For those who are looking ahead to the Lord’s advent, one of their questions concerns the circumstances of His arrival. Will He return secretly in what is called a “rapture?” Will He return openly for all the world to see? Will He come more than once? Let us first address the “secret” aspect of His arrival. Jesus described a loud noise (Mat. 24:30,31) and a loud shout (1 Thes. 4:16,17) upon His arrival in our atmosphere. At that time He will “gather together His elect” from everywhere on earth as they are “caught up” to be with Him in the air. Matthew 24:26,27 and Revelation 1:7 tell us that everyone on earth will watch Him return to the earth. Obviously there is nothing secret about this scenario.
Another question concerns the geographical location to which Jesus will return. Two passages of Scripture answer this question. In Acts 1:9-11 we find that Jesus, after teaching His disciples “the things concerning the Kingdom of God” for 40 days, saying goodby to them on the Mount of Olives (vs 12). “And after He had spoken these things, while they beheld, He was taken up and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked up steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold two men (angels) stood by them in white apparel, who said to them, ‘You men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus … shall so come (return) AS YOU HAVE SEEN HIM GO.” They had watched Him ascend from THE MOUNT OF OLIVES, therefore He will return to that same place upon His second advent. This fact is brought out in Zechariah 14:4 where we are told that upon His return His feet will touch down ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES. I have stood atop this mountain and looked into the walled city of Jerusalem a short distance away. It is a most moving sight. And to think that I may have walked in the same footsteps of the Messiah thrills me to this day.
A popular theory states that Jesus will return twice, the first time in a “secret rapture” to take His people to heaven, followed by a second return either seven or three and a half years later to get those who will be saved during the Great Tribulation, or some variation of this scenario. The following Scriptures prove the double return theory to be totally false in that much world-wide activity will take place at the time of His second advent. First Corinthians 15:51,52 tells us that the first resurrection will take place upon His return, at which time a trumpet blast will be sounded. In 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 we are told that both the living and the dead “in Christ” will be resurrected upon His return and will meet Him in the air. From that time on they will “ever be where He is.” Acts 1:9-11, Zechariah 14:4 and Revelation 2:27;12:5;19:15 tell us that He will ever be on earth ruling mankind from His headquarters in Jerusalem. To be continued. L.J.
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