This posting is a follow-up to the posting titled Passover vs Easter.
That the early church ate the Passover meal, which included the taking of bread and wine in obser- vance of Christ’s death, is evidenced by the writings of the New Covenant authors. In First Corinthians 5:7,8 Paul notes that “For indeed Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us, therefore let us keep the (Passover) feast. In Acts 18:21 he is in a hurry to get to Jerusalem because “… I must by all means keep this (Passover) feast.” John (13:1) calls the meal the “… feast of Passover.” In these passages Paul and John use the terms “THE” and “THIS” when referring to the feast, proving that they were referring to a specific, definite feast that was routinely being celebrated in the New Covenant Church some 25 years after her founding. Concerning the ordinance that came to be known as “Communion,” in the early church the communal bread and wine were partaken of as part of the Feast of Passover, not as a separ- ate event apart from the feast. In Matthew 26:26-28 Jesus and His disciples were eating what would become known as The Last Supper. Notice when Communion was taken: “And AS THEY WERE EATING, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it and gave to His disciples, saying, ‘Take, eat; this is My body.” Then He took the cup (of wine), gave thanks and gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink of it, all of you, for this is My blood of the New Covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins.'”
Bread produced in those days consisted of loaves which were broken by hand into small pieces to be eaten along with whatever else was available. The Communion bread used by the Lord and His disciples was probably a single large loaf from which small pieces were broken off during the meal. Notice that He broke of a piece for each of the disciples. For certain it was not presented in the form of a small, round wafer–a custom borrowed from Egyptian sun-worshipers who formed the wafer to symbolize their sun-god. From Babylonian religions came the use of “hot cross buns” to be consumed on “Good Friday.” Such is the pagan nature of the celebration of various sex goddesses worshiped throughout the pagan world. “Easter” is the Western world’s goddess.
Knowing God’s commands to reject the ways of the heathen, that they are an abomination to Him (Jer. 10:2), why did the professing church adopt this most heathen of customs? When did Passover become offensive to the church to the point that she refused to observe it, and why did she continue to embrace the ordinance of what is known as the Eucharist/Communion? As is always the case when man rejects God’s Way and adopts another way, Satan-induced heathenism is involved. In the case of the Passover Feast and Communion, a “doctrine of devils” (1 Tim. 4:1) has replaced God’s command. Let us look at this example of heresy from a historical perspective.
Early Christians called their Holy Day meals “love feasts” (Jude 12). During the Passover Feast they took the designated sharing of the bread and wine as an extension of the meal itself, the Lord’s last supper being their example. Beginning in the second half of the second century the meal and communion began to be observed at different times by the largest and most politically powerful part of professing Christen- dom known as the Universal (Catholic) Church. This powerful body did not want non-catholics to partake of the ceremony which they labeled as the Eucharist. Having absorbed so many sun-worshiping “converts” into her midst, Easter and the Eucharist soon came to be the “right” observances for “the church.” By abandoning the Passover Feast and Communion, she excluded God’s people from her religious observances.
When the so-called Protestant Revolution took place, the “protesters” took with them many of their mother’s Romish practices, among them the rejection of God’s commanded Passover Feast. For this reason God refers to them as the harlot daughters of the Great Whore (Rev. 17:1-5).
One would expect the Whore’s Harlot Daughters (denominations) to turn from their errors after being made aware of God’s Truth. Their reaction, however, ranges from indifference to hostility. Having been deceived into believing that they are already saved and born again, they refuse to obey God’s “Sword of the Spirit” (His Word), depending rather on Satan’s silky feather that gently scratches their itching ears. Having caught God in yet another lie, they blithely and blindly stroll along the devil’s smooth, wide way, content in the knowledge that their mansions in heaven await them.
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