In the Gospel of John we find Jesus confronting a multitude of people who have followed Him across the Sea of Galilee–twice. They have sought Him, not to hear His spiritual message, but to receive physical food from Him (6:1-25).
In verse 26 He confronts them for their Satan-inspired priorities: “Truth, Truth I say to you. You do not seek Me because of the miracles I have performed, but because of the food with which I filled your stomachs.” At this point we get into the bread and meat symbolism He uses in order to make His point. This is the same type of symbolism He used with the woman at the well in Samaria. He told her that the water she sought had no eternal effect, but that the water that He could give her could save her soul. In John’s Gospel He uses bread and meat in the same way. Both terms refer to food in general. To “break bread” or to “sit at meat” mean to have a meal.
In verse 27 Jesus uses the word “labor” relative to seeking God and His ways. He told them to labor in search of God’s Word/will with which to fill their hearts (minds) with the same fervency as they did in providing physical food for their bodies. In 2 Timothy 3:14-16 the Apostle Paul told Timothy the evangelist to “STUDY to prove to God that you are worthy and fit for the work He has given you.” Timothy was a commissioned and anointed servant of God, yet Paul was telling him he needed to study more.
The Scriptures tell us that if we hunger, thirst for, consume and obey God’s Word He will provide everything else. We are commanded to “… seek first the Kingdom of God and “all these (physical) things will be provided for you” (Mat. 6:31-34). Note an important point: IF WE SEEK GOD, WE WILL NOT NEED TO SEEK FOOD, CLOTHING, ETC. BECAUSE THEY WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE PROVIDED. He will arrange for a job, etc. or, if necessary, people will voluntarily give us food, clothing, etc. I had that happen when I was without work and in full time ministry. I never ask for money, take up a collection, etc. I never mention my needs. Yet God supplies. Remember when Jesus and the disciples had no money to pay their taxes. He did not tell them to ask for money. God provided a fish in whose mouth was the money they needed (Mat. 17:24-27). I have found that IF we will seek ONLY HIS KINGDOM and IF we obey its Law He will give us more than is necessary. I have been given four automobiles and two motorcycles. One of the cars had a few more payments left and I agreed to pay them. Soon afterwards the government “accidently” sent me enough money to pay it off. When I showed the government officials what had happened they said that it was their mistake and that I did not need to pay it back. Sometimes I know God has told people to give me something and they refuse to do so. He then punishes them relative to what He told them to give me. God is no respecter of persons. I am not special. I simply seek ONLY HIS WILL IN MY LIFE. He adds everything I need, and more. This website was provided for me by a total stranger who “heard” His “voice,” called me and later obtained this website for me. When God gives us a command we must obey the command or pay the price for not doing so. Please excuse me for getting off the subject. Now back to it.
The people Jesus was talking to did not get His point. They wanted to know how to get God to give them more food, asking: “What must we do to WORK THE WORKS OF GOD?” [create physical food] as Moses did in the desert? (vss 29,31). Jesus told them that Moses did not provide the bread (manna) from heaven. At this point He changes the point from physical to spiritual food, saying to them that God “… gives (present tense) you true bread (food) from heaven. For the bread of God is He (Jesus Himself) that has come down from heaven which offers (spiritual) life to the world” (vss 32,33). In verse 29 He makes this Truth clear, saying: “This is the work of God: THAT YOU BELIEVE IN HIM WHOM HE HAS SENT.” Here is where Satan causes the church masses to jump the Lord’s “tracks” and to get on Satan’s train heading in another direction. He keeps them ignorant of God’s Word so that they do not realize what direction they are going. Read Matthew 7:13,14; 20:16).
What I will now tell you has been hidden from professing Christendom for some 2000 years. BELIEVING IN JESUS, MEANING WHO AND WHAT HE WAS AND IS AND WHAT HE DID, WILL SAVE NO ONE. THIS KIND OF FAITH HAS NO POWER TO SAVE. FAITH (BELIEF) MUST BE PROVEN BY WORKS OF FAITH WHICH MEANS TO OBEY THAT IN WHICH ONE HAS FAITH–THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. “FAITH COMES BY HEARING THE WORD OF GOD” (ROM. 10:19). The Apostle James makes it clear that faith alone cannot save the believer. He tells us seven times in chapter two that FAITH MUST BE PROVEN BY WORKS OF FAITH–OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WORD. FAITH WITHOUT WORKS OF FAITH IS DEAD FAITH (VSS 10,14,17,18,20,24,26). We live now and will live forever (or die forever) by our faith (Rom. 1:17). Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 that we must live by every Word of God–that in which we have faith. He also said that we will live eternally only if we (symbolically) “eat My flesh and drink My blood” (Jn. 6:53–58)–eating and drink the “bread of life”–Jesus Christ (6:48,50,51,54-58). By studying, believing and obeying His Words we are symbolically eating His flesh and drinking His blood
Satan has total faith in the Word of the Lord. He knows it and knows that it is Truth. His problem is that he does not obey that in which he has faith–the Holy Scriptures. As God said through James, faith without works is DEAD FAITH. We live by our faith. Faith is a spiritual entity. If our faith is dead, then we ourselves are spiritually dead. THIS PERFECTLY DESCRIBES PROFESSING CHRISTENDOM. THIS WEBSITE IS DEDICATED TO THOSE TRAPPED WITHIN CATHOLICISM/PROTESTANTISM WHOM SATAN HAS BLINDED TO GOD’S TRUTH. IF YOU ARE IN HIS CHURCH SYSTEM GOD COMMANDS YOU TO “COME OUT OF HER AND TOUCH NOT THAT UNCLEAN THING. THEN, AND ONLY THEN, HE WILL BE ONE’S GOD AND ONE WILL BE HIS CHILD. READ SECOND CORINTHIANS 6:14-7:1, BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ AND OBEY IT. ONLY THOSE WHO EAT AND DRINK CHRIST (HIS WORD) WILL SPEND ETERNITY WITH HIM. L.J.
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