Beginning in the Garden of Eden, human beings have been given two choices relative to how they live their lives. From food choices to god choices, man is a decision-making entity whose will determines which choices he makes. Some things we do lead to life; some lead to death. What jacket one wears today is irrelevant in the great scheme of things. However, whether one paid for the jacket or stole it is totally relevant. For those who profess the Biblical God as their Lord and Master, life’s choices are simple and clear. With the help of God’s premier enemy, religious man has managed to muddle the clear teachings of the Almighty to the point that there are literally hundreds of interpretations of the Word of God. As a result, situational ethics now rules the day in much of the so-called Christian world. Satan’s attempt to confuse the issue of life and death began in the beginning. The Biblical account of the Eden episode can be understood by anyone who can read or understand the words of others. However, confusion rules the day. As Jesus tells us in Revelation 12:9, “Satan has deceived the whole world.”
As the result of the devil’s deceptive skills, the unchurched world views the Holy Bible as a fable that has no relevance in their lives. Over time, this attitude made its way into the church. For proof, look at the church’s evolving attitude toward acts that God clearly condemns in His Book of Life. Good examples of the shift from churchman’s adherence to His rules to this embracing of Satan’s rules are the evolution of church attitudes toward sexual deviance, same-sex marriage, abortion, etc. A recent poll of church arch-conservatives known as “evangelicals” revealed that 54% of those polled were in favor of abortion. Churches flying the rainbow flag are increasing in number daily. The centuries-old split of the church into two groups, then later into hundreds of groups, is a prime example of Christianity’s disregard for the book that explains God’s will for those who claim allegiance with Him and His Son. How many “churches” embrace the heathen doctrines and practices found in the introduction to this website? As I have stated before, a good indication as to how successful Satan has been in destroying God’s church, check any phone book under the “CHURCHES” heading–and count.
At one time the church was a powerful destroyer of Satan’s influence wherever she existed. That all changed as religious man followed in Adam’s footsteps and set out to create his own versions of good and evil. From that time on Satan slowly gained control over man until he now rules the entire earth, with the exception of a minutely few true believers who refused to abandon God and His ways. Over time their numbers increased, but slowly. Today there are several thousand true believers world-wide. Upon Christ’s return to earth to establish His Father’s Kingdom He will bring with Him from the first resurrection 10,000 saints. (Jude 14,15) who will aid Him in building the kingdom. This group will include all who lived and died in a state of holiness beginning with Abel and ending with those true saints still in the earth when Christ appears in the clouds, resurrects them and calls them up to where He awaits their arrival. Their gathering unto their Savior will be followed by the ascension of the righteous saints who are still alive at His coming. Read The Three Resurrections and The Rapture. Key words–Three and Rapture. For a clear picture of the first resurrection read First Thessalonians 4:16,17. Those who rise in the first resurrection will forever be with Christ in the Kingdom of God. Read that series. Key word–Kingdom.
God’s first humans came under Satan’s seductive spell not long after their creation. This history-changing episode is explained in the first three chapters of Genesis. To show what God intended for mankind’s life to be like one need only read about the Garden of Eden–the paradise He created for mankind where he was to live in peace, joy and plenty. As did the angels, man was given the power of choice. And as did 1/3 of the angels, Adam and Eve made the wrong choice. It did not take the Serpent (Satan–see Rev. 12:9; 20:2) long to convince the first two humans to reject God’s way and to embrace Satan’s way. God’s way has always been geared to His will. Satan’s way has always been geared to his will. Satan’s way is to allow man to determine what he (man) wills for himself. God’s way is for Him (God) to determine what is best for man. The enemy’s plan is plainly revealed in Matthew 16:23 where Jesus speaks to Satan who has taken over Peter’s mind and tongue. As Jesus said, Satan’s goal is to give man what he (man) wants, and in that way, to capture man’s heart (mind). The condition of the world today reveals how successful he has been. Professing Christendom’s spiritual condition reveals that Satan’s conquest of the Institutional Church is, with the exception of a few thousand God-fearing, Bible-obeying souls, total. For this reason Jesus said that where two or three are gathered together in His name, He would be among them. He knew that very few people would choose to resist Satan’s man-pleasing temptations (Mat. 7:13.14; 18:20). An example of how the church rejects God’s Word is found in my experience. Everyone who takes the local newspaper knows who I am and what I believe due to the articles I have written. Yet I can count on one hand the number of people who have stood up for God’s Truth in this area. Satan rules the churches of the county in which I live. I see no reason to believe that any other county in the nation is any different. If a religious organization is called Catholic or Protestant it is controlled by Satan, a fact which this website proves using God’s Holy Bible.
