The United States–the ONE NATION UNDER THE GOD SHE CLAIMS TO TRUST–leads the “Christian world” in a variety of categories, most of them bad. One such category involves the realm of imagination. For “Christian America” and those who follow in her religious footsteps, imagination is the new reality. Imagination allows man to form an image of something that does not actually exist. This phenomenon is known by names such as “day dreaming,” “wistful thinking,” “flights of fancy” and “fantasy.” Those who tend to face reality head-on rarely delve into that imaginary world. When they do they know from start to finish what is going on–they have no trouble distinguishing between the real and the imaginary. Not so the liberal. Whether religious or political, the liberal refuses to differentiate between fact and fantasy. In the liberal world, facts are irrelevant except when they seem to confirm fantasy.
That which calls itself “the church” leads the American nation, and therefore the world, in imaginary “truth.” Facts, in this case the writings found in the Holy Bible, have no effect on the religious mind-set– TRUTH IS WHATEVER THE CHURCH WILLS IT TO BE. I have been amazed at Bible-toting, Scripture-quoting, cross-wearing, self-professed children of God who, when presented with God’s Truth on His written page, go to great lengths to rationalize it away. As I have stated before, this insistence on self-direction is what separates sheep from goats, wheat from tares, etc. Sheep/wheat will investigate the Scriptures in question and, if they find themselves to be in the wrong, will abandon their error and openly embrace God’s Truth. Conversely, goats/tares see no need to be corrected by God in that they “know” they are right.
In Amos 3:6,7 we learn that God sends warnings before He unleashes His wrath upon a sinning nation or individual in hopes that such will stop sinning (breaking the Law–1 Jn. 3:4) and embrace Him and His Way. These warnings come in a variety of forms. For example He speaks to wayward man through His messengers, His Word, natural disasters and human calamities. Today He is using all four forms to warn the United States along with the other self-professed Christian nations of impending doom. With extremely rare exception, His warnings are being ignored by masses of churchites who are determined to live in a world of imagination and wishful thinking where the mantra is “I will it to be; therefore it is.” Unbelieveably, the Institutional Church (Catholicism/Protestantism) is leading the world in determining who can most effectively ignore reality. A look at current international conditions tells those who live in the real world that their world is upside-down. Incredible weather patterns, war, invasion by heathen masses, crime, rebellion, rejection of authority, famine and disease epidemics are now commonplace. GOD IS SPEAKING TO MANKIND BUT MANKIND IS NOT LISTENING. The question is: Why?
One day as Jesus and His disciples were sitting on the Mount of Olives He was asked about His return to earth and the end of the present age. I find it interesting that He did not immediately answer their question. Rather, He gave them (us) a warning relative to the time of His second advent and the end of the world’s social systems as we know them: “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many will come in My name and will deceive many” (Mat. 24:3). He went on to generally describe the global events that would take place during the years leading up to His return to earth. The deceivers He warned about would be Satan’s false prophets who would tell the people what they want to hear. He warned us that there would be MANY such deceivers and that they would be very persuasive. Through them the devil would deceive the entire world (Rev. 12:9), including some of God’s very elect (Mk. 13:22). In these passages Jesus addressed His Words to “you.” Knowing that the disciples would have already passed from the world scene, Jesus was addressing His Words to those who, at the end of the age, would be obeying the apostles’ teachings and encouraging others to do the same.
In 2 Timothy 3:13 the Lord warned that religious deceivers would be especially active during the last of the latter days (vs 1). In verse five God, through the Apostle Paul, warned that men would exhibit an outward form of godliness without being godly of heart/mind. In verse seven He warned that the deceived masses, though ever learning, would not accept His Truth. As is always the case, He was right. Though the modern world is flooded with knowledge, never has rejection of God’s Word been more evident. From pulpit and podium, from home meetings to great cathedrals, from modest buildings to great sports stadiums, Satan’s false prophets proclaim to the world that the God of the Bible is an inveterate liar, that His Word is to be rejected in favor of Babylonian heathenism. And the two-billion-strong church nods her agreement. It is to these people that this website is dedicated. To be continued. L.J.
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