The Lord’s command for holiness and righteousness relative to salvation is normally viewed from a general perspective, if viewed at all. In the case of most salvation seekers, God’s demand for godliness is ignored, or in some cases, openly attacked as the ramblings of a religious reprobate. Being one of those outcasts and having a commission from God to proclaim His Truth (Word–Jn. 17:17), I will offer proof that will confirm God’s WRITTEN, PRESERVED COMMANDS for godliness from those who seek to spend eternity with Him. I will use as my proof His Holy Bible–the same Bible my detractors carry to Satan’s citadels of sin on the sun god’s weekly sabbath day–sun day–“The venerable (holy) day of the sun.” I will declare the righteousness of such verses as First John 2:5,6,; 3:3,6,7,9/ John 15:10/ Matthew 19:17 and First Peter 1:15,16. In defense of God’s requirements for salvation, I will offer specific commands from His How To Be Saved Handbook–COMMANDS THAT MUST BE MET IN ORDER FOR HIS SALVATION PROMISE TO BE AWARDED. As the following postings will reveal, GOD IS SPECIFIC AND UNCHANGING IN HIS REQUIREMENTS FOR ATTAINING ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM IN PARADISE. As well He should be considering the price for the purchase of our souls. We will carefully study His Words as they relate to each body part directly involved in the salvation process. If you are not interested in knowing the Bible Truth, go back to church where you can hear Satan’s lies put forth as God’s Truth. If you want to know how to be saved upon the return of Jesus Christ, stay the course.
THE TONGUE: The Lord said that if a man can control his tongue (by the power of the Holy Spirit) he can control every other part of his body (Jam. 3:1-6). Notice that man is required to control his tongue, not to blame Adam for his inability to do so. In Matthew 12:37 we learn that every word we speak will be judged. Jesus said in John 12:48 that He has been given the power of judgment, but that He, Himself would not judge mankind. Every human who has ever lived will be JUDGED BY HIS WORDS–EVERY WORD IN THE HOLY BIBLE–WHICH HE SPOKE TO THE PROPHETS AND APOSTLES WHO RECORDED THEM TO SERVE AS INSTRUCTIONS FOR HIS TRUE CHURCH (1 Cor. 10:11). It is those Words that form the foundation of the New Covenant Church generally and this ministry in particular. As I have said and written many times: EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO THE WORD. Ironically, the vast majority of those who claim to be part of God’s church reject the vast majority of that He said in His Word, by which He will judge all of us.
One of the most glaring sins of professing Christendom is her love of what God calls “foolish jesting” (Eph. 5:4). Here He condemns silly talk and immature prating. A false prophetess I once knew said that God had given her the ministry of making people laugh. Years ago there was a, internationally-known preacher who called himself “God’s clown.” The Lord had supposedly given this buffoon the same ministry as the laugh-master I just mentioned. Know this, there will be no clowns or comedians in God’s Kingdom. We are commanded to be mature and sober. His ministers are commanded to be “grave”–serious (1 Tim. 3:8,11/ Titus 2:2). Their disciples are to follow their lead in being are “sober” and “serious” (1 Thes. 5:6,8/ 1 Tim. 3:2,11/ Titus 1:8; 2:2,4,6/ 1 Pet 1:13; 4:7; 5:8). There is no record of a prophet, or Jesus or any of His apostles ever cracking a joke, being silly or foolish–THEY WERE NOT ENTERTAINERS; SHOWMANSHIP WAS NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR APOSTLESHIP. Christian life is not a punch-line; our purpose is not to make people laugh. I have been chastised because I do not wear a grin. I have been called “morose.” Total strangers have asked me : “Don’t you ever smile?” and “Why are you so sad?” because I do wear a constant grin. Where does God tell us to wear our inner workings on our faces? I have been tempted to stick a smiley face on my forehead to make religionites feel good while satisfying their religious demons. THERE ARE RELIGIOUS DEMONS like the one the one the Apostle Paul dealt with in Acts 16:16:16-18. I am well acquainted with them. They are the demons who paint grins on people’s faces to make them appear to be super spiritual.
