In this posting we will examine the Lord’s writings concerning the Friday death and Sunday resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. We will also look at the popular theory that revolves around a WORKless salvation.
THE FRIDAY DEATH AND SUNDAY RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST: Thirteen times Jesus of Nazareth declared that He would be in the tomb three days and three nights following His death. Yet the Bible -owning “Christian world” declares that He was in the tomb only one day and two nights. Has the church caught Him in yet another lie? Is the church right in telling the world that the Lord God’s Messiah–the Savior of mankind–is an inveterate liar? Did the Biblical Jesus lie to us time and time again about a variety of things? Jesus said that He did not lie. Was He lying, as the church would have us believe?
I have yet to find even one churchite who can tell me why Jesus lied about so many things. What could have been His motive for such Satanic behavior? What benefit for Himself or for mankind did His supposed lies achieve? According to those in “the church,” In Revelation 21:8 we are told that all liars will burn in the Lake of Fire. Does that rule include Him? If not, why not? He said that we must emulate Him in order to be saved (1 Jn. 2:6). According to the church, He lied. Does this mean that we MUST LIE in order to join Him in . . . THE LAKE OF FIRE? Contrary to popular opinion, a sinner cannot save a sinner. If the church is right, the Biblical Jesus can save no one, not even Himself. The church’s solution to the problem will be discussed shortly.
According to “the church,” the lie Jesus told about His time “in the heart of the earth” stands out from all of His other lies due to the number of times He repeated it. The Biblical Jesus, Who is not a liar, was in the tomb exactly three days and three nights (72 hours). When the women arrived at His tomb early on Sunday morning, an angel met them and told them that Jesus had already risen, “… as He said,” meaning after being in the tomb THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS. The angel had no trouble believing the Lord’s Words. So why do those in the various “churches” reject so much of what He said? The answer is what I call a “spiritual switch” in which “evil is called good and good is called evil”–a Satanic maneuver in which right and wrong exchange places. God exposed this sin in Isaiah 5:20. Obviously, the “switch” has a long history and a powerful present. Billions have bought what Satan is selling.
Having rejected the Biblical Jesus because of His message, the churches have pulled off a monumental “switch” relative to their saviors. Long ago each group (denomination, faith, etc.) embraced “another Jesus.” Parishioners in each of the “bodies of Christ” chose their respective jesus because he tells them what they want to hear. The Apostle Paul warned about switching saviors in Second Corinthians 11:4. The church’s new and improved Jesuses (the “heads” of her various “bodies”) reportedly all died on Friday at sundown, spent Friday night (one night), Saturday (one day) and Saturday night (one night) in the tomb for a total of one day and two nights (36 hours). As one true believer so aptly stated, “The church can’t count to three.” For a complete explanation of Christ’s death and resurrection read Christ’s Resurrection. Key word–Christ’s.
SALVATION WITHOUT WORKS: Within church circles, “WORKS” is perhaps the worst of words. It smacks of legalism, which involves a Law. God’s Law, we are reminded periodically, was nailed to the cross of Christ. This is one of Satan’s most successful lies. Jesus is a king; a king rules his people through his law. Jesus is the true church’s king. He rules His true saints through His Law (the Holy Bible) which He condensed into Ten Commandments which must be obeyed (worked) in order to receive eternal life upon His return to earth. Only those who “ENDURE TO THE END (OF LIFE IN A STATE OF HOLINESS) WILL BE SAVED (Mat. 10:22). Holiness is attained ONLY BY OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S LAW (Ten Commandments). Read John 14:15, 21; 15:10, 22-24/ Matthew 19:17.
The reason “works” has been so maligned by the hundreds of different ‘bodies of christ’ is because Satan has deceived them, along with the rest of the world (Rev. 12:9). Of all of his victories, professing Christendom is his most prized conquest. Those within “the church” are continually assured that works have nothing to do with salvation. This in spite of the Lord’s Words to the contrary. Once again, the church has caught the Biblical Christ in a lie. Does he ever tell the truth? According to the church–rarely. This is why each church has her own jesus who, through his prophets, tells her what she insists on hearing when her parishioners meet in his honor, which is the day when sun worshipers gathered to honor their god–the sun–on “the Venerable (Holy) Day of the Sun”– SUNDAY.
