In the previous posting we began studying what Jesus Christ tell us about the persecution of His true saints by those close to them. Let us return to Matthew chapter 10 where, in verse 22, He reminds us that in order to attain eternal life, we must endure persecution until the end of life. The formula laid down repeatedly by the Lord is: NO PERSECUTION=NO CHRISTIANITY. If we are accepted by the world, including the church world, on the spiritual level, WE ARE PART OF THE WORLD. As verse 21 reminds us, the saint’s spiritual separation from the world can become especially burdensome when it involves our loved ones, many of whom are very religious. Recall that, throughout His ministerial life, Jesus was rejected by His immediate family and friends who were embarrassed by what He was saying and doing. Read Matthew 12:46-50 and John 7:3-5.
In verses 21 and 34-39 the saint is reminded that those close to him/her might cause his/her death. In verse 21 Jesus warns that siblings will deliver up their siblings to the authorities for being followers of the Biblical God. Father will betray their children and children will betray their parents, and assumably grandparents as well as other relatives. The true saint will be hated of ALL (categories) of people for Christ’s name sake. In verses 34-37 we are told why there will be such hatred among family members. Here Jesus warns that He did not come to make people feel good, but rather to convict them of their sins. He said: “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth, but rather a sword (His Word–Eph. 6:17). For I came to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.” If we “walk as He walked” (1 Jn. 2:6) then we will have the same effect on people as did He.
In verses 37-39 Jesus warns about choosing one’s relatives over Him. In some cases, living in peace with God and with others is not possible. If necessary, we must be willing to give up our loved ones in order to follow the Lord. Fortunately, this life is short. It is the next one for which we are working. With that in mind, let us see what is in store for those who pay the price in this life. Good news awaits. Let us delve into it.
Human history reveals the fact that human governments, and sometimes family units, are unable to affect true peace in this life. But there is a better earthly life coming for those who count the cost of obeying God and are willing to pay it (Lk. 14:28). Notice that Jesus uses a conflict (warfare) scenario when making the point. That’s because serving God and getting along with others often results in spiritual warfare–the force of God against the force of Satan. God’s people must walk away from family and/or friends if it becomes necessary to do so in order to serve Him. In the future we will find that whatever sacrifices we had to make will pale into insignificance when we enter the Kingdom of God. Now let us mentally travel to that wonderful time and examine the promised world of peace, happiness and abundance that awaits those who “endure the hatred of others to the end” (Mat. 10:22).
Many years ago God sent His fellow God (the Word–Jn. 1:1-4,14) to the world in the form of a man named Jesus of Nazareth. He came with a special message for those among humankind who want to spend eternity with Them in an earthly paradise. The message was called THE GOSPEL. The word “Gospel” in the Greek language means “GOOD NEWS.” Contrary to universal church opinion, the good news is not about Jesus Christ, but rather about the Kingdom of God that would be made possible by His death and resurrection (Mk. 1:14/ Lk. 9:2). The news about the kingdom is the greatest information concerning the future available today. It involves the establishment of an earthly paradise from whence Christ and His Very Elect will rule the universe forever. Read The Kingdom of God for an in-depth study of that wonderful near-future reality. Read Luke 1:30-33 and Revelation 11:15; 22:3-5). Upon His return, Jesus will set about completing the promised “restitution (restoring) of all things” (Acts 3:20,21).
We are not allowed to know exactly when the first resurrection, the descent of the saints to earth and the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the area God promised to the descendants of Abraham will take place. However, we can recognize the signs leading up to His return left for us by the Bible writers. One general sign comes to life before us as we watch the evening news: “As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Mat. 25:37). Recall that mankind was so evil during the era of Noah’s ministry that God had to kill everyone on earth except Noah and his family. Think about this: Noah was the only man of God on earth during His time. The entire world rejected his message and, with the exception of seven family members, were killed by the Lord. At least Jesus had about 120. Noah had seven parishioners, about whom we know very little.
Concerning the time of Christ’s return, In Matthew 24:3-8, 33,34 Jesus tells us that when we see the world in a condition of stress and turmoil we will know that the end is near, “even at the doors.” In verses 21 and 22 Jesus tells us that the final days of the world will be worse than all other bad times combined, and that if He did not return, no one would survive (Mk. 13:19). Each of these references proclaim that the end time is like nothing ever experienced before. Therefore, they must all be referring to the same event.
Over time many of the Biblical signs marking the approach of the end have come to pass, including the drying up of the Euphrates River (Rev. 16:12) which is taking place now. The final sign–the only one left unfulfilled–is recorded in Luke 21:20. Read Signs of the End of the Age. Key word–Signs. Jesus said that the generation that sees these signs materialize will see the coming of the Lord. Years ago I asked Him to allow me to live to see His Son’s Second Advent (Mat. 10:33,34). I am sure He has granted my request. I expect the Tribulation Period to begin within the next five years or so. Immediately following that 3 1/2 year period of hell on earth, Christ will return and what we are exploring in this and the following segment will begin.
In the final posting of this series we will allow God to tell us what the return of Jesus Christ will entail. Will there be a pre-advent “rapture” in which those in “the (fill in the blank) church” will be secretly snatched up to heaven (called the “pre-trib” rapture)? Or will the rapture come in the middle of the Tribulation Period (called the “mid-trib” rapture)?” Or, as some believe, will it come at the end of the period (called the “post-trib” rapture)? Read The Rapture for the Biblical answer. Key word–Rapture. L.J.
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