To understand how Satan gained control over mankind we need look no further than the center of the Garden of Eden where we find two trees which, from the beginning, have been decision-central relative to right and wrong, life and death. These two trees are the heart and core of the Holy Bible, yet their true meaning, or even their existence, remain a mystery to most of mankind. Though the foundational doctrines of good and evil, life and death have been misunderstood by the masses, they give simplicity and clarity to those who will seek the mind of God as found in His Holy Scriptures, study that incredible, all-knowing mind, believe what its Owner has preserved in print for thousands of years, then obey it. Let us be about doing exactly that so that we can spend eternity with Him and His Son in the paradise known as the Kingdom of God. If you have not read the series by that name, do so soon. Upon doing so you will know what 99.99% of the world’s population does not know. Warning: Be prepared to unlearn approximately 99.99% of the so-called “truths” you have ever been taught about the next life. It is neither what nor where you have been told. Also, those who will live there are not who you have been told they will be. What the few who will eventually live there will spend their time doing before going there is also a mystery to the masses, including the church masses. As this website has proven time and again, Satan is a master of hiding God’s Truth and substituting his (Satan’s) truth. Jesus has much to say about that Truth. To summarize what He has written in the Bible, He tells those who are super religious but who do not obey His Words: “You are of your (spiritual) father, the devil” (Jn. 8:44). Clear Enough.
We are living in the end of the end of time. The Lord is revealing to His true ministers that which has been under seal for thousands of years. These men are being used to spread the Word concerning this information. A few people–those with eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to believe and obey–are embracing what they are being taught. Those who obey what they are being told will rise in the first resurrection, then be allowed to go with Jesus to the Promised Land where He and they will build the Kingdom of God. Let us now be reminded of what one must do in order to enter that earthly paradise.
That righteousness and holiness are commanded in order to receive eternal life in that paradise is the major theme of the Holy Scriptures. In Romans 5:21 and 6:22 this Truth is stated in the clearest of terms. Namely, that the END RESULT of living a post-conversion life of RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOILINESS (walking as Christ walked–1 Jn. 2:6) is EVERLASTING LIFE. Note that salvation is the FINAL PAY-OFF FOR OBEYING THE LORD’S LAW/GOSPEL/TRUTH. Just believing the Bible is not enough. Satan believes the Scriptures and knows that they are true. SATAN HAS MORE FAITH THAN 99.99% OF PROFESSING CHRISTENDOM. AND LIKE THEM, HIS FAITH IS DEAD (Jam. 2:10,14,17,18,20,24,26. Man “lives by faith.” Faith is a spiritual entity. Dead faith indicates a spiritually dead man. No amount of churchivity will change that Biblical Truth.
Matthew 10 tells us that salvation will come to those who endure Satan’s temptations and the religious world’s persecution UNTIL THE END OF THIS LIFE (vs 20). Elsewhere Christ tells us that salvation will be awarded UPON HIS RETURN, not before. Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope. The following posting will involve God’s instructions in righteousness which, as Romans 5:21 and 6:22 tell us, is absolutely essential for receiving the promises of God. In Second Timothy 3:16 the Apostle Paul tells us exactly where to find the instructions we must obey–THE WORD OF GOD and nowhere else. Notice that one of the specifically named purposes of the Holy Scriptures is to provide “training in righteousness.” In the following posting we will delve into the Lord’s instructions so as to see where Adam and Eve went wrong and where we, by listening to the Almighty’s voice, can go right. L.J.
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