In Matthew 12:46-49 Jesus made a statement that must be understood in order to identify those who comprise the Body of Christ and those who do not. The reader will note that what one feels or thinks, what religious things one has done, etc. plays no part in identifying true saints. In this instance Jesus was speaking inside a house when someone told Him that His mother, brothers and sisters were outside wanting to speak with Him. Note that they were OUTSIDE the house though He was INSIDE. Why? Because they were ashamed of Him, not believing that He was the Lord’s Messiah (Jn. 7:5) and, like His friends, believed that He was “beside Himself” (existemi-insane-Mat. 3:21). This is the same attitude the Institutional Church has toward those who believe and obey Him today. Jesus’ response to the request made by His family (and friends) settles once and for all the question of who are and who are not His spiritual brethren–the true Church of God. Pointing toward His disciples (who were INSIDE the house) He announced to the world that ONLY THOSE WHO DO THE WILL OF HIS HEAVENLY FATHER ARE HIS BRETHREN, that His mother, brothers and sisters (His brethren) are they who obey His Father’s Words (1 Jn. 2:3;5:3)–AND NO ONE ELSE.
Members of the Institutional Church are the Lord’s brethren in the same sense that Mary, her other children and those in the house were His brethren–they were human beings. Like the church that uses His name today, they were not His spiritual brethren. To understand this difference we turn to Genesis 4:1 where we are told that Adam “knew” Eve, thereby producing offspring. There is a life-and-death difference between “knowing” a person and “KNOWING” that person. We “know” our parents, siblings, children, friends, etc. However, we “KNOW” our spouse through whom we produce offspring. God is producing spiritual “offspring” only through those believers whom he “KNOWS”–those who obey Him, whose spiritual offspring are also “KNOWN” by Him. Those who claim kinship with God but do not obey Him are “known” by Him in the sense that He “knows” every human who has ever been born, along with every bird, animal, star, etc. In His eyes there is no difference between disobedient church people and the unchurched. Being His mother, half-brothers and sisters did not give Mary and her children an edge in the spiritual realm.
Genesis 17:17-21 provides an excellent example of the difference between “knowing” and “KNOWING.” Here God is telling Abraham that, because he loved his son Ishmael, He would “know” him–bless him, multiply, him, make him a great nation, etc. Abraham then had to SEND ISHMAEL AWAY into another land. In genesis 25:1 we find Abraham, having given gifts to the sons of Keturah, he then “SENT THEM AWAY FROM ISAAC HIS SON.” This reveals God’s attitude toward those He “knows” relative to those He “KNOWS.” God “knew” the sons of Keturah but “KNEW” the son of Sarah. God “KNOWS” and recognizes as sons ONLY HIS SPIRITUAL SONS (His church) AND SEPARATES THEM FROM HIS PHYSICAL SONS–the rest of mankind, the Institutional Church, etc.
In Genesis 22:2 we find God highlighting the distinction between Abraham’s sons born of the flesh and his son born of the Spirit: “Then He said, ‘Take now your son, your ONLY son Isaac ….” Though Abraham had eight sons, God called Isaac Abraham’s ONLY son–the son God “KNEW,” the son through whom He would bless the world. Ishmael and the sons of Keturah were “known” by God only in the sense that they were the biological sons of Abraham. This was the only con- nection they had to God. God “knows” their spiritual descendants, but “KNOWS” the spiritual descendants of Isaac.
Just as Jesus “KNEW” those who were His then, He “KNOWS” those who are His today. The Counterfeit Church’s ancient counterpart–the church at Laodicea–believed that they “KNEW” Jesus and that He “KNEW” them. Being super religious, they “knew” that they were saved and in need of nothing. Like her ancient counterpart, the modern church “knows” that she is at the top of God’s good list, is saved, born again, etc. However, like her spiritual progenitor, she is “… poor, wretched, miserable, blind and naked.” In this passage God spoke both to the Church at Laodicea and to modern day Catholicism /Protestantism–the church system that will be on the scene upon His return.
Jesus came to offer salvation to “whosoever will” obey His Father’s Words–those whom He “KNOWS” in this life–His true brethren. Only these–the righteous–will inherit eternal life (1 Pet. 4:18). Questions or comments? Contact me at or P.O. Box 2352 Athens, Tx 75751 (USA) or (903) 677-5642.
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