One of the most powerful, perhaps THE most powerful weapon in Satan’s arsenal of weapons he uses to draw salvation-seekers into his religious system and keep them there is the “truth” that, as one high-ranking church official stated, “We are all flawed.” Which brings us to the final subject in this series in which we have taken a summarizing look at some of the Institutional Chruch’s most cherished heathen beliefs. Original Sin is the final posting in the Review series.
ORIGINAL SIN: Simply stated, the theory of original sin opines that man is born a sinner because of Adam’s sin-transferal miracle by which he arranged for his sin gene to automatically enter and permanently infect the fertilized egg at the instant of conception This gene is supposedly so powerful that it controls the moral life of its host until his/her death. According to this “Bible truth,” Adam’s gene can be neither altered nor removed. Like one’s eye color or height, this controlling agent (sin gene) must be accepted as a “natural” aspect of one’s life. Being natural, unchangeable and permanent, the effect of the sin gene must be accepted regardless of its host’s attitude toward it. Like foot size, what is permantly is. Period. Simply put, there is nothing man can do about his nature.
The church teaches that not even God can remove the gene and must settle for simply covering it up with Jesus’s blood. As one preacher said.: “God can’t see through Christ’s blood.” This attitude is addressed in Hebrews 6:6 where it is written that every time a church members sins he/she “crucifies Christ afresh” (again and again and again). Poor Jesus. One crucifixion was not enough to get the job done. The statement that Jesus died “once for all” is simply not true (Heb. 7:27; 9:28; 10:10/ 1 Pet. 3:18). He must be spiritually put to death every time we sin so as to keep the blood flowing to cover man’s inevitable and repeated sins. But all is well if we repent following each crucifixion (again and again and again). And Satan smiles.
Relative to the sin and repent situation, the human race is automatically divided into two classes. However, those in each group are controlled by Adam’s sin gene. Those two classes, though identical in life “walks” (both repeatedly sin), are distinguishable by their labels: “saved” and “lost.” The difference between the two groups does not involve their sin “walk” (words, thoughts and deeds), but rather the outcome of their respective “walks.” Those in the “saved” group obey their genetic dictates (to sin) without a care because they “know” that Jesus has already “paid the price” that God commands for their inevitable sins. They “know” that Jesus bore their sins for them, thereby eliminating their present guilt and their future death. Those in the “lost” group “walk” the same “walk” (they sin) and do so with the same assurance. Like their counterparts in the “saved” group, “lost” sinners feel no guilt now and “know” that there will be no price to pay later because neither sin nor God exist. Ask those in each group about the outcome of their respective sins and one will be assured that they have no guilt now and will suffer no punishment later. For both groups, the fix is in. For one, eternity in paradise is guaranteed. For the other, there is no eternity. Both are absolutely sure about what goes on after death: one will go to paradise and the other will decay. Both will die happy.
In the case of those who are “saved” at some point in their lives, sin is dealt with using a practice known as “repentance.” The rule is that each sin is followed by a statement of repentance which can be uttered immediately, or at some future time such as bedtime, Sunday morning, at Mass, etc. There is no hard and fast rule relative to the sin-to-repent time element. I call the ritual the “saved” person uses the “serial sin-repent cycle.” According to its proponents, the SSRC gives the “saved soul” freedom to sin (do what is “natural”) without guilt because “God knows I have no choice” due to Adam’s sin gene miracle. The second half of this “truth” further explains the SSRC. The system goes like this: Knowing that we must sin, Jesus voluntarily died so that the “saved soul” does not bear any of the guilt for the sin(s) involved, either in the past, now or later. The sin is supposedly forgiven as soon as the well-rehearsed words pass through his/her lips. One preacher proclaims that for the “saved” person, his/her sins are forgiven even BEFORE THE SIN IS COMMITTED. How is that for sin-removing proficiency?
Ironically, the “lost” soul is at an advantage in the sin-repent situation. Such a one is not burdened with the need for repentance. One need not repent to god for sin die because neither of them exist, but are in reality figments of religious man’s imagination. Unless, that is, he/she gets “saved.” If that happens, though he /she has no choice but to continue on his/her sinning way, all is well for his/her mansion, streets of gold, angelic companionship, an Elvis-directed choir, etc. await his/her arrival.
Now let us leave the church’s wishful thinking, self-delusional mode and delve into the world of secular and Biblical reality. Having shown church people the errors of their ways, I can assure you that the results are predictable 99% of the time. Having revealed God’s Truth to “saved” souls, I can report that this is the point in the conversation when eyes become glassy, body temperatures begin to rise, throats clear as bile begins to rise from below, etc. I understand their reactions, having been where they are spiritually. My hope is that somewhere down the line they will hear the voice of God and answer His call. But I know that, though “… many are called, few will be chosen” for having answered His call. For the “saved,” Biblical reality is spiritual poison to be avoided at all costs.
I will close this posting by directing the reader to the series titled Human Nature, key word–Human–where one will find the answer as to why both “saved” and “lost” continue to sin with reckless abandon in spite of God’s Words of warning to both groups that, in His eyes, they are one in the same. I will leave you with the words of the Lord Jesus Christ relative to those in the “saved” group: “Not everyone who says to (calls) me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that (Judgment) day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied (preached) in Your Name? and in Your name have cast out devils? and in Your name have done many wonderful works? ‘ And then I will proclaim to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU. DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO WORK INIQUITY'” (Mat. 7:21-23).
“Iniquity” is a Greek word meaning “Lawlessness.” These “saved” ministers, along with those who believed and followed them, will never have been “known” (intimately) by Jesus Christ because they refused to obey His Law,/Word/Truth, thereby proving that they did not love Him (Jn. 14:15,21,23; 15:10,22-24/Mat. 19:17/ 1 Jn. 2:5. These are those who today claim to be “saved” and “born again” but who continue to break His Law (the definition of sin–1 Jn. 3:4). “Knowing” that all is well with his/her soul, sinning is churchman simply “doing what comes naturally.” We have no power over nature. So, as a famous television preacher said, “Don’t try to be righteous; you’ll just make yourself sick. You are nothing but a society of sinners.” And Satan laughs. L.J.
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