Does history repeat itself, as we have always been told? Can an ancient civilization have been the pattern for another civilization that would come into existence thousands of years later? Could the latter come into being in the same way, through the same spiritual power, for the same reason, only to come to the same inglorious end in the same way and for the same reason? The answer to all aspects of the above question is, yes. This series was designed by the Lord to prove that history, even spiritual history, is in the process of repeating itself. The Western world, specifically the United States of America, is proving that fact in real time by what is being played out in America’s living rooms on today’s evening news. To open up this incredible mystery to the light that only truth can produce, we will examine the pattern of failure established by ancient Israel and compare it to what is taking place in America and, due to her global influence and power, to the entire Western world today. As stated, the focus of this revelation will be America–God’s shining “city on a hill”–second edition.
As did her ancient forerunner (pattern–template), America came into being by the divine will of almighty God and was dedicated to the fulfillment of His will. However, America, as did her predecessor, began to drift away from her Creator almost immediately following her founding. As the following will reveal, her apostasy (falling away) began slowly at first, then became more blatant and more rapid as time went by. I literally check the national news each morning to see what has happened overnight as my beloved nation falls apart. I then watch the evening news to see what caliber of degradation has taken place over the past 12 hours. The only thing that keeps my heart at ease is the fact that GOD IS IN CHARGE, though I do not always understand His way of doing things. HIS WAYS ARE NOT OUR WAYS AND ARE, IN SOME CASES, BEYOND FINDING OUT (Job 9:1-19/ Rom. 11:33-36). HE GIVES US WHAT WE DESERVE BOTH INDIVIDUALLY AND NATIONALLY. Fortunately, His Very Elect are protected from what happens around him or her. Knowing this helps me keep my sanity as I watch our federal government and its state and city ideological comrades try desperately to destroy the greatest nation in the history of the world.
As bad as current reality is, I see a light in the distance. I firmly believe that God is going to publicly and globally expose the Satan-led liberals relative to who and what they are. I believe that He is going to “pass by (help)” America one more time. However, though I believe that He will save us from self-destruction yet again, following a short reprieve and revival, America will once again descend into the sin-saturated chaos in which she wallows today. The situation will become so bad that God’s true saints will be forced to leave their homeland. And that which calls itself “the church” will be the driving force behind their expulsion. Why? Because God’s true saints will tell the American public WHY their nation is falling apart. In my limited way I am doing that now. This will cause an attack on true Christians like nothing seen before. Nothing enrages a religious mind like God’s Truth. There will come a time when Bibles will be burned by the millions and in public. Those Bible will be willingly cast into the flames by their owners–the Catholic/Protestant Church System. True Christianity will be banned and her tiny congregation physically sent away. The church-incited government will try to destroy God’s people but He will protect them and take them to the place He has prepared for her (His true church–Rev. 12:15,16). This area is called “her place” in verse 14. There He will protect her as the world around her destroys itself in history’s third global war, a time of horror and terror unimaginable by the human mind. THERE WILL BE NO SO-CALLED “RAPTURE” THAT WILL SNATCH THE SO-CALLED “CHURCH” UP TO HEAVEN. Read The Rapture. Key word–Rapture. Read First Thessalonians 4:14-18 where is described the resurrection of the saints. What the church world calls the “rapture” is in reality the first resurrection in which Jesus will call the “dead in Christ,” along with those still living in holiness, to Himself where He will be waiting in the clouds above earth. This will be His Second Advent. These will be His true saints, His true church, His Very Elect who, throughout their post-conversion lives, will have lived in obedience to His Law until their deaths or until His appearance (Mat. 10:22). As is noted in Zechariah 14:4,5 these saints will accompany Christ down to the Mount of Olives where they will accompany Christ as He enters Jerusalem and declares war against His enemies. Note the last line in verse five where the prophet is speaking to God: “and the Lord My God will come (to Jerusalem) and ALL THE SAINTS WITH YOU” (Jesus) as they descend from the sky where they will have gathered following their resurrection as chronicled in Second Thessalonians 4:14-18.
The American civilization was created by the will and purpose of God. She was patterned after ancient Israel and was given the same commission which Israel had failed to fulfill–to be His “light of the world.” But by the mid-twentieth century America’s apostasy had already begun as she began to deny her Godly purpose–the reason for her existence. America’s light to darkness transformation was gradual and slow in the beginning. But over time the speed of her apostasy increased while becoming more and more blatant and brazen.
Due to America’s exalted position among the nations, her Satan-embracing ways were soon being mimicked throughout the world. For example, most of the prophet made by modern movie companies is generated through foreign sales of their sin-saturated films which the world has embraced with passion. The filth of her book printing industry helps in this sin-scattering endeavor. Her influence is aided exponentially by the internet. Even within the poorest of countries people have access to what the system has to offer, much of which is spiritual garbage. Internet pornography is one of the world’s greatest revenue producers.
In the following postings we will focus on specific, real-time events taking place in America and the world today. What we will see will prove that history, including spiritual history, does indeed repeat itself. King Solomon was right, “There is nothing new on the earth.” L.J.
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