I am not here to make people feel good, but to tell them God’s Truth, which produces negative results 99% of the time. Nothing turns off church people like God’s Word–a fact which I had to learn from painful experience early on. Now, I am shocked IF–not when–a churchite agrees with the Book he/she owns and claims to believe. I learned the hard way why the prophets, Jesus and the apostles were persecuted, and in many cases, put to death. Remember that Jesus was called “a man of sorrows” (Isa. 53:3), not a flippant, grinning purveyor of one-liners. Life and death is serious business. Spiritually intelligent people seek the advise of serious people when dealing with serious situations. Intelligent people do not consult some grinning, back-slapping religionist.
I know VERY few spiritually intelligent people. Recall that Jesus said “few” salvation seekers would choose Him and His way while “the many” would choose Satan and his way (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14). The irony is that Satan’s people believe that they are God’s people. And when I prove their error using the Book they all claim to believe, the result puts a grin on Satan’s face. No group DESPISES God, Christ, Their Word and those who proclaim it like church people. For proof from the mouth of the Messiah Himself, read Luke 10:16. For the record, I have a “merry heart.” However, I do not need to advertise it on my face in order to appear religious, which I am not. I have yet to find in the Holy Bible the words: “Thou shalt not fail to grin.”
Jesus tells us in Matthew 12:37 that we will be justified or condemned by our words, for what is in the heart (mind) comes out the mouth. King David (“a man after God’s own heart”) said that he would stay pure of tongue so that he would not sin in his heart (Ps. 17:3). What comes out of the heart in the form of words must first go into the heart. Man, not God, not Satan determines what enters our hearts. Satan “screams,” God “whispers.” Man determines which “voice” he will embrace.. Ephesus 5:1-11 tells us that we must reject all forms of “uncleanness, filthiness, which He defines as “foolish talking and course jesting” which bring on the “wrath of God.” Proverbs 13:3 tells us to set a guard on our mouths. Proverbs 17:27 tells us that a wise man uses few words. Colossians 3:17 tells us that whatever we DO IN WORD, do it as unto the Lord. Notice that the words “DO” and “WORD” carry the same positive or negative weight.
THE BODY: In First Corinthians 3:16,17 we are told that THE BODY OF A SAINT IS GOD’S TEMPLE It is there where He abides in the form of His Holy Spirit. It is that Spirit which, if one obeys its “voice,” one will resist Satan’s temptations to think about sinful things, thereby eliminating ungodly words and deeds–the results of harboring sinful thoughts. God’s Spirit dwells in the body of the true saint. God and Christ can be in only one place at a time. We are told that God is on His throne in the northern heavens with Jesus at His right side. Their Holy Spirit is everywhere. Read The Trinity. Key word–Trinity.
The body of God’s saint is His final temple. His Very Elect house His Holy Spirit through which He rules His “house.” If a man defiles His house He will destroy the house. For this reason thousands of Americans make their livings patching up the bodies of their fellow Americans. Medical science is a multi-trillion dollar a year industry. Entire segments of the population are involved in the medical business on some level. Television advertising is awash with medical pitches for drugs that are designed to cure every type of illness. Why does man have physical illnesses? Christ’s dealing with the man at the Bethesda pool answers the question. Upon healing him, Jesus said: “Sin no more LEST A WORSE THING COME UPON YOU (Jn. 5:14). In other words, sin had caused his original sickness which he had suffered from for 38 years (vs 5). After Jesus had healed him He threatened him with an even WORSE DISEASE if he sinned again. Sin had caused the destruction of the man’s body. The same is true relative to the mind. America is mentally and physically deteriorating BECAUSE AMERICA IS SATURATED WITH SIN. Notice that church people suffer from the same diseases as everyone else and for the same reason–SIN–THE TRANSGRESSING OF GOD’S LAW (1 Jn. 3:4). L.J.
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