That which calls itself “Christianity” is rife with various theological customs, doctrines, etc. that not only are not commanded by Him, but are in many cases specifically condemned by Him. One such aberration is called Kingdom Now theology. The Kingdom Now belief system is found in three other religious theologies: Dominion Theology, Christian Reconstruction and Preterism. Though differing in general theological orientation, all share a few common beliefs, the most important one being that their version of “the church” has a special responsibility in this era which must be fulfilled before Jesus can return to earth to set up the final kingdom. The Kingdom Now theory revolves around the belief that the Kingdom of God is now in operation on the earth, and that the kingdom–their version of “the church”–has been commissioned by God to convert the masses of mankind so that Christ can return. Mankind having been converted to the Lord, making peace and righteousness the norm, Jesus will THEN be free to return to earth where He will OFFICIALLY establish His Father’s kingdom. However, several glaring problems force themselves upon those who face reality and believe God’s Word.
Rather than becoming more holy, the world is racing headlong toward total spiritual degradation and anarchy, with professing Christendom in the lead. As the church slides ever deeper into apostasy she is taking the world down with her by serving as the universal example. One need only notice what is going on around the world to realize that mankind is decaying exponentially. Anyone who believes that man is headed in an upward spiritual direction isn’t facing reality. But more importantly, God tells us in His Word that when Jesus returns He will not find a sin-free world, but rather one that is sin-dominated, one which, without His intervention, would soon destroy itself. To prove this we will consult the Book of Truth.
In 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 we are told why the world will be in a sin-saturated stupor (“as in the days of Noah”-Mat. 24:37,38) when Jesus arrives the second time. The church, and consequently the rest of the world, will have followed Satan’s false prophets into embracing his “doctrines of devils” (1 Tim. 4:1)–the heathenistic customs and beliefs upon which the Institutional Church has been built. See all postings. As goes a nation’s spiritual state, so goes the nation. Following their religious leaders, the so-called “Christian nations” have blindly spiraled downward into the spiritual abyss where professing Christendom now resides. The church will continue to degrade, eventually bottoming out in the final days of the Great Tribulation at which time Jesus will return to save those who are still alive from themselves. Nations will be angry at His second coming (Rev. 11:18); their collective militaries will unite against Him in order to destroy Him and His saints (Rev. 17:14) in one fell swoop. This final battle will be fought in the Valley of Jehoshaphat (judgment) located just outside of Jerusalem’s wall (Joel 3:2,12). The battle will be quick and deadly: “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fight against Jerusalem: their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet; their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets; their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths (Zech. 14:12).
Scripture does not suggest that Jesus will be welcomed by a converted mankind upon His return. Rather, man will have descended to his lowest spiritual level ever and will hate Him. The entire world will be at war. Jesus will intervene in order to save His “elect” (Mat. 24:12)–His true remnant church. An honest reading of the Scriptures will reveal that things are not looking up on planet earth. Contrary to Kingdom Now, Dominion Theology, Christian Reconstructionism and Preterism, the church is not winning the world to the Lord. To the contrary, the church has become the world. With the exception of where she spends a few hours each week, the church is indistinguishable from the world–THE LEAVEN HAS LEAVENED THE LOAF. L J.
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