Satan’s power over the minds of a population is nowhere more evident than America’s obsession with finger-pointing–we have become a nation of victims. In modern America no one is responsible for his/her actions; the finger never points inward, but rather outward; someone or something else is always to blame for the mess in which he/she finds him/herself.
Recently in Dallas a young man was killed by a police officer after he had been recorded on a security camera breaking into a car dealership parking lot, trying to destroy a new car, driving his car through the dealership’s doors and into the lobby/showroom. Having responded to a call, the police found themselves in a confrontation with the criminal and eventually killed him. Following the incident the community went into the typical “poor old us” routine, wondering publicly “what went wrong?” The conclusion reached by the “victim’s” supporters and enablers was that the fault lay in the system, or the society, or the man, or, as one apologetic news reporter opined, it was life itself that had failed the poor, innocent fellow. Local consensus held that his death was not the fault of the man caught on film committing a series of crimes and confronting the police. That would not be politically correct.
Recently in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD two criminals were killed by the police. Recently another young man was killed following a shootout with the authorities. Though he was caught on camera with a gun in his hand running toward the police, “What happened” is still the prevailing mantra among his apologists. In another case a 20-yr-old solicited sex with a minor on the internet, got caught, and now must register as a sex offender wherever he goes for the rest of his life. His and his enablers’ question? “Why is he being punished?” They base his innocence on the fact that he did not know the girl was a minor. In each of these instances the law had been broken by the future “victim.” In each case the final outcome was someone or something else’s fault. The poor souls are in reality innocent. Those who are paid and tasked with enforcing the very laws the “victims” had broken are at fault.
Of the various causes for the final outcomes of the incidents discussed above, my favorite was “Life” itself. As the reporter who wrote about the Dallas situation lamented, for the poor victim, “… life took a bad turn.” Apparently, Life went off the tracts and pulled the poor, innocent fellow along with it. It seems that today one must be constantly on guard against that pesky rogue named “Life.” This is true even for the highest ranked “victim” this nation has ever produced. After his trist with a young White House intern came to light, President of the United States Bill Clinton lamented on international television, “These things JUST KEEP HAPPENING TO ME.” The poor soul was constantly finding himself in situations over which he had no control. According to him, situations continued to force themselves on him in spite of his heroic efforts to ward them off. Once again Life had taken a bad turn and pulled another innocent victim into the abyss with it.
Of late Bill Clinton’s wife has joined the fight to prevent all those poor victims from shouldering the blame for their demise. In a recent televised discussion with several victim enablers who were pushing the “black lives matter” theme, Hillary Clinton stated publicly that the problem with the deaths of young black males was not the people themselves, it was the system. The system, she told us, must be changed. And of course it is “the (white) man” that runs the system. Not a word was uttered concerning the criminals themselves. I have yet to hear anyone tell the truth about the deaths of so many young black males. According to the experts, the reason for their deaths could not have been that they had broken the law, confronted the authorities, etc. Those proven facts are never broached. The problem always lies with “them”–someone, anyone else. No one mentions the fact that each week on average 115 young black males are killed in this nation, and that in 96% of the cases they are killed by other young black males. No, its The Man who is to blame. Victimization=political correctness=national stupidity.
The finger pointing now so popular in this country is not a new phenomenon; it has been around since the Garden of Eden. Remember Adam’s excuse for partaking of the forbidden fruit: “The woman thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.” From Eve the Lord heard: “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” The serpent was more honest than either of them–he offered no excuse.
So who or what has infected the nation, and all so-called Christian nations, with the victim syndrome? The church, which blames all of its sins on Adam’s mysterious insertion of a sin gene into mankind’s spiritual dna. As yet, no one in either the scientific or the religious world has been able to explain exactly how he did it. The spiritual slight-of-heart not only got passed Adam and Eve, the Lord Himself failed to detect it. This was brought out when He told Cain that he could rule over sin (Satan) and remain sin free (Gen. 4:6,7). How was this possible if sin was part of Cain’s genetic inheritance? And what about Abel, whom Jesus called “righteous” (Mat. 23:35)? Righteousness is the opposite of sin. How could he be righteous in the eyes of God if he was a born sinner? The church’s response is always the same when God’s Word conflicts with sect doctrine–God lied. See the Introduction to this website for a list of some of the other lies God has reportedly told.
If we consult the Truth (Jn. 17:17) we will conclude that man himself is the causative factor when he sins. And the wages of sin, which includes crime, is eventual death. Sometimes death is immediate. Let us take responsibility for our actions, thoughts and words. Let us “Go and sin no more.” And IF we sin (1 Jn. 2:1), let us not blame others. Let us repent and permanently eliminate that sin from our lives. Let us overcome Satan as he tempts us to sin again. Let us obey Jesus Who commanded that we “… overcome (Satan) even as I overcame.” Only those who do so will sit with Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God (Rev. 3:21). L.J.
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