The first time I heard anyone speak on the subject of abortion was in the early 1970’s when I overheard an ordained, seminary trained minister of the gospel explain to a college class that there was nothing wrong with destroying the unborn. Interestingly, this false prophet later divorced his wife and married one of his students. His ex-wife later committed suicide. We all sin at some point, repent of our sin and move on with God. As far as I know, this “light bearer” never repented of his, never reversed course and never came to know the Lord. At that time, I knew very little about abortion. But I had enough Bible knowledge to know that human life begins at conception, making abortion nothing more than murder. As calloused as I have become over the years, I have been shocked to learn of the number of ministers and congregations that are pro-abortion. Few sins, in my opinion, bring forth God’s wrath more than the killing of innocents.
Murder Central, aka Planned Parenthood, aka Planned Murderhood (my term) is a tax-payer funded, abortion-driven organization that, according to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, performs 219 abortions for every 1000 live births (327,000+ per yr.). This string of death clinics earns 51% of its annual income from performing “fetal extractions,” $23,000,000 of which comes from the selling of fetal body parts. While hiding behind the facade of providing “female health services,” Planned Parenthood has proven to be nothing more than a chain of fetal murder clinics financed by the rest of us. To understand how lucrative the fetal death industry has become, let us consult the findings of Opening Lines, a Division of Consulting and Diagnostic Pathology, Inc. as reported on t.v. and in print in March 2000. The prices of fetal body parts varies with the age of the fetus so the list will present only the low-end prices: SKIN–$100/ EYES–$50/ THYMUS–$75/ LUNG AND HEART BLOCK–$150/ SPLEEN–$50/ PANCREAS–$75/ INTESTINES–$50/ INTACT EMBRYONIC CADAVER–$400/ UNPROCESSED SPECIMEN–$50/ BONE MARROW–$250/ GONADS–$500/ spinal cord–$324/ spinal column–$150/ KIDNEY–$125/ LIVER–$125/ EARS–$50/ INTACT CALARIUM–$125/ BRAIN–$150/ PITUITARY GLAND–$300.
In its August 6 publication, Politico reported that Advanced Bioscience Research (ABR) buys baby parts from Planned Parenthood, some of which it sells to the U.S. Government. The report noted that since 2009 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has paid ABR $257,000 for fetal tissue and other supplies. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) then paid NIH $73,000 for body parts. This means that not only does the tax-payer finance mass fetal murder through Planned Parenthood, but also pays for intragovernmental purchases of baby parts that result from the mass murder process.
In God’s Court of Law a man or woman who votes for anyone who advocates public financing of fetal murder is as guilty as the assassin who wields the knife, saw, drill, pliers, etc. Fetal murderers and their enablers (those who vote pro-abortionists into office) do not believe God’s Word and therefore discount the fact that He has total recall. They do not realize that the blood of those 60 million (and counting) human beings they have summarily killed and peddled to the highest bidder will remain on their hands until Judgment Day. Being super religious will have no effect on the outcome of their face-to-face meeting with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. L.J.
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