In Matthew 11:19 Jesus of Nazareth makes a statement that has been believed by billions of people for some 1900 years to mean something that it does not mean. The theory holds that, because of His positive attitude toward saved sinners, all is well within Christendom. The fact that people continue to sin is irrelevant. In other words: “THE FIX IS IN,” therefore nothing else needs to be done on the part of the supposedly “saved and born again” believer. His/her Savior, or Mary as the case may be, “takes care of” his/her inevitable sins. I have been told that this heresy is in fact Bible Truth. The theory is that Jesus died so that those who have taken Him as their Savior are not responsible for their actions, that Jesus takes that responsibility upon Himself. Supposedly, the need for His limitless grace arose because Adam supposedly infected the whole of mankind when he sinned. Read Original Sin. Key word–Original in order to learn what the Lord says about one of Satan’s most effective deceptions, of which there are many. For a list of some of the ways he controls professing Christendom read the Introduction to this website.
As is the case with many of Christ’s and His ministers’ Biblical statements, the Matthew 11:19 “headline” is assumed to be all that needs to be known about the teaching. But as is always the case, there is much more to be learned. God’s “fine print” provides valuable information concerning the “headline” which enables the Truth seeker to discern His Truth (Isa. 28:9-13) and to compare it to the church’s version of His Truth. To the shock of the reader, the two “truths” are never the same. In fact, they usually bear little, resemblance. Once God’s Truth is realized, the Truth seeker must decide which version he will embrace–which god he will believe. That step out of the way, the seeker must then decide which God he will obey. In the vast majority of cases, Satan wins.
The Truth relative to Christ’s Matthew 11:19 statement is determined by focusing on one word: “of.” Note carefully that He stated that He is the friend OF sinners. Note that He does not say that sinners are His friends, which is the assumption that normally develops by readers of the passage. As Scripture tells us, His attitude toward them is not the same as their attitude toward Him. Relative to salvation, it is vitally important that we understand that there is a great gulf between Christ and the sinner’s attitude toward each other. For another look at a similar subject read Hatred Toward God. Key word–Hatred.
Because of 2000 years of false teaching by Satan’s false prophets, church sinners see Jesus as THEIR friend Who supposedly shrugs off their sins. They look upon Him as someone whom they can trust and rely on to “take care of” their spiritual failures. Those outside the church either reject Him outright or do not believe He exists. Either way, such sinners do not count Him as their friend.
For a more direct explanation of the difference between Jesus being the friend of sinners and sinners being the friend of Jesus, let us turn to John 15:13,14 where we find the Messiah talking to His disciples. Bear in mind that these are the men whom He will soon send throughout the world to preach His gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, etc. These are the men who will carry His Gospel to the masses. Listen to what He tells these men upon whom He will depend on to help Him “finish the Father’s work.” He tells then that only the greatest level of love would cause Him to lay down His life for HIS FRIENDS. Here Jesus is telling these select, trained and Holy Spirit empowered messengers that He will die for His friends. Then He and tells them that they will be His friends “… IF YOU DO WHATSOEVER (EVERYTHING) I COMMAND YOU.” Judas did not obey His commands. Jesus did not die for Judas; nor did He die for anyone else who does not obey His Words. Why? Because by disobeying the Law (the Holy Bible) they proclaim to the world that they DO NOT LOVE HIM. He makes this abundantly clear in John 14:15 and 23: “If you love Me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS/WORDS.” Here He unmistakably equates His commandments with every Word He spoke, which is every Word in the Holy Bible. He did not issue options or choices. Jesus issued commands which must be obeyed in order to reap the rewards He promised. Failure to do so brings forth the curses He promised. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.
Once justified and converted, the believer must obey the Law in order to remain in Christ’s love. Though the Father loved the Son without measure, the Son had to obey the Father in order to remain in the Father’s love (Jn. 15:10), Accordingly, we must obey the Son in order to remain in His (Christ’s) love (Jn. 15:10) and qualify for eternal life (Mat. 19:17). Only Christ’s friends–His spiritual brethren–will be saved. Who are His brethren? He identifies them in Matthew 12:46-50 as, “They who do the will of My Father in heaven.” They and only they are His friends/brethren for whom He died. Carefully read Psalm 5:5.
Father and Son loved mankind so much that the Son died for everyone who has ever been born. His death was designed to benefit all of mankind, provided all will obey Him. Many of those who will stand before Him at judgment will call Him “Lord, Lord” and remind Him of the “… wonderful works we’ve done in Your name.” He will say to them: “I never knew you, depart from Me you who work iniquity (Lawlessness)–Mat. 7:23. These will be they who did not love Him and prove it by obeying His Law whom He calls “workers of iniquity.”
Indeed, those who count Jesus as their Friend but do not obey Him will number in the multiplied billions. His friends will be only a minutely few, as He warned in Matthew 7:14. This ministry was designed by Him to tell the church world His Truth about her spiritual condition and to encourage those who believe His Word to diligently obey that Word so as to rise in the first resurrection. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three. Jesus calls, He does not force. Let us answer His call. L.J.
I feel the need for an explanation. I refer to certain Scriptures repeatedly because I do not know who might be a first time visitor to the website. I write and teach as if every reader is a first-timer.
Memory verse: Second Peter 1:21–“Holy men of old spoke (and wrote) as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” For this reason their words, not the church’s perverted version of it, will save the soul of those who believe and obey them.
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