Over the years much has been written and spoken about the Kingdom of God, most of which is not Scriptural. Man has described the kingdom in a variety of ways: the love of God in the heart of man; each of the sects comprising the Institutional Church; the whole of professing Christendom; an ethereal essence representing the church’s relationship with God, etc. The ways in which the Kingdom of God is depicted is limited only by the imagination of religious man. The one description man does not hear is the one found in God’s Word–the same Word by which all men will be judged (Jn. 12:47,48)–the Word by which we are commanded to “Prove all things” (1 Thes. 5:21). As with so many of God’s commands, this one is ignored when it comes to the subject of His thousand year reign on earth following Christ’s second advent. In obedience to Him, let us study His Word to determine what the kingdom is and where its capital will be located.
Following His resurrection Jesus returned to earth where, for 40 days He spoke to His apostles about “… the things concerning the Kingdom of God.” (Acts 1:3), which He arranged to be mentioned 148 times in His Word. This is not surprising in that His message during His earthly tenure concerned ONE THING–THE KINGDOM OF GOD (Mat. 4:23) and how to enter it. By in large, religious man refuses to believe what He said about the kingdom. Man’s pontifications from around the world have produced “another gospel” and “another Jesus” (Gal. 1:6,7/2 Cor. 11:4), not the kingdom message as command by the Lord.
When asked about His kingdom, Jesus replied that His kingdom was “… not of this world” (aion-age), meaning not of this time period. He also said relative to His gospel message that “THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM” would be preached throughout all the earth until the end of the age, then the end would come (Mat. 24:14). Note what message was to be preached by His ministers until His return to earth–THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. The Scriptures reveal that upon His return He will establish that kingdom in Jerusalem from whence He and His saints will rule on earth forever. The Bible truth concerning the Kingdom of God has rarely been preached. Most church people have never heard the Truth concerning God’s kingdom, or much of anything else. Man has chosen to ignore His Words and to substitute his own gospel (Gal. 1:7) designed to scratch his itching ears (2 Tim. 4:3).
That the Kingdom of God is not now on earth is borne out by Jesus’ own Words when He noted that the kingdom cannot be “seen” (experienced) by flesh and blood. Man must be born again (changed from flesh to spirit) in order to enter the kingdom (1 Cor. 15:50/Lk. 17:20). On the Mt. of Transfiguration Jesus allowed Peter, James and John to see a “vision” of how those in the kingdom will appear. Note that in the vision, He, Moses and Elijah were “transfigured,” as will be everyone who enters the kingdom following His return (Mat. 16:28-17:9/1 Jn. 3:2). In Luke 16:16 Jesus said that men of that day were “… pressing into the kingdom” by doing everything that is required to qualify for entrance upon His return. Qualification for entrance into the kingdom can be summed up in one word: OBEDIENCE. God clearly tells us what it is we are to obey in order to qualify–HIS WORD–the same Word by which He will judge us as to whether we have qualified (Jn. 12:48). Only those who have obeyed Him will become “firstfruits” (Mat. 10:22) and enter the kingdom. These will be few in number (Mat. 7:13,14)–the “remnant” of believers who have obeyed Him until the end. With the passage of time the love of many for God and His Word has grown cold, exemplified by the multiplied millions who, like the five foolish virgins, have “run out of oil.” But this is not a new phenomenon.
Paul points out that in his day the “spirit of Antichrist” was already wreaking havoc in the church, drawing many away from God’s Truth and into a “perverted” gospel (Gal. 1:7). Today, 99% of professing Christendom has embraced “doctrines of devils” and, like the foolish virgins, blindly follow these demon spirits along the broad way of deception. Jesus said about the Counterfeit Church that they worship Him in vain, honoring Him with their lips while their heart was far from Him. To these happy, expectant believers He will say on the day of judgment: “… I never knew you, depart from Me ye workers of iniquity” (Mat. 15:9/7:23). Note the different words use by the Lord when He addresses the two groups. To the foolish virgins He will say: “I DO NOT (now) KNOW YOU.” He had at one time “known” them, but they had left Him and He no longer knew them as His people. Now notice how He addresses the other people: “I NEVER KNEW YOU.” They had simply been religious all their lives, done “… wonderful works in Your name,” etc. They had served Satan from day one and, due to ignorance of God’s Word, never realized it. When God sent his servants to them with His Truth they rejected it, choosing instead to follow their false prophets–“hirelings” whom they had paid to tell them “… smooth things, lies and deceits” (Jn. 10:12/Isa. 30:10). If you are part of either group I pray that you will “… come out from among them and be separate and touch not the unclean thing.” Then, and only then, will God be your God and you will be His people. Remaining in the “unclean thing” (Catholicism/ Protestantism) guarantees disaster (2 Cor. 6:14-18).
Jesus prayed that God’s kingdom would come (in the future) to EARTH in that it was then (and now) in heaven (Mat. 6:9,10) where it will remain until His advent. As His feet touch down on the Mt. of Olives (Zech. 14:1-9) a great war will be raging on earth. Soon afterward, the armies of the nations, having combined their forces in the Valley of Armageddon (Rev. 16:14,16), will travel to Jerusalem (55 miles) where they will fight against Him. After their annihilation, “…the Lord shall be King over all the EARTH” (Zech. 14:2,9). He will rule forever over the kingdoms of THIS WORLD (Rev. 11:15). He will be King of kings and Lord of lords. Those kings and lords under Him will be His overcoming servants who will rule and reign with Him forever over the world’s NATIONS (Rev. 22:3-5;2:26). The kingdoms of the world will become the kingdoms of God (Rev. 11:15). The saints will possess/rule “THE KINGDOMS AND DOMINIONS … UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN” (Dan. 7:22,27), where all “PEOPLES, NATIONS AND LANGUAGES will serve the Lord (Dan. 7:14). These overcoming saints from every tribe, tongue, people and nation on earth (Rev. 5:9) will sit with Him on His throne (Rev. 3:21) where, as kings and priests of God, will reign on EARTH (Rev. 5:10) while judging the WORLD (1 Cor. 6:2).
Revelation 3:12,13;21:2,3 tell us that, at the appointed time, God the Father will descend from HEAVEN TO EARTH, bringing with Him New Jerusalem where it will remain “with men” on EARTH. Then God and the Lamb will be the Temple of New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:22).
Zechariah 14:16-19 tells us that each year those who fought against Him and survived will be required to travel to New Jerusalem to pay homage to Him. Upon those who refuse, whom He calls “heathen,” He will send drought and plague upon both man and beast (Zech. 14:12-15).
That the Kingdom of God will be on earth is borne out in Revelation 5:10;11:15 where we are told that the WORLD will be subject to Christ and His people. Isaiah 55:12,13/Eze. 36:8/Joel 2:18,22-26/Amos 9:13-15/Isa. 32:18,20;61:4,5 describe such kingdom characteristics as plant life which produces continually. Weapons will be turned into implements of labor. Jesus will judge the nations from Jerusalem/Zion from whence His Word/Law will go forth to all the nations (Isa. 2:11). At that point He will rebuke the wicked (Isa. 2:4/Mic. 4:3), humble them (Isa. 2:11), shake the earth (Isa. 2:19,21) while destroying their idols (Isa. 2:18). The different seasons to be experienced in the kingdom are described in Ezekiel 34:26 and Zechariah 14:8). That animal behavior will be different in the kingdom is borne out in Isaiah 11:6-8;65:25. That the earth will become ultimately productive during the kingdom period is shown in Isaiah 41:18-20.
Note from the above that the kingdom will be on earth, that it is now in heaven, and that it will be inhabited by God’s overcoming saints from every nation, language, etc.
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