Of all the heathen/Satanic beliefs, customs and practices embraced by the Institutional Church, the trinity theory has produced the most vitriol from church people when I point out the Biblical Truth surrounding the subject. One of my relatives refused to speak to me the last time we were together because of my Biblical stand concerning the trinity ruse. He refused to eat at the same table with me. Not long after that he became an alcoholic, moved in with a whore and was divorced by his wife. It is dangerous to reject God’s Word. For example, two of my social friends have died for no medical reason soon after rejecting God’s Word relative to His Sabbath. In both cases He had told me (through His Spirit) to tell them about His Sabbath, which I did. They did not believe His Word. He then told me that He was going to kill them. Which He did within two months of our visit. In neither case could the doctors find a reason for their deaths. In another case God instructed me to tell a man who was attending my Bible study that, if he did not stop drinking, He (God) would kill him. I did. About ten days later he dropped dead. I am glad it is the Lord Who decides who lives and who dies. He knows what He is doing. I leave it at that. In each case, and many others, the Lord spoke to me through His Holy Spirit, not through a third god, which brings us to the subject of this posting.
THE TRINITY: For the first three centuries of the New Testament Church there was no mention of a three-bodied Godhead. The word “trinity” was not used and does not appear in the Holy Scriptures. Nevertheless, once the three-god theory became “God’s Truth” it became known as the “trinity.” The early church had no teachings or beliefs relative to a three-membered Godhead because the Holy Scriptures identify two Gods. Nowhere is the Holy Spirit called a God. Nowhere is the believer told to pray to the Holy Spirit or to pray in the name of the Holy Spirit, or to ask the Holy Spirit to do anything. A powerful statement relative to the subject is found in a statement made by Jesus Himself found in John 17:3 where He says to His Father: “… this is (necessary for attaining) eternal life, they (salvation seekers) must know (intimately) You, the only true God, and Jesus Crist Whom You have sent.” If the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Godhead, do salvation seekers not need to know him? During the next six verses Jesus mentions Himself and His Father 14 times. Not once does He mention the Holy Spirit. In verse 10 He summarizes everything relative to the subject with these Words: “All mine are Yours and Yours are mine.” All true saints belong to Christ and God. Again, no mention of the Holy Spirit. Does that not tell us something?
As noted in the series titled The Trinity (key word–Trinity), the angel Gabriel defined the Holy Spirit as “the power of (belonging to) God,” not a God (Lk. 1:26-35). We are told by Jesus of Nazareth that “no man has heard God’s voice” (Jn. 5:37). Not even the man Jesus could hear God’s actual voice. Jesus heard His Father through the Holy Spirit exactly as I hear Him. When it is stated in the Bible that the Spirit said something, that was God speaking through the Spirit–God’s Words were being relayed by His Spirit. I do not know why He chooses to communicate in this way. Some things about Him are hidden from man.
For an explanation as to how the heavenly communication system works I use two example. One involves the use of a telephone in which one hears someone else’s “voice” from a distance. One is not actually hearing the other person’s voice, but rather a mechanical (and very good) representation of his/her voice. If the apparatus on each end of the conversation is taken away the speaker’s voice cannot be heard even though the person continues to speak and the listener continues to listen. Return the devices to their proper places and the person’s voice can again be heard. The speaker’s voice is carried by a mechanical apparatus which, in the spiritual sense, represents the Holy Spirit. Another example is a garage door opener. The apparatus is activated; power goes to receiver inside, the garage and the door opens. The sender and the receiver are connected by an electrical impulse. The battery’s power that connects the gadget to the motor represents the Holy Spirit. This is a crude explanation of how the Holy Spirit carries God’s voice to human beings who have received it. It is that same Spirit by which miracles are performed and truths are voiced. I have spoken truths I did not know prior to hearing them come through my lips.
In Old Testament times the Almighty spoke His will directly to the other, and equal, God known as “the Word” (Jn. 1:1-4,14). The Word would then speak His wishes into being. Relative to the creation of the universe, “He (the Word) spoke, and it was done; He commanded and it (the universe) stood fast” (Ps. 33:9). These Two Gods are the “Us” and “Our” referred to in Genesis 1:26.
