As was the case with the ancient Israelites, the wholesale apostasy (falling away) of their descendants has manifested itself in a variety of forms, among them is the separation of sexuality and gender. Sex refers to the different reproductive aspects of human beings as well as the distinctive genetic makeup of males and females evident in their distinctive dna patterns. These tell-tale physical signs cannot be altered or changed from one sex to the other. Gender refers to the personal choice expressions of male and female differences such as clothing, hair styles, bodily gestures, recreation choices, face and body adornment, responsibilities, etc. Though gender can be altered and switched at will, it is impossible to turn a biological male into a biological female and visa versa. In other words, the “change” is totally mental. My thinking is this: if I can, through thought, change my sex, why can’t I change my species? I am an eagle, watch me fly.
As the apostasy of the ancients has manifested itself in the modern, the Satanic (Baalistic) scheme has entered another stage and presents yet another supposed change–a societal change. Satan has been extremely successful in orchestrating this particular social movement. For example, in America there is an annual time period dedicated to the exaltation of sexual deviance known as Gay Pride Month. Does the American society celebrate Straight Pride Month? Queer people are now special. Straight people are not.
Initially in the past the divorcing of sexuality from gender was limited to the temple and shrine prostitutes. After a while it made its way into the public arena. In the modern version the sin has quickly come out of the shadows and into the mainstream. As is the case with other Satanic demonstrations of rebellion such as Christmas, Easter and Halloween, the celebration of queerness and transsexuality are being forced into the lives of Americans through television, store and Internet advertising, public school activities, etc., etc.
Though the ancients were successful in their attempts to separate sex from gender, the modern apostates have taken it a drastic step forward so that there can be no turning back once the change has taken place. The Satan-led practice is commonly known as “social engineering.” However, the practice includes much more that the social aspects of mentally changing a male into a female and visa versa. The final step taken by social engineers involves the removal of the physical aspects of males and females such as the breasts of females and the genitals of males. It also includes chemically-induced castration through the use of ingested and inserted chemicals. “Trans” people range from the wearing of the clothes of the opposite sex to having all visible physical aspects of one’s biological sex removed surgically.
As with other sex/gender alterations, transing has gone mainstream. Trans people are no longer merely tolerated, they are celebrated as brave trend-setters for having “come out” of their God-determined sexual/gender identities and “escaped” the “life-destroying” condition in which they were born. In the modern version of this apostasy, the law has gotten involved. The nation’s legal system has taken a stand in favor of the God-condemned, God-rejecting practice. It has also emboldened public school authorities and teachers who are “grooming” grade school children to “be what they really are” relative to their sex and gender identities. Much of this activity is being done without parental consent. As unbelievable as this may seem, in some cases parents are in favor of the life-altering, fate-determining activity.
But the worst example relative to the connection between the ancient Israelites and their modern day descendants has not been featured in this series. We will now enter into the darkest aspect of mankind’s slide into Satan’s abyss. We will end this series with the ultimate example of national degradation.
As did Israel at her most sinful apex, America has entered into the ultimate expression of Baal worship. This ultimate act of personal and national degradation has not only been accepted by the nation, but has been enshrined in America’s legal system. America legally practices human sacrifice. Now, by legal decree, unborn children–the most innocent and vulnerable of America’s citizens–are being offered up to the nation’s god (Satan/Baal) on his alter of self-worship. Since being enshrined into law, some 63,ooo,000 unborn Americans have been offered up to the “god of this world”–(2 Cor. 4:4) who has “deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). Though we know about the 63,000,000 murders that have taken place within America’s borders, the nation’s God-hating hedonism is not limited to her national boundaries. By joining the Mexico City Accords, the liberal communists within the federal government have assured the entire world that her citizens will finance the murder of hundreds of millions more innocents on the alter of convenience. When it comes to the slaughter of the innocent, America proudly leads the way.
As bad as fetal murder obviously is, the God-hating attitude behind the Satanic practice also has an economic aspect. In this part of the abortion scenario, the unborn child is ripped apart within the womb, extracted from what was formerly his/her place of safety, sliced and diced and the body parts sold to the highest bidder. I have a list of body parts and the market price for each part. Truly, the slaughter of young human life is a money-making business. But the atrocity does not end with the exchange of money. Human sacrifice has a spiritual component. Abortion is now a sacrament. In America, abortion has become an act of holiness. Do not be surprised if sanctified abortion comes to a church near you. Remember, gay marriage would “NEVER TAKE PLACE IN MY CHURCH.” That was the students’ reaction whcn I predicted that eventuality to my college sociology classes. In cases like that I regret being right.
That any culture could sanction the sacrificing of children is almost impossible to comprehend. But to declare the practice a sacrament defies the imagination of normal people. History reveals that this is not a new concept. The priests of Baal oversaw the sacrifice of children in days of yore when Israel embraced the practice of her heathen neighbors. Their modern day equivalents would be the abortionists who serve as fetal assassins. But the right to kill at will is not enough to satisfy the blood-thirsty appetite of millions of Americans. Child sacrifice has been declared not merely a legal right, it is now a religious sacrament. A woman named Patricia Waird-Bindle wrote: “Abortion is a major blessing and a sacrament in the hands of women ….” In her book titled The Sacrament of Abortion Ginette Paris wrote: “It is not immoral to choose abortion; it is simply another kind of morality, a pagan one.” She even admitted that she was embracing a pagan morality. She also wrote: “Our culture needs new rituals as well as laws to restore abortion to its sacred dimension ….” “Abortion,” she concluded, “is a sacrifice to Artemis (a heathen goddess also known as Diana). Abortion is a sacrament for the gift of life to remain pure.” Evidently, life remains pure through the killing of the impure. Killing a human being created in God’s image has been declared a cleansing action. Read Abortion: God’s Word on the Subject. Key word–Abortion.
These women are not alone; their numbers are increasing as Satan gains more and more control over the people of this once-great nation per Deuteronomy 28:28. Only the mentally deranged believe, say and do what we see and hear on a daily basis in America. In the spiritual realm, as goes America, so goes the world. L.J.
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