDOM OF GOD WILL BE ON EARTH. Where is it now? Jesus tells us in His prayer to His Father: “Our Father, Who is in heaven, holy is Your name, YOUR (GOD’S) KINGDOM COME (LATER), YOUR WILL BE DONE (LATER) ON EARTH, AS IT IS (THEN AND NOW) IN HEAVEN.” Note that God’s kingdom (in heaven where His will was being done) would (later) be on EARTH. This is why it is also called the Kingdom of heaven. I take it upon myself to equate that kingdom to His true (embryonic) church on earth today. In the material world an immature, child-like adult will not inherit the family business. The same is true in the spiritual realm. The Kingdom is the family business of the Godhead (Heb. 5:7-6:6).
What will God’s earthly kingdom be like? We really do not know, for: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that LOVE HIM” (1 Cor. 2:9). Note it: In order to enter the Kingdom we must LOVE GOD. Read John 14:15,23, 15:10, Matthew 19:17 and First John 2:5. First John 2:5 packs a deep, powerful message relative to loving God, obeying Him and being “in Him.” Only those who lived “in Him” during this life will go up in the first (firstfruits) resurrection (1 Thes. 4:16). We prove our love for Him by obeying His Law (the Ten Commandments).
Where is the true Christian’s inheritance being kept at this time? In heaven (Mat. 5:12/ Lk. 6:23/ 1 Pet. 1:3,4). Clearly, it is written in the Holy Scriptures that, when Christ returns, Abraham and his spiritual children through Christ will become inheritors of God’s promises and receive their reward here on earth. But there is more to their reward. Read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key word–Caretakers. L.J.
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