The Word–the God with whom Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Jacob and others would meet with face-to-face–would later speak to the Old Testament prophets through His Holy Spirit. That same God came to earth as a man–Jesus of Nazareth–and spoke to people face-to-face. Everything He did He did through the power of God’s Spirit (Mat. 12:28/ Lk. 4:18). His apostles perform miracles today by that same Spirit. Warning: not everyone who preaches, builds churches, baptizes people and performs miracles in Christ’s name is a son of God. Read Matthew 7:20-23. Upon His return to heaven Jesus now speaks to and ministers through His apostles by the power of the Holy Spirit.
“No man has seen God (Who is a spirit–Jn. 4:24) at any time” (1 Jn. 4:12). At times the Word–the God of the Old Testament Who became the Christ of the New Testament–would appear to and talk with people like Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, etc. He (Jesus) is now a spirit, so He speaks to His apostles through the Holy Spirit. Read The God of the Old Testament. Key word–Old.
I have heard God’s voice many times as His Spirit spoke to me in my heart (mind). That voice has never been wrong when God, through the Spirit, has told me what He was going to do, or had done, or wanted me to do. Admittedly, I have failed to follow His orders on occasion and have lived to regret it. When I have obeyed His spiritual voice He has performed miracles that shocked me, and I am not easily shocked.
Throughout the first three hundred years of her existence, the New Testament Church knew nothing about a “trinity. Therefore the obvious question is, from whence came the theory and why did it find a welcome home in the church during the fourth century? As is the case with the vast majority of false teachings, the trinity originated in the heathen world. And as is normally the case, the Roman Empire was instrumental in the theory becoming a foundational belief within Catholicism. Each of the heathen beliefs listed in the introduction to this series came into the church as a result of Roman conquests of many nations, each of which had its own gods, truths, customs, etc. When a nation was conquered the Romans forced the conquered people to join the Catholic Church which accepted many of their gods, beliefs, rituals, etc. by incorporating them into her catechisms. The word “Catholic” means universal. She was designed by her founder to appeal to any and all religious people. Read Simon of Samaria. Key word–Simon.
The so-called “trinity” belief was brought into the church by one of the nations the Roman Empire had defeated nation whose god had one body and three heads. In order to appease that god’s worshipers, the church changed her Godhead from two Gods to three, thus the title “trinity.” The first trinity was made up of Mary, Jesus and Joseph. After several changes the authorities settled on God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I have heard that Mary was later declared to be the Holy Spirit.
Another question that must be answered concerns how the church fathers convinced the people to accept those all of the different gods, goddesses, doctrines, beliefs, rituals, etc. The answer can be summed up in one word: IGNORANCE. For hundreds of years Catholics were not allowed to read or hear the Holy Bible. Doing so could incur the death penalty. In this way the leaders kept the laity in the dark relative to God’s Word. Sermons were preached in Latin which the people did not understand. In this way the priesthood forced the people to believe what they were told, not what was in the Bible. No one was allowed to question the words of a priest. For this reason numerous heathen beliefs were believed to be Biblically true for hundreds of years. The invention of the printing press resulted in the Bible being made available to people all over the earth in a variety of languages. Suddenly, Satan and his church had a problem.
What were they to do? The people could now read the Bible and learn the Truth. They came up with a plan. They would convince the people that they need not learn, believe and obey God’s Word. They needed only to believe in Jesus and all would be well. Nothing has changed. The fix, the whole of professing Christendom is assured repeatedly, is in. Only two things must be done to be saved: believe and repent, which explains why the world, along with the church, is rotting from within.
When Martin Luther and his followers left the Catholic Church they took with them many of her heathen beliefs and practices. The protesters’ departure from the mother church was not due to a disagreement concerning beliefs, doctrines and customs. The Protestant’s left the Catholic Church because of the personal conduct of the priests. As we hear on a regular basis, nothing has changed within Catholic leadership circles. Both Catholics and Protestants continue to serve Satan today by embracing the beliefs and practices being exposed in this series and on the website in general.
The two heads of the religious serpent known as “Christianity” differ very little in terms of basic beliefs. Like mother–like daughter. They are now beginning to join forces. In the end they will unite and become one world-encompassing church. Read Revelation 17:1-6 for a description of their relationship that will develop during the final days of this era. Here John is describing the one-world church that will come into being during the days leading up to Christ’s return. The Great Whore riding the political beast will be comprised of the “mystery Babylon” (Catholic) Church along with her harlot (Protestant) daughters. This huge, one-world church will be led by the False Prophet, whom I believe will be the final pope (16:13; 19:20; 20:10). For more details regarding the end-time church, read The Ingathering: the Rise of the End-time Church. Key word–Ingathering. L.J.
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