In the first series bearing the above-stated title I did not go into detail about a certain man who would be front and center in Satan’s attempt to eliminate God’s true church, which today numbers a few thousand globally. Over the past several days the Lord has been telling me to return to the subject of that first series and expound on it in more detail. Since the re-election of Donald Trump which I predicted would come to pass, the Lord has been dealing with me to finish what I began in the first series.
But first a little historical background. Readers will recall that I said that Trump was an evil man, which he still is and will continue to be, though he will profess to have changed. Like billions before him, he will believe that he has been “saved,” “born again,” etc. because those in the Catholic/Protestant Religious System, aka “the church,” will do to him what they have been doing to the salvation-seeking masses for almost 2000 years. They will convince him that, having completed a prescribed ritual and “taken Jesus as His Savior” he is a Christian. Read Who Are God’s People and “My People Who Are Called By My Name.” Key words– People and Called respectively. Why do billions of people believe that they are saved, etc. in spite of God’s Words to the contrary? Because they do not know God’s Word, nor do they want to know His Word. As I stated in the previous series: CHURCH PEOPLE HATE GOD’S WORD, EXCEPT THE SALVATION PART, WHICH THEY, ABOUT WHICH THEY MAKE DEADLY ERRONEOUS ASSUMPTIONS. And when their errors are pointed out to them in the Book they carry to church on Satan’s Sabbath, they reject it. Read The Process of Salvation. Key word–Process.
Earlier as I was asking God what he wanted me to teach today, He reminded me of what He had been speaking to me about for several days, which will be reflected in this posting.
The Lord knows my thoughts and knew that I wanted proof from Him that I was hearing Him. He drew my eyes to the Bible that was opened to Jeremiah chapter 14. I had written a brief segment about false prophets in the counterfeit church some time ago but had not returned to Jeremiah since. As God is prone to do in my case, He had caused me to unknowingly open His Word to that same book and chapter. He then directed my eyes to the 14th verse. Here He warns about church leaders who believe that they are men of God but, as He said: I HAVE NOT SENT THEM. As I have stated before, I believe that 95% of the world’s 450,000 or so church leaders are not called by God, but are instead self-called, momma-called, church-called, etc. The Lord’s message became more clear as I refreshed my memory of the specifics of the subject by reading the following two verses. My mind then turned to Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 where He warns His people what would happen if they turned away from Him. Which is what Satan’s false prophets have led, first the Israelites, then their spiritual descendants–end-time Laodicean Christians–to do. Now back to the main theme.
As stated in the previous series, a curse that Jesus warned would come to pass in the latter days that has not yet taken place is global famine. True, there have been regional famines throughout the past 2000 years, just as there have been regional wars, pandemics, earthquakes, etc. in various places which Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24. But there has never occurred a global famine, nor have earthquakes, diseases and pestilences (disease pandemics) been felt throughout the entire world at one time. I predict that a global famine will come upon the earth within the next two to four years. With that I will pick up the narrative with which I ended the first series.
What the Lord has been revealing to me is that Donald Trump will be among the leaders who will declare war against God’s true saints–His “little flock” of Law-keepers who will number a few thousand at most due to the persecution that is about to come upon us. As I wrote in an earlier series, under the leadership of the Catholic pope who would be in power at that time, all religions will come together into a one-world religion under his dominance. Read The Ingathering: the Rise of the End-time Church which I wrote a dozen or so years ago. Key word–Ingathering.
As I stated earlier, the world’s religions will all be drawn together around two “truths”–a “We all worship the same god” narrative and “His sabbath is to be observed on Sunday.” Satan’s Sunday Sabbath will be adopted and enforced as international law. This law will dictate that all people recognize Sunday–the day sun worshipers pay homage to their god–as the day of rest dictated by the world’s god. Pope Francis recently proclaimed that in reality, all religions worship the same god. That blasphemy will become the basis for receiving the “mark of the beast” which will prove that one is in agreement with the one god and his Sunday Sabbath law. As revealed in the Book of Revelation, that mark will enable one to buy and sell and, I believe, work. In short, the world will bow to Satan’s desecration of God’s stone-etched 7th day Sabbath which He blessed, sanctified (Gen. 2:3) and called “… My holy day, the holy (day) of the Lord” (Isa. 58:13). False prophets have led billions of salvation seekers to reject God’s Holy Word/Law, thereby sealing their fate unless they “turn from their wicked ways” (2 Chron. 7:13-5). Reminder, God’s dictated Sabbath is part of that Law. James 2:10 reminds us that to break one commandment is to break the entire Law, which is sin, which separates us from God (Isa. 59:2). It is for this reason that He commands true believers to come out of the Institutional Church. Then, and only then, they will be His people and He will be their God (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1).
The Lord has shown me that the one-world religion, with the backing of governmental power, will come against God’s saints and blame them for the famine which will have encompassed the planet. Also, there will be disease pandemics and earthquakes like never before. God’s people will be taken care of while the other 99.99% of the world will suffer to the point that, due to a world-wide famine, cannibalism will become commonplace. As was the case when the Jews, cursed by an irate God Who had earlier punished their Israelite brethren for their sins, had to eat their own children in order to survive (Eze. 5:5-10), their spiritual descendants (the church) will resort to the same madness. God’s Law-keeping (Exo. 20; 1 Jn. 3:4) people, however will have plenty. This will be the reason the world will believe that they have caused the problems they are experiencing. Jesus prophesied that what would come upon the earth in the latter days would be worse than all of His previous curses combined. What is it that will trigger God’s wrath? The same thing has triggered it on a limited basis over the past two millennia: SIN–THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAW–1 JOHN 3:4. Note that First John is in the New Testament and therefore applies to this current time.
Long story short: Donald Trump will be among the leaders of the coming war against God’s true saints. Federal, state and local governments, along with those who had previously comprised what is now known as Christianity, will all be part of Satan’s war on God’s church. For more information on this war read the first Killing the Messenger series. Key word–Killing. Read The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices.
In Matthew 24:11,12 Jesus tells us why God’s curses will increase in number and severity as the end of time approaches: “And many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many, and because iniquity (Gk–Lawlessness) shall abound, the love (for God’s Law) of many shall wax cold.” Satan’s messengers have convinced the church that God’s Ten Commandment Law is dead, having been “nailed to the cross” of Christ by God Himself. Satan’s control of all religions, including so-called “Christianity,” is evidenced by the Sunday Sabbath abomination that has been in effect for the past 1700 years. For this reason “iniquity” is the premier characteristic manifested by the counterfeit Catholic/Protestant Religious System. L.J.
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