In the 24th chapter of Matthew’s Gospel we find Jesus warning His disciples about what would soon be sweeping across the surface of the earth. He labeled this passage of time “the beginning of sorrows” (vs 8) which, as anyone can see, the world has been wallowing in for the past 2000 years. He then waxes specific in verses four through seven, warning the disciples about religious deception, war, famines, disease epidemics and earthquakes. Beginning in verse nine He explains that the world, including the church world, would hate His true saints. All nations would hate those who would believe and obey His Word, some of whom the world would kill. Over time hatred of Him and His way would sweep the world as false prophets rose to prominence in religious circles. These smooth-tongued, miracle-working religious giants would deceiving MANY salvation seekers (vss 9-11), even some of God’s Very Elect (vs 24). Recall that it was the super religious who killed Christ and the apostles. Hatred of His people still continues within professing Christendom.
In Matthew 24:12 we find the reason for the world’s hatred for God’s true saints. God’s people continue to obey His Law. The counterfeit Catholic/Protestant Church System hates God’s Law and those who believe and obey it. This is brought out by Jesus Himself in Luke 10:16 where He says that those who reject His Word (Law/Truth) prove that they despise (hate) both Him and His Father. We are told the same thing in Deuteronomy 7:9-12 where we find Moses, speaking the Words the Lord had spoken to the Israelites from atop Mt. Sinai and wrote in stone with His own finger–the Ten Commandments. Moses also says that God will have mercy on those who LOVE HIM and PROVE their love for Him by keeping His commandments and judgments. However, He would repay those who HATE HIM (vs 10) and prove it by not keeping His Law. Moses had just recited God’s Law to Israel as recorded in chapter five. God had audibly spoken this Law 40 years earlier. As John 14:15,23; 15:10/ Matthew 19:17 and First John 2:5 tell us, our love toward God must be proven by our love of and obedience to His Law. NOWHERE DOES HE EXCLUDE COMMANDMENT NUMBER FOUR. Jesus told His disciples that they were His disciples indeed: “If you obey My commandments” (Jn. 8:31), including #4. Recall that the Apostle James stated that to break one commandment makes one iniquitous (a Law breaker)–James 2:10). This includes commandment #4.
Because Satan’s false prophets have deceived “MANY” salvation seekers into entering his wide, inclusive gate and walking in his broad, iniquitous (Lawless) way, only a “FEW” salvation seekers will rise to meet the Lord in the air upon His return (Mat. 7:13,14). Remember that God’s dealings with Israel were recorded and preserved to be used as teaching tools for “us (the New Covenant church) upon whom the end of the world has come” (1 Cor. 10:11). Remember also that the church was founded on the teachings of the PROPHETS and the apostles (Eph. 2:20), and that those holy men of old spoke (and wrote) as they were moved upon by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21), and that all Scripture was written under the inspiration of that Spirit (2 Tim. 3:14-16), and that WE MUST PROVE OUR LOVE FOR GOD BY OBEYING HIS TEN COMMANDMENT LAW (Jn. 14:15,23; 15:10/ Mat. 19:17). Law deniers are Christians In Name Only (CINOs) who prove that they hate both Father and Son by rejecting Their Law (Genesis to Revelation) which the Lord condensed into the Ten Commandments.
Which brings us to Matthew 24:12 and 13 where Jesus describes the attitude salvation seekers’ would exhibit toward His Law in the last days: “And because INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS) WILL ABOUND, THE LOVE OF MANY (for God’s Law and therefore God Himself) WILL GROW COLD.” Only the few who maintain their love for God until the end will be saved. What caused the vast majority of church people to reject God’s Law and thereby turn away from Him over the past few centuries? What caused the true fire of Godly holiness to be extinguished and replaced by the false fire of Satanic religiosity? History tells us.
The Roman Empire ruled much of the known world for much of recorded history. They gained total control over those they conquered but then embraced many of their gods and their theologies. The most popular god was the sun which was worshiped on its venerated (holy) day–Sunday.” In order to appease the large number of sun worshipers in the empire, Roman Emperor Constantine changed the day of religious observance throughout the empire to Sunday–“the venerable day of the sun” (god). This change became official in A.D. 321 when he issued an edict forbidding work on Sunday. Then four years later he did away with the observance of Passover and instituted the worship of a female deity who came to be known as Easter throughout the empire and later the world, including the so-called “Christian world.” He also decreed that Easter must be observed on Sunday.
In A.D. 363 at the Council of Nicea the Catholic Church, in keeping with the Roman Empire, decreed the Sunday Sabbath law throughout the church and commanded that church people work on the Lord’s Sabbath and hold worship services on the first day of the week–the day of the sun–Sunday. Using the power of the Roman Empire the Catholics forced all people in the kingdom to join the Catholic Church. This included multitudes of sun worshipers, whose god, beliefs and customs she absorbed into her religion by uniting them with her perverted version of true Christianity. This is how the Sunday Sabbath came to be a dominant factor in the Catholic Church. During the Inquisition the Catholics killed millions of people for refusing to honor her sun god.
When the Protestants left the mother church they took many of her heathen beliefs, gods and practices with them, believing them to be of the Lord. The worship of the sun god on his day was one of them. See the Introduction page to this website for a list of other heathen beliefs and practices professing Christendom embraces to this day in spite of the fact that God expressly condemns them in His Holy Scriptures. The Protestants did not leave the Catholic Church because of her heathen theology, but rather because of the personal sins of the priests. In fact, they took many of her Babylonian precepts with them, one of which is the worship of the sun god on his day–Sunday. For a more complete understanding of the origins of many of the Catholic/Protestant Church System’s beliefs and customs, read Simon of Samaria: The Legacy. Key word–Legacy.
For a Biblical view of the Catholic “whore” church and her Protestant “harlot” daughters, read Revelation 17:1-6 where we find the whore church riding a “beast,” which represented both the Roman Empire of the past and the revived Roman Empire of the immediate future. The Catholic Church will once again “ride” (influence) that beast that is rising in Europe at this time for the final time. Just as the Catholic Church was the only church allowed to exist in the first Roman Empire, she will also “ride” (influence) the next world-ruling empire (beast) just before Christ returns. This beast is known as the European Union at this time. Watch as the German-led beast grows in military might until she becomes the most powerful empire on earth once again. Catholicism is now her official religion. Once again this whore church will “ride” the mighty beast. Once again this church-state consortium will rule the world during the time Biblically titled the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord–the final 3 1/2 years (48 months) of this world as we know it. I believe that the “false prophet” of Revelation 16:13; 10:20; 13:12 and13 and 20:10 will be the reigning pope. L.J.
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