I understand this, for in my ignorance I spent a number of early mornings watching the sun rise while worshiping what I believed to be the Biblical God. The observance was called a “Sunrise Service” that took place in conjunction with the observance of Easter. From God’s point of view, I was worshiping the sun, or rather the sun god–Tammuz–who was supposedly born on December 25, and continues to visit earth each year on that date where he leaves gifts under trees standing in the homes of his disciples. Read Jeremiah 10:2-4. Now back to the works lie.
The primary problem with works rejecters is that they do not understand the difference between justification and salvation. Contrary to popular opinion, they are not the same. The passage in the Bible most often misunderstood relative to this problem is found in Paul’s letter to the church at Rome. Those who merely read God’s Word and do not study it as ordered (1 Tim. 2:15/ Isa. 28:9-13) read the Word “justification” and believed it means “salvation.” Justification is the true convert’s one-time forgiveness of all of the sins one has committed in the PAST (Rom. 3:25). This act of grace renders one’s “slate clean.” One is then holy, meaning without sin. The key is to keep it clean until the end of life in order to receive salvation (Mat. 10:22).
As Paul states several times, justification is awarded strictly on the basis of man’s faith and God’s grace. Works, in the form of obedience to God’s Law, is not necessary in order to receive justification. In Romans 7:1 he writes that the Law (Ten Commandments) has dominion over a man as long as he lives. Then in 3:19-26 and 28 he writes that justification is awarded based upon our faith and God’s grace, not upon our obedience to the Law. This is where church people stop reading God’s Word and hear Satan’s voice coming from his false prophets.
By failing to study all of God’s Word on the subject Bible readers fail to learn that once our past sins have been forgiven, we are ordered to “Sin no more” (Jn. 5:14/ 8:11). Sin is the transgression of the Law (1 Jn. 3:4). Having forgiven us for breaking His Law in the past, God COMMANDS that we do not break it in the future. Obedience to the Law is the “works” / “deeds” He commands of all who will spend eternity with Him. Faith and grace cannot save the soul, as the Apostle James tells us in 2:10,14,17,18,20,24,26. STUDY these verses carefully. As verses 21 through 25 tell us, JUSTIFICATION IS RETAINED BY WORKS, Abraham and Rahab being the prime examples (21,23). These people BELIEVED God’s Words, then ACTED (WORKED) on Them. For this reason, man will be judged by his “deeds” (works–obedience to the Law) which must follow justification and conversion (Rom. 1:25/ Jam. 1:26). In Romans 2:13 Paul tells us that it is not the hearers of the Law who are justified, but the DOERS (WORKERS) of the Law who will RETAIN THEIR JUSTIFICATION.
Faith, James tells us in 21:14, cannot save the church member. He tells us time and again that faith without works (obedience) is DEAD FAITH. We live by our faith. Faith is spiritual. Therefore, dead faith produces a spiritually dead person. TO CONTINUE TO SIN FOLLOWING CONVERSION MEANS THAT ONE’S CONVERSION WAS FALSE. FALSE CONVERSION IS THE OUTCOME OF LISTENING TO SATAN’S FALSE PROPHETS WHO TELL HIM/HER THAT OBEDIENCE IS IMPOSSIBLE. Satan is the father of church conversion. Read the series on conversion. Key word–Conversion.
Satan has convinced his parishioners that obedience to the Law (Biblical works) is impossible, that sin is inevitable. However, God, through the Apostle John, tells us that one who sins is of the devil (1 Jn. 3:7,8). Read verses 3 through 8. As was the case with all of the apostles, they were writing to, for and about the church. At no time did either the prophets or the apostles write to those outside the church. First John 3:7,8 was written to church people about church people, some of whom were “of the devil” and whose conversion was bogus. The eternal question is: WHO ARE WE GOING TO BELIEVE–God’s Word or Satan’s version of God’s Word as preached by his prophets, also known as church “hirelings”–false shepherds (Jn. 10:12,13). There is a hireling/false shepherd/wolf in sheep’s clothing in every pulpit, with a minutely few exceptions (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14). A major problem is that hirelings do not know they are false shepherds/wolves because, like their followers, they believed what they were taught and failed to “study to show themselves approved of God.” The cycle continues. And Satan smiles. L.J.
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