In this posting we will examine two other “truths” that “everyone knows” are reflections of the will of God for all who call themselves His people: the Law being nailed to the cross and the immediate entrance into heaven or hell upon death. As the Scriptures will reveal to those having the desire to know God’s Truth, the moral Law of God that He condensed into Ten Commandments was not nailed to Christ’s cross. and man does not enter into paradise or a fiery pit upon taking his final breath.
THE LAW NAILED TO THE CROSS: At the Last Supper Jesus made a statement that has been embraced wholly by everyone in professing Christendom. He stated that FROM THAT TIME ON HIS BLOOD WOULD BE THE SACRIFICE FOR THE REMISSION OF MAN’S PAST SINS (JUSTIFICATION), AND THAT THE NEW COVENANT WOULD BE FOUNDED ON THAT TRUTH. He also said at that time, and had said earlier to other people, that only those who “eat My flesh” and “drink My blood” would be His people (Jn. 6:51-56). He was speaking symbolically about man’s approach to His Word–the Law–which is the will of God in written form. Jesus was the Word (Jn. 1:1-4,14) and the Truth (the Word of God–Jn. 17:17) in human form–He was “the Word made flesh.” Those who “eat His flesh and drink His blood” are those who study, believe and obey His written Word, who walk in righteousness and holiness and will inherit eternal life (Rom. 5:21; 6:22; Mat. 10:22). Isaiah 28:9-13 tells us how to study the Law/Word/Truth/Will of God in order to glean from it both His “headlines” and His “fine print” (my terms). His “headlines” tell us WHAT He promises man. The “fine print” tells man HOW to receive those promises which apply to both this life and the next. STUDY Deuteronomy 28:1-14 to learn what God will to FOR us if we obey Him in this life. Read the rest of the chapter to learn what He will TO us if we don’t. The turmoil wreaking havoc on the United States of America tells us all we need to know about America’s relationship to Deuteronomy 28:15-68. AMERICA IS RECEIVING THE CURSES BECAUSE SHE HAS FAILED TO OBEY GOD’S WORD.
Another statement that has caused much confusion relative to the stone-etched Law of God and the cross of Christ is Colossians 2:14 where the Apostle Paul is referring to the “handwriting of ordinances” (the sacrificial , ritualistic law written on a scroll by Moses) that had served to cleanse Israel’s sins until Christ came on the scene and shed His blood for that purpose. This was what Jesus was referring to at the Last Supper. Moses’ scroll was the “handwriting” that was symbolically nailed to Christ’s cross. The Holy Bible (God’s Law) will endure “until heaven and earth pass away” (Lk. 16:17). Paul noted that the Ten Commandment Law IS (then and now) “holy, just and good” (Rom. 7:12) and that he learned what sin was when He read God’s Law. He stated that upon reading the commandments he “died,” meaning that he realized that he was spiritually dead because he had broken God’s Law (Rom. 7:9). Read the series on the Law using the Word Law as the key word.
IMMEDIATE ENTRANCE INTO HEAVEN OR HELL FOLLOWING DEATH: That the dead immediately enter a good place or a bad place is a church “truth” borrowed from Babylonian mystery religions and was incorporated into the Catholic religion in the fourth century. When the protesters, called “Protestants,” later left the mother church they took many of her heathen beliefs and practices with them. One such “truth” teaches that immediately following one’s final breath the deceased person goes to either a heavenly paradise, a fiery hell, or a place where he/she waits for someone to pray them out of “purgatory.” Only Jesus has gone to heaven where He awaits the time of His return to earth to resurrect those who have obeyed Him in this life.
However, the Holy Scriptures paint a decidedly different picture of the dead, where they are and what they are experiencing. The dead, we are told, know nothing and no one. They have no concept of reality, no relationship with either the dead or the living, no concept of time or location. The dead have no God. The dead are in their final resting place and will remain there until the time for their resurrection arrives. As I point out in The Three Resurrections, key word–Three, each of us will die at our designated time and will be resurrected at our designated time. The time of one’s resurrection will be determined by one’s relationship with the Word of God. Only one human being has left the earth following death. Other theories are the teachings of heathen religions and have no connection to God’s Word on the subject.
Satan has deceived the world concerning the next life by supposedly showing people what heaven and hell are like in dreams and visions. Others have died and supposedly gone to either heaven or hell before coming back to life. Each has a story to tell. I do not doubt the dreams, visions and temporary death sights and sounds. I do question the source of their sights of heaven. Do not forget that Satan can do many of the miracles, etc. that God does. Miracles, visions, dreams, etc. must be compared to the Holy Scriptures to determine whether what one has experienced is of God or of Satan. Read Life After Death. Key word–After.
REMINDER: Instructions for downloading a series are found under the NOTICE heading on the home page of this website. I highly recommend that you read the suggested series because they add more detail to what is under discussion. Also, a list of series titles and key words are available free of charge. To receive a list email me at I will not contact you afterwards unless asked to do so. L.J.
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