Throughout history individual deception at the hands of Satan has inevitably been followed by corporate deception (religious organizations). And in that, “As goes a nation’s religion, so goes the nation,” the nations in which those organizations (Catholicism/Protestantism) function will eventually fall. This final phase, which features national apostasy, is what we are witnessing at the present time, a phase that will lead the world into the Great Tribulation and World War III. The sin that brought down religious individuals, then religious corporations, is the sin that is bringing down nations. God calls that sin PRIDE, which comes before a fall. Pride is nothing more than the demand for self-direction. Let us discern how this phenomenon develops?
Initially when men began to realize their need for a Savior there was an accepted Standard (the Bible) upon which they based their new way of life. Adherence to that Standard brought success to the people relative to the degree of adherence. However, success inevitably produces pride–a Satanically initiated inward focus–which causes man to come to conclude that he is the cause of his success. This mind-set evolves from individual to corporation to nation, at which point Satan’s seed of “meism” has taken root and taken over. Pride is spiritual kudzu which, like its biological counterpart, eventually destroys that which it overtakes. From that point on the nation, just as did the individual and the church, looks to itself instead of God, causing it to depend less and less on the Standard and more and more on itself. This is commonly called “liberalization.”
Students of both social and national history readily see that each generation is more socially and morally liberal than the previous generation. As a result, each generation grows further and further away from the Bible as its behavioral foundation. Each grants itself more and more leeway in terms of thought, word and deed. The result is that now man, not God, is the final arbiter of what is right and wrong. Does this sound familiar? Check out what happened in the Garden of Eden–Adam and Eve granted themselves that same power at the urging of Satan. Nothing has changed. What this generation’s grandparents abhorred their parents tolerated. What their parents tolerated this generation embraces. I proved this in a college class recently relative to the Miley Cyrus’ sexual escapade seen by the world a while back on t.v. I asked my class what their grandparents, parents and they themselves thought of her “performance.” The results of my poll showed exactly as I predicted. That which caused their grandparents to blush is standard fare for the current generation. Question: Looking at the past and present, what do you see coming in the future? Two words sum up what I predict for not only the U.S.A. but for all of the so-called “Christian nations”–national destruction. Let us now look at some of the symptoms of national decay being witnessed throughout the Western World–the world created by God to reveal His “light” to the heathen Gentiles. The symptoms depicting our current condition were humerously voiced in a newspaper cartoon of decades gone by. In a moment of spotless clarity the main character said to his companion: “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”
In order to predict the fall and eventual destruction of the Western “Christian” World one need only study her ancient ancestor–the nation of Israel. This history is well known by even the most unlearned Bible reader. In Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26 God offers His chosen people two alternatives which would produce two types of results. Initially Israel obey Him and received His promised blessings. Then Israel began to fail spiritually. At that point His warnings beginning with Deuteronomy 28:15 and Leviticus 26:14 began to come to fruition, resulting in Israel’s removal from the Holy Land, defeat, enslavement and dispersal throughout the world–exactly as He warned. The West, most notably the United States, Great Britain and Israel, are following in their ancestor’s footsteps. How could the three most powerful nations on earth be defeated, enslaved and scattered by the heathen world? God tells us not only what is about to happen, but Whose hand is making it happen: “I WILL BREAK THE PRIDE OF YOUR POWER … AND YOUR STRENGTH WILL BE SPENT IN VAIN” (Lev. 26:19,20). Note it: God Himself will use the heathen to destroy those three nations just as He sent the Assyrians against the Israelites and the Babylonians against the Jews. In the warning portions of Deuteronomy and Leviticus He makes it clear that it is He–God–Who will use the heathen nations as His hammer against those who call themselves by His name throughout the world. Please study the history of Israel to see what is about to happen to the Western World, specifically the U.S.A., England and Israel.
The United States has not won a war since 1945. In every place where we have fought, the enemy still remains in power and is growing stronger each day. This is God’s hand in operation. Why did the Muslims come against us on 9/11? Why are they killing professing Christians in the Western World? Why are they growing in power as the so-called “Christian nations” hold meetings and hand-wringing sessions trying to figure out what to do without doing anything? BECAUSE GOD HAS BROKEN THE PRIDE OF THEIR POWER. The terrorists have stated that one day a Muslim flag will fly above the White House. THIS WILL HAPPEN IN MY LIFETIME (I am 74). Look at the thousands of American lives that have been lost and the trillions of dollars spent trying to defeat Islam. AMERICA DOESN’T REALIZE THAT SHE IS FIGHTING AGAINST GOD. “Impossible,” says the church-saturated nation. “God would never do that to His people.” Two things are wrong with that statement: 1) He did and will and 2), those who call themselves by His name are not His people. His people are those who “… hear the Word of God and do it” (Lk. 8:19-21). See Who is Your Father? Past postings have proven Scripturally that the vast majority of those who call themselves “Christians” are not His people. Only those who know, believe and obey His Word are His people. That is, unless He lied about that, as the church proclaims repeatedly and loudly.
America and her Western allies are in a collective decay spiral. Their death rattle can be heard in their words of despair and indecision and seen in their unwillingness to do what must be done to end the threat to world peace. Nor will they change. Instead of dropping to her collective knees on 9/11 and asking God for forgiveness and vowing to obey Him in the future, America declared war on terror. The results are summarized in one word–defeat. If turned loose on terrorism our military would make quick work of our enemy. But the same thing is happening that happened in all of our wars since WWII– there is a lack of will and spine in Washington, D.C. to do what needs to be done. Why? Because “I WILL BREAK THE PRIDE OF YOUR POWER.” Believers see the hand of God in our defeat, just as the prophets saw His hand in Israel’s defeat. Just as their warnings fell on deaf ears, the warnings of God modern watchmen are being ridiculed and dismissed. I weep for my wonderful country. I will end this posting with the words of Thomas Jefferson who said that he feared for his nation when he remembered that God is just. As America has sown; so shall she reap. America has sown the wind; now she will reap the whirlwind. Do not bother praying for her; God long ago turned His back on her and her fellow Western nations. Seek salvation on an individual basis. The U.S. and her spiritual kin have crossed the line of no return. National salvation is no longer available.
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