When the word “government” is used within Western (Christianized) nations the masses automatically think of democracy–government by consent of the governed. Democracy presupposes the right of the governed to change social policy when a change in majority opinion takes place. This is done by voting on the part of those who represent the governed. For example, the Congress (House and Senate) of the U.S. It is assumed by those in the Institutional Church that the same system of government applies in her doctrinal structure. This theology has resulted in the creation of literally hundreds of contradicting, conflicting, competing religious organizations, each of which is an abomination to the Lord as He states in what I refer to His “oneness Law” as recorded in Ephesians 4:4-6.
King Solomon stated in Proverbs 29:18 that without a vision the people perish. Church leaders use this statement to encourage their congregations to win the masses to their particular cult. This statement is ACCEPTED THOUGH it is found in the Old Testament. Parishioners are so enthralled by the first part of the statement that they fail to read the last part: “But he that keeps (obeys) the Law, happy is he.” In other words, the vision that keeps people from perishing and makes them happy involves KEEPING GOD’S LAW. Ironically, the second half of the passage is REJECTED BECAUSE it is in the Old Testament. Paul echoed Solomon when he stated that the only thing that matters is “the keeping of commandments of the Lord” (1 Cor. 7:19). The Lord’s commandments constitute His Law–His rules of engagement for those who would join Him in His future kingdom. God recorded His Way of Life and called it the Law. See God’s Royal Law. Ironically, the church has nailed His Law of Eternal Life to His Son’s cross.
Law and government go hand-in-hand–one without the other is impossible. Government without Laws by which to govern is no government. Law without a power/authority to enforce it is no law. One without the other is anarchy, a situation in which each person does what is right in his own eyes (Prov. 21:2), which God says is the characteristic of fools (Prov. 12:15). On the social level, what the nation witnessed in Ferguson and Baltimore last year were perfect examples of anarchy–lawlessness due to governmental failure. On the spiritual level the fiascos that took place were perfect examples of the Institutional Church. Both situations represent anarchy resulting from rebellion against law combined with a breakdown of government. We will see Ferguson and Baltimore duplicated often in the future as the devastation grows worse and worse. The same will take place in the Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/Protestantism) as rebellion of the religious masses against God’s Holy Bible increases exponentially. The religious world has been involved in such change throughout the past 2000 years as professing Christendom, in outright rejection of God’s Word, embraced such heathen practices as the Sunday Sabbath, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Easter, etc. and put forth numerous heathen doctrines that became the foundation of church life. Recently we have seen such abominations as the acceptance of homosexuality and abortion embraced by large segments of professing Christendom. I recently saw and heard an internationally known t.v. personality and “Bible teacher” refer to a world-renowned preacher known for his numerous adulteries as a “man of God.” Let us see what the Scriptures have to say about such “men of God.”
In God’s Word we are told that eternal life presupposes righteousness;righteousness presupposes Law. Law presupposes government to enforce the Law. Government presupposes leadership–one in command. The church rejects these truths, which leaves not One in command, but rather two billion in command, which has produced spiritual anarchy. The government of God is government (rulership) from the top down. The only decision for the people to make is to decide whether they will obey the Ruler or not. The vast majority do not. In God’s church there is no voting. He tells the minister and the minister tells the church. Both do as they are told. However, in Satan’s church system parishioners vote on such things as who will be their hireling, who are qualified to be hirelings, which parts of the Bible they will allow to be preached and observed, etc.–all done in rebellion against God’s stated rules of government. The Prophet Habakkuk (13:4) wrote about the same governmental problem. “There are (people) that raise up strife and contention. Therefore (because of them) THE LAW IS SLACKED (rejected) and (righteous) judgment doth never go forth (is never administered). For THE WICKED DOTH COMPASS ABOUT (OUTNUMBER) THE RIGHTEOUS.” In Habakkuk’s day Satan’s Law-rejecters outnumbered God’s Law-keepers. Nothing has changed. To be continued. L.J.
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