The expression “moral equivalency” is being bandied around these days primarily in reference to Christianity and Islam, though it sometimes involves other religions. When moral equivalency is invoked in a situation it indicates that each of the religions under consideration is equal in value and quality to the other religion(s) involved–one is not superior to the other(s) in the eyes of God. The moral equivalency theology takes basically two forms. One form involves the belief that the religion practiced by the Institutional Church based on the doctrines of Catholicism/Protestantism is morally equivalent to the religion practiced by those who use the Bible as their moral standard. The other theology centers around the belief that all religions are of equal value and quality as long as their adherents are obedient to the god(s) they profess to believe and obey. It is the stated purpose of this website to expose the errors being committed by those who practice the first type of theology which has dominated professing Christendom for over 1700 years. Therefore I will write nothing more about it at this time.
This posting will highlight a religious mindset that has developed over the past several years, one that is rapidly gaining in popularity among the world’s churches. Ironically, this theology is being peddled to the masses through the Biblical God-hating mainstream media. This belief system centers around the conviction that all religions are good and right for those involved in them, and that the end result of serving the various gods is the same–paradise. Let us address this subject.
It is understandable that those who worship one of the many gods put forth by the religious world would proclaim that their god is THE god, that their religion is THE religion, and that the doctrines of their religion constitute THE only path to paradise. It is also understandable that they believe that all other gods, religions and doctrinal systems are wrong and to be rejected outright. Throughout the world the accepted approach to religion in general is that one’s religion is right and all other religions are wrong. Period.
But not everyone involved in religion agree with this principle. Some are pantheistic, meaning that all religions are of equal value. Ironically, these people are found exclusively in one religion–professing Christianity. This in spite of the Words of the God they profess to believe and obey: “There is ONE body, and ONE Spirit, even as you are called in ONE hope of your calling. There is ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism, ONE God and Father of ALL, and through ALL and in YOU ALL” (Eph. 4:4-6).
In the previous posting titled The Love Debacle I brought out the Biblical fact that the Biblical God emphasizes strict segregation on the spiritual level because, as he said, LEAVEN LEAVENS THE WHOLE LOAF. This principle holds true in every instance. The Biblical God also commands those who call themselves by His name to ABSTAIN FROM ALL APPEARANCE OF EVIL (1 Thes. 5:22). If God is to be believed, those who are coming to this nation from the Middle East and North Africa ARE EVIL BY HIS DEFINITION OF EVIL, being the product of a heathen religion. Therefore, any association with them on a spiritual level is rebellion against God. From Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 the Lord repeatedly commands His people to have nothing to do with the world’s heathen UNLESS THEY COME TO HIS LIGHT (WORD) AND EMBRACE HIM. This is not a new revelation. In I Kings 8:41-43 we find the formula laid out. Here King David states that a stranger (Gentile heathen) that comes to Israelites because he has heard God’s “great name … strong hand and outstretched arm,” he must pray toward the Lord’s Temple … thereby showing his knowledge of His name with fear and reverence toward Him. To the contrary, the heathen our present administration is seeding among us loudly and adamantly declare that they have no intention of accepting the Christian God and His Word. Yet there is a growing number WITHIN PROFESSING CHRISTENDOM who believe that God commands the church to embrace the heathen masses, and that those who refuse to do so are “haters” who reject His commands. Welcoming the heathen masses is, they claim, “What God would have us do.” Some have “heard” God tell them to invite the God-hating heathen into their homes. In the United States, POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS CORRECTNESS AND MAN’S INTELLIGENCE HAVE REPLACED GOD’S WORD, proving once again that God was right–Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9). L.J.
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