Why do we do what we do? There is a reason for what we think and say and how we act. The Lord, through His ancient prophets and apostles, as well as His present day ministers, focus on what we DO, which reflects what we have in our minds, which tells us what we ARE in the spiritual realm: “As a man THINKS IN HIS HEART (MIND) so he IS” (Prov. 23:7). Everything begins in the mind. What we allow into our minds through the eyes and ears determines what remains in the brain as long as we live. We forget that it is there, but IT IS STILL THERE. As I have stated before, spiritually, we are what we think about, just as, in the physical realm, we are what we eat. What we ingest mentally and physically is what we become mentally and physically. What we take into our minds through our eyes, ears, nose, nerve endings, etc. on a regular basis comes to dominate our thoughts, which determine what we say and how we act–WHAT WE “DO” WHICH IS WHAT WE ARE. In sociological circles what we “do” most of the time becomes what is known as our “master status,” whether good or bad. For example, if someone is a thief, he is known socially as a thief, which is his master status. “That old saint” is of course a nice person. One would find that the thief spends much of his time THINKING about how to get stuff from others while the saint spends most of his time THINKING about helping others. EVERYTHING BEGINS IN THE MIND. The key to regulating what fills the mind is to understand how things get into the mind. In the vast majority of cases, the answer concerns the individual’s will–what he wants in his mind. What he wants in his mind is what he puts into his mind from the world around him, whether good or bad. Two prime examples of this phenomenon are true ministers of God and pornography addicts.
In Galatians 2:17 the Apostle Paul tells us that if, after being justified (forgiven of past sins) we continue to sin, we in fact are making Jesus Christ our “Minister of sin.” Universal Christian “truth” is that, in order to counteract Adam’s sin transferal mechanism, Jesus died so that He could nullify our inevitable sins by His blood. All the sinner needs to do is repent of his sins. Forgiveness (sin removal) is just a repentance away. Having embraced this Satanic “truth,” “the church” has made Jesus Christ her “minister of sin,” her SIN ENABLER. According to this theology, no matter how much sin we “DO,” Jesus stands at the ready to die once more as we “CRUCIFY CHRIST AFRESH” with each sin (Heb. 6:6). WE MUST VIEW EVERYTHING THROUGH GOD’S EYES AND IN LIGHT OF HIS WRITTEN WORD.
By continuing to sin after coming to the knowledge of the Truth and professing Christ as our Savior the parishioner is saying to the world: “Jesus is my minister; I am led by Him through His Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:14). Because I continue to sin, He is my MINISTER OF SIN, MY SIN ENABLER. Because I am in Christ and in the church, ‘in Christ’ and ‘in the church’ mean ‘in sin.’ This means that I continue to sin with His blessings.” We will now visit some Scriptural passages that refute that so-called “Bible Truth.”
FIRST JOHN 2:29: “If we know that Jesus is righteous, we know that only those who DO RIGHTEOUSNESS are begotten of Him (converted, justified, obedient). Note that faith and grace are not mentioned. Though both are necessary for right standing with God, without right “DOING” (thinking, speaking, acting) there can be no conversion, which means right “DOING.” Being in RIGHT standing with Him means RIGHTeousness–which is obedience to His Law. First John 3:4 tells us that sin is the breaking of His Law–UNrighteousness. Righteousness is the opposite of unrighteousness–sin. Righteousness is obeying the Law. Faith and grace enable us to obey God. Otherwise, they play no part in our lives.
THIRD JOHN 11: “He who DOES RIGHTEOUSNESS is of God; he who DOES EVIL has not seen (does not know) God” and is therefore not of Him. In the eyes of God there are only two camps: His people and everyone else. Read Christ’s letter to the end-time church in Revelation 3:14-20. Professing Christendom today is that Laodicean era church, which He equates to vomit, even though He calls it a church. For this reason He tells His people to “Come out of her and be separate from her. Do not touch that unclean thing.” Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 where He explains why. ” “Now by this we know that we know Him (intimately). He who claims to know Him and fails to obey His commandments (Law–the entire Bible) is a liar and the Truth is not in him. By THIS (obedience to his Law) we know that we are IN HIM (where there is no sin). He who says he abides IN HIM must WALK EVEN AS HE WALKED” (1 Jn. 2:3-6). In God’s eyes, so-called saved sinners do not exist. I will now list other Scriptural passages that confirm the Truth that God demands holiness of those who call themselves by His name. Please study these verses carefully. Like all other passages used in this series, they highlight the difference between eternal life and eternal death: First John 3:2-10/ Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26-30/ Revelation 3:21/ First John 5:4/ Rev. 2:7/ Titus 2:14/ 1 Peter 2:9-12/ James 4:8/ Ephesians 5;26/ Proverbs 23:7.
Those who read the above Scriptures and believe that one can be a child of God and continue to sin are described in First Timothy 4:1,2 as having DEPARTED FROM THE FAITH, WHO OBEY THE WORDS OF DECEIVING SPIRITS AND THE DOCTRINES OF DEVILS, WHO CONSCIENCE HAS BEEN SEARED WITH A HOT IRON.
We will end this posting and prepare to delve into specific Scriptures that deal with the avenues by which we fill our minds (brain-Biblical “heart”). Those who are not aware of how specific the Lord is when dealing with this subject are in for a surprise. One will notice that it is man who controls what enters into him and forms him. In other words, WE PACK OUR OWN PARACHUTE. L.J.
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