The believer, having been deceived by Satan (Rev. 12:9), does not know that his salvation has been “scalped.” Outside of any sports arena one can find people who have “tickets” they will sell at a “much reduced price.” Though the tickets look exactly like the ones carried by other people who are entering the arena, they can be purchased for a fraction of the normal cost. Because of the similarity in appearance, plus the seller’s assurance that they are the real thing, the purchaser heads for the arena’s entrance, “knowing” that shortly he will be enjoying the event. However, a problem arises when he attempts to enter. His ticket, he learns too late, is bogus. Spiritually speaking, the “ticket” (belief=instant salvation) which the churchite obtained on the cheep (have it your way) will not give him entrance into the Marriage Hall of the Lamb. Both “tickets” are fakes–one gets what one pays for. The five foolish vir- gins and the sports fan have both been scalped. The outcome for each ticket-holder will be the same–rejection at the door.
Both ticket holders have succumbed to the same flesh-dominated life-style. Both refuse to check the ticket to see if it will do what it is advertized to do; both want to do as little as possible to obtain the ticket; both allow others to tell them what they want to hear; and both accept the words of their ear- scratchers without question. And like the foolish virgins who were certain that they would be allowed into the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, both will have wasted their time, money and faith. Though warned repeatedly that they must check things out before “purchasing” their “tickets,” both ignore the words of warning, buy what the thieves are selling, and live to regret it.
The “new man” is not he who is believes in Jesus, is converted, is baptized, joins the church, reads the Bible, prays, fasts, teaches, preaches, etc. The “new man” is the man who obeys God’s Word through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is led by that Spirit. But the new convert is not told this. He is assured that the instant the prescribed ritual is complete, he is all he will ever be–saved, born again, sanctified, etc. He is assured that the old man died and the new man came alive in one act. He is not told that in order for the new man to actually come alive, the old man must actually die. He is told that, because he is a life-long sinner, the old man cannot actually die. He is told that God’s concept of the death of one and the life of the other is for him to be able to sin and get away with it, that the wages of his sin is not death, but rather eternal life–the same lie the Serpent sold to Eve in the Garden of Eden. The “sinner saved by grace” is not the new man because, by his own admission he continues to sin, proving that the old man is still alive and totally in charge. The church’s (Satan’s) version of the new man is the old man white- washed. As Adam and Eve hid their sin behind a layer of leaves, churchman hides his sins behind a layer of grace and religiosity while assuring himself that he is a new man (Jude 4). Believing himself to be something he is not–a new creation in Christ–he thereby deceives himself (Gal. 6:3) and therefore remains unchanged. Grace does not permanently change old into new, it simply allows the recipient to begin life again with a clean slate–a slate that must remain clean in order to qualify for eternal life. Church people, God is calling you to come out of man’s religion and join the Body of Christ. As is the case with myself, you may be the only true Christian in your area. I live some 20 miles from the nearest Christian that I know of. But God and I create a group–God’s remnant. And when the other Christian and I meet in God’s name and power, we constitute God’s remnant church. Have questions or comments? Contact me at L. Jaques P.O. Box 2352 Athens, TX 75751 U.S.A. or or (903) 677-5642. L.J.
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