Many years ago, not long after God called me to this ministry, He spoke to me clearly about money, telling me never to ask for anything from the people who hear me speak or read what I write. Along with this message He gave me a deep dislike for ministries that emphasize a “get” rather than a “give” mentality. In a previous posting I shared an experience in which, being in need of money, I placed a box near the entrance to the auditorium where I was speaking. I received about $40.00 as I recall. What I got from God was about $40,000 worth of spankings. The next day, after I had fervently repented, He arranged for a man to give me $500.00 without me having to mention money. Never again, He told me in no uncertain terms, was I to so much as hint about money.
Over the years I have been greatly disturbed by the “name it and claim it” mentality that has become so prevalent within professing Christendom. And as God is prone to do, He reminded me this morning of why I have that attitude. As He is also prone to do, He awakened me at around 2:00 a.m. for prayer. After our time of fellowship I sat down, as I normally do, to write my website posting for the day. I had in mind what I was going to write but as I stared at the monitor I continued to draw a blank. Nothing would come to me, which is normally not a problem. I was receiving nothing from the Lord. It was depressing.
I was sitting in the dark trying to figure out what was going on when I “heard” Him tell me to turn on the television and look for a religiously oriented program. This was not the first time this had happened so I knew I was about to receive a spiritual lesson from Him. I had no idea what I would find as I pointed the remote and brought the screen to life. I had run the channels for only a moment when I saw a famous religious figure telling people how to–you guessed it–get money from God. As he told his mesmerized audience how to turn a hundred dollars into a thousand, a car into two cars, etc. and reminded them of how important money was to their lives, I was reminded of a message God had spoken to me many years ago. At that time He had brought to my attention the fact that every “Thus saith the Lord” message was followed by a fervent plea for money. However, the false prophet I was watching earlier this morning took religious begging to the next level by telling the people to get their wallets or checkbooks out and hold them in their hands while he prayed over them. The thought of money pouring in sent his congregation into a state of euphoria as shouts of joy rang out and hands were raised heavenward. The preacher then described how one congregation, after hearing such an inspired “give a little, get a lot” sermon, got up and ran around the sanctuary. Having witnessed one such “Jericho march,” I could envision people marching around “God’s house” with money signs dancing before their eyes.
Let me make it clear that God does not need “give to get” sermons in order to meet the needs of His ministers. Without mentioning money, I have been given numerous articles of clothing, a car, a motorcycle, household items, food, and of course, money. Not long after the t.v. preacher mentioned wallets and checkbooks I turned him off. I had heard enough; I know the pitch all too well. The two-part message from the Lord was clear–the problem with false prophets is not only what they say, but also what they do not say. Though the word “money” was repeated numerous times during the “sermon,” I heard not one word about righteousness, holiness, obedience, etc. I do not have to wonder what his audience’s response would have been had the preacher uttered such words. There would have been no “amens,” no shouts of joy, no raising of hands, and certainly no “Jericho march.” After all, who wants to hear a sermon on obedience to God’s Word? The near universal reaction to my teaching and writing answers the question–NO ONE.
As soon as I turned off the begging session I went to the computer and began to write under God’s anointing. You are the recipient of what He spoke to me and reminded me of only a couple of hours ago. The basic rule of tithing and giving is this, don’t think about what God will give to you, think about what you can give to God. Let us be sure, God does command us to tithe to the one who teaches us HIS WORD. But our motive must be to bless God’s messenger, and thereby bless Him. Jesus said, “As you have done it (given blessings) unto … MY BRETHREN, you have done it unto Me” (Mat. 25:34-40). His message is this: to bless His messenger is to bless Him. When you tithe to your teacher, ask yourself this question: If he stopped being paid, would he continue to teach and preach? Ask this about those t.v. and radio preachers who minister to millions of people world-wide. With 100% certainty my answer is NO. Not one of them would continue to “serve the Lord.” Rest assured, when the money stopped flowing in, the word would stop flowing out.
This is not a pleasant message to deliver. But when the Lord commands it to be presented, it must be presented. Exposing the devil’s counterfeit ministry in particular or his counterfeit church in general are not pleasant undertakings. But as one appointed and anointed by the Lord to speak His Truth, I must obey Him.
God also told me this morning that some of you who read this website are on the verge of true conversion. Be prepared–Satan will throw everything he has at you–family, friends, churchmates, circumstances, etc. Be strong. See Persecution. Remember the price Jesus paid so that you could have the opportunity to join Him and His Father in their kingdom. L.J.
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