In the beginning of the 20th century the world witnessed another step taken by the nation God had established to pick up the torch dropped by ancient Israel whom God had called to be the “light of the world.” The “light” commission was passed down to the end-time descendants of the Israelite family, only those receiving the commission did not, and still do not, realize from whom they descended–Abraham. The nation Israel’s mantle had fallen on was called America. As had her ancestors, the people of America gradually drifted away from the Biblical God and turned to other gods, a spiritual condition Israel’s God identifies as IDOLATRY. As America rejected the Biblical God, the void that was created was filled by another god who had been waiting in the wings and working diligently for his day to come. America had chosen a new god–Baal, known Biblically as Satan. But a change in his form would need to take place. Satan could not come on using his true identity. He would need to diversify and take on a variety of forms.
The change taking place in America was also taking place in Europe as America’s influence gained exponentially following World War I. As the “roaring 20’s” with its hedonism and self-centeredness took over the nation, the same was happening throughout the once God-fearing Western world. With the departure of God from the American mind, Satan’s other identities (idols) rushed to fill the void. These would not be known as idols or gods, but they would serve the same purpose. They would arise in the form of such things as money, pleasure, possessions, self-indulgence, addictions, fame and materialism.
As had evolved in ancient times, God’s “light of the world” slowly developed a “new morality.” This new form of right and wrong was decidedly anti-biblical, anti-Christian and anti-God. The God that had formerly been worshiped and served became far too restrictive and outdated. The young nation wanted to spread her wings, to do her own thing. That “thing” did not include the God Who had created and blessed her and who now found Himself unwanted. And that which was no longer wanted needed to be discarded.
With that in mind America adopted an “Out with the old, in with the new” mind-set. With that attitude fixed firmly in her collective mind, America began to drive God out of her private and public life, out of her educational systems, out of her government, out of her culture and out of her churches. This fact, combined with the influx of numerous heathen people with their various gods and cultures, soon evolved into a spiritually mongrelized nation. Today there are almost 3000 Muslim mosques in the United States. The number has increased 31% over the past decade. Muslims are not alone in their quest to take what America offers to whomever wants it. Hinduism is now the most rapidly growing religion in the nation. America is now a “Christian nation” in name only. And the “Christianity” that continues to be practiced is not the Christianity of the Bible, as this website repeatedly proves by using the only source of spiritual Truth–God’s Holy Scriptures.
America’s turning away from the Biblical God was accompanied by a corresponding turning away from His moral standards and commands. Moral relativism became America’s individual and corporate theme. The once-popular “nation under God” idea gradually lost its relevance and appeared only on its money, which itself had become a god, an idol. With the change in American gods, her government, not the Bible, began to define what was good and bad, right and wrong. As happened anciently, America’s “new morality” was readily embraced because it placed man in charge of individual and social life. The new morality rendered the standards of the Biblical God unacceptable. As a result, American religionists began to look both inward and outward for spiritual truth. Using the Bible as the source of Truth was no longer acceptable. As one Texas pastor said when confronted with his church’s anti-Bible stance on gay marriage stated that his church looked “… outside the Bible” for her moral standards. Though he did not say so, that religious group looked inside themselves for truth. This pastor was speaking for all Catholic and Protestant churches as I repeatedly prove on this website. What has evolved in religious America is a religious lie disguised as God’s Truth. Truth is, there are literally hundreds of religious lies operating under the religious umbrella known as “The church” which is a Satan-ruled counterfeit of the spiritual institution God founded on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. in the upper room of a building in Jerusalem.
Fortunately, God has always had a remnant of true believers who refused to go along in order to get along in the religious world. Today numbering only a few thousand world-wide, His tiny church refuses to bow to the forces of evil that rules the so-called American Christian Community.
As did her ancestors, Americans continued to slide ever deeper into apostasy which meant that God was being driven ever further out of their daily lives. And as was the case with her ancestors, her vile, Satan-serving practices began to come out of the shadows and into the public arena. As Baal (Satan) gained more and more control over the lives of Americans, the nation grew ever more anti-Christian. What had once been taboo was increasingly embraced; what had once existed only in the shadowy fringes of the society became mainstream. Today, many churches proudly fly the rainbow flag. The church’s new slogan is “Come as you are, stay as you are. Jesus loves you just the way you are.” This in spite of the fact that no less than 13 passages of Scripture proclaim God’s condemnation of sexual deviance in all of its forms. Ironically, an increasing percentage of people who carry Bibles to church on Sunday are wearing rainbow pins on their shirts and blouses. In this way they proudly proclaim their rejection of the Biblical God Whose will is plainly written in the Book they refuse to believe.
Obviously, the “god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) of America’s ancestors is today in charge of the world’s religions. Truly, “Satan has deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). Baal (Satan) is not only directing the world’s religions, he is their god. Let this be known: BAAL/SATAN IS THE GOD OF PROFESSING CHRISTENDOM. This website was established by God to proclaim this truth. One day the entire world will not only read the true Word of God produced by this website, but will watch that Word come to life in real time. The Lord has spoken it. One day He will display His power for all the world to see. He will prove His Word to be undeniable fact. No one will be able to deny its veracity as its proclamations come to life before their eyes. And yet, the vast majority who hear and see His Truth in operation will reject Him and His Truth. As Jesus prophesied in Matthew 7:13,14 and 20:16, many have been, are and will be called to believe His Word, to enter His strait gate and walk his narrow way. However, few will be chosen for having done so. Let us be among the chosen few. L.J.
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