Periodically I feel the need to review the ministry’s mission statement found on the homepage of this website at People who are searching for God’s Truth continue to “find” this ministry on the internet and, having written over 2600 postings, I know that most people do not have the time to read all of them immediately so as to know the direction the ministry is headed. A periodic review of the main tenants allows new readers to get into the flow of where God’s Word is taking us early on.
This work is designed to reveal what the Godhead (Father and Son) wrote in their Holy Bible concerning the fallacies with which Satan has deceived the Institutional Church into accepting as “God’s Truth.” By keeping his disciples focused on God’s “headlines” and keeping them blinded to His “fine print,” he (Satan) maintains strict control over what is commonly called “the church.” The difference between the Church of God (not the denomination) and “the church” is the difference between the real and the counterfeit. The difference between the doctrines believed and obeyed by God’s church and those embraced by “the church” constitute the difference between life and death.
The Lord differentiates between Satan’s church and His church by taking the reader to His pure Word that sheds His light on those conflicting doctrines and proves which is which. This website is dedicated to those in the Catholic/Protestant Church System who realize that they are being led astray and are looking for someone who can lead them through God’s strait gate and along His narrow way leading to eternal life.
The counterfeit church is Satan’s most effective instrument of deception. By it he lures the salvation-seeking masses to himself by convincing them that, by joining “the church,” they have become the Body of Christ. His success can be quantified by consulting any telephone book, looking under CHURCHES, and counting.
Beginning with this posting we will briefly examine a number of heathen beliefs, customs and practices that serve as foundational doctrines upon which “the church” is built. I will examine each of these counterfeit “truths” in a summary format and will then refer the reader to the original series where he/she can gain more information more on the subject. We will briefly examine the following pagan beliefs that the church has embraced in the order in which they are listed: The Sunday Sabbath, Christmas, Easter, New Years, salvation/rebirth in this life, denominations, the rapture, the Trinity, the Friday death and Sunday resurrection of Jesus Christ, salvation without works, the Law nailed to the cross, immediate entrance into heaven or hell at death, replacement theology, original (Adam-caused) sin. Let us begin.
THE SUNDAY SABBATH: Knowing that His fourth commandment would be the one Satan would use to draw most salvation seekers away from Him (God) and to himself (Satan), the Lord made three covenants that deal specifically with that subject. In Genesis 2:1-3 we find the first reference to God’s Holy Sabbath (Heb–rest). Here we are told that He rested (“refreshed Himself”–Exo. 31:17) after six days of creation. He declared to the world that the seventh day was special to Him when He “blessed” THAT specific day and “sanctified” IT (set IT AND ONLY IT aside for holy use). Not only did He bless and sanctify the seventh day, He also identified with THAT DAY by designating it as: “My Holy Day” (Isa. 58:13). He designated that day, and only THAT day, of each week as being special to Him. He would later decree that those who would spend eternity with Him would also call it special and rest on THAT day.
In Exodus 20 He tells those who would spend eternity with Him to REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY and to KEEP IT HOLY (by sanctifying it). Note that He wrote more about the fourth commandment than about any other commandment. In Matthew 24:20 Jesus reminds us that at the beginning of the Great Tribulation the command to observe THE SABBATH DAY will still be in effect.
The counterfeit church has changed the Lord’s Holy Sabbath Day to Sunday–the day sun worshipers pay homage to their sun god. “The church” unknowingly worships the sun on the “Venerable (holy) day of the Sun (god).” We must always view things from God’s perspective, WHICH IS THE ONLY PERSPECTIVE THAT COUNTS. When we do what we want to do on His Holy Sabbath Day we DESECRATE THAT DAY (Isa. 58:13,14) which He blessed, sanctified and embraced as His special day. We further disrespect the Lord by paying homage to the sun god on the day Pope Sylvester I designated as the new Sabbath in 364 A.D. Therefore, when we observe the Sunday Sabbath we commit a double sin by obeying the man who changed God’s Holy Day from the seventh day of each week to the first day of each week.
No man can change what God has decreed. To be legitimate, any change of a Godly decree must be done by the One Who decreed it. Not even Jesus of Nazareth could do that. For more information read the series using the word Sabbath as the key word. Read the homepage for instructions for downloading a desired series. Look under the heading: NOTICE. Also, a list of series titles is available at no cost by emailing me at L.J
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