God’s dealings with ancient Israel, both positive and negative, were recorded and preserved for use as teaching examples and warnings for her spiritual and biological descendants in the final days of this age. Is it true that a document written centuries ago depicts with amazing precision what is happening today to the descendants of those same people and for the same reason? As the following prove the answer to be “yes,” Has this information been sealed up and hidden by God for all of those years? Are true saints now being allowed to learn what has been hidden beneath those seals? Again, the answer is “yes.”
Not only were ancient events recorded for the sake of future generations, but they were preserved for the sake of those who would be on earth at the end of this world, the time in which we are living today. As stated before, every sign of the imminent end of this age has come to pass except one which is recorded in Luke 21:20. World events are rapidly aligning themselves for the fulfillment of that final sign. Prophecy is coming to pass as national realignments are forming and individual nations are falling under the sway of the “powers of the air” as Satan exerts control over the lives of men like never before. The god of the world that gained control over ancient Israel has gained control over her modern descendants. What worked in the Garden of Eden and on the descendants of Abraham is working today in the Western world.
God’s prophecy to the Prophet Daniel is coming to pass. What He commanded the prophet to “seal up” until the end of the age is being revealed for the first time since Daniel sealed them in 500 B.C. That which was prophesied to take place in Revelation chapter six will soon have the Lamb of God removing them. In so doing the Lord’s ancient predictions, which Daniel heard, recorded and sealed, will soon begin to come to pass for all the world to see via information technology that is only just now being made available to the world’s population. It seems like everyone but me has a hand-held, information-transferal gadget of some type. Yesterday I saw two homeless people sitting on the sidewalk in front of a grocery store, undoubtedly expecting shoppers to give them some food. They were ragged, dirty and obviously hungry. BUT THEY HAD A CELL PHONE. I RECENTLY SAW A CHILD WHO WAS BARELY ABLE TO TALK CARRYING A CELL PHONE. In the gym yesterday I watched a woman who was supposedly “working out??” Beside her she had a radio blasting out ear-shattering noise. She was wearing head phones. She was “exercising” with one hand while staring into her other palm. I need not tell you what was in it. Even pre-schoolers have their own entertainment devices. Truly, what is about to take place on this earth will be seen in real time by the entire world’s population. Truly, when Jesus returns “every eye will see Him” (Rev. 1:7). Before that event happens every eye will be able to see everything going on globally. We are almost there.
But much is prophesied to take place before the Lord’s return. What is written in books of Daniel and Revelation first be taught to salvation seekers. As Jesus told the Apostle John in Revelation 10:11, His (Christ’s) servants must “prophesy again” to the fallen church existing during the latter days which has rebelled against God’s Word. Recall that Daniel was told that what God had shown him–what he had “written in a book” and was “sealed up” until the “the end times”–God’s messengers would TEACH church people in the end of the “latter days.” Those days are rapidly approaching as world events will soon bring on the Great Tribulation followed by the Day of the Lord (the “Lord’s day”–the final year of the era). The Book of Revelation concerns that final year of this world as we know it. Now let us return to the historical events and prophesies preserved in writing for us from which we are to learn and to be warned.
What was recorded in the past serves as a template, a protype of what will take place in the future. A terrible series of events took place in the distant past that are being repeated by the descendants of those who participated in those first events. In the Holy Bible we find an ancient template which, though written many generations ago, warns about modern events that are taking place before our eyes. How is this possible? The answer is that God is sovereign. He “knows the end from the beginning” and everything in between. He was able to foretell in the ancient past what would take place in the far distant future. By having His predictions recorded and preserved, He is enabling end-time Truth seekers to know what is coming upon the earth in their lifetime.
The prophecy revealed that an end-time, God-established, God-blessed civilization would undergo a change of gods which would affect every aspect of her individual and corporate life. The prophecy concerns the United States of America in particular and, by association, those nations that identify as “Christian” in general. Because America has been the leader of Western civilization for the past hundred years or more, she will function as the templet’s focus. What is happening to America explains what happens when a nation turns from the Biblical God to another god. What is happening proves that time has no effect on God’s warnings, that what happened anciently due to a particular cause will happen again if that cause is repeated. And it is. Truly, what goes around comes around. Cause and effect never go out of style. What men of any age sow, they reap. Both ancient Israel and modern Israel have sown the wind. They did and will reap the whirlwind. What we have seen so far is merely “the beginning of sorrows” (Mat. 24:8).
The ancient nation of Israel stands as the pattern, a societal warning for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear the Word of the Lord. Israel is the exemplar nation–the example of what not to do. The Lord’s dealings with her sent a message; the recipient of that message (America) has ignored it. Decaying, dying America is the end result of that decision.
As did her ancient ancestors, America is undergoing a radical spiritual and societal change which has been evolving in earnest and with increasing speed since the election of Bill Clinton to the nation’s highest office. As we are told in the Book of Daniel, God determines whom to establish as national leaders, and He puts in office “the basest (worst) of men.” As a general political-spiritual rule: A NATION GETS THE LEADER ITS PEOPLE DESERVE. The history of Israel reveals a series of ups and downs of a people who would serve God for a while, then turn to Satan, then back to God, then back to Satan. Time and again she would sin herself into a valley, repent, be elevated by God, only to repeat the process again, and again, and again, ….
In the same way, America has gone from God-blessed to God-cursed time and again. Following in her ancestor’s spiritual footsteps, she would sin her way into an abyss, repent, be blessed by God, only to sin her way back down again. In recent times she has chosen to remain in the sewer by forcing God to rule her by “the basest of men.” The slide into the spiritual, social, political, economic sewer in which America now finds herself began in earnest with Clinton’s election. Then came Barach Obama who did exactly what he promised to do: “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” The spiritual apostasy that Bill Clinton established, Barach Obama improved upon and deepened. But there was more work to be done. Today the nation has in office a man who is desperately trying to complete America’s total apostasy. Joe Biden is trying to finish what his predecessors initiated–the total destruction of the United States of America so as to rebuilt it into a Godless communist dictatorship. I high level liberal politician recently said: “Jesus has no place in the Democrat Party.” I have news for him, Jesus has no place in America. Never has a U.S. president done so much damage in such a short time. The president is foundationally and fundamentally changing the nation. In the next posting we will return to the past where we will establish the connection between ancient Israel and modern America. We will compare the two nations relative to what they once were and what they are today. L.J.
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