The desecration that began thousands of years ago among the Israelites continues as the end-time version of that ancient national pattern continues to take shape. Due to the advent of television and the internet, the spiritual evolution of a nation is being witnessed by billions of stunned onlookers around the world who are watching America decay before their very eyes and at an ever-increasing rate. As it was in the ancient apostasy (falling away from the Biblical God), so the modern apostasy is proving to be increasingly course, vile, vulgar and profane. Having grown up in the 1950’s, if I had been able to see 70 years into the future I would not have believed the Satan-orchestrated, sin-sick national quagmire that is present day America.
Because of her rapid departure from the Biblical God who created and blessed her, things in America that once were sacred are no longer so, the God-instituted concept of marriage being a prime example of how far America has fallen away from the Godly principles upon which she was founded. Increasingly the marriage of one man to one woman has taken on a variety of forms. Long ago I predicted that there would come a time when polyamorous marriage would be legalized. Multiple males and multiple females would be legally united in one marriage unit. I also predicted that human beings would one day be legally united in marriage to animals, relatives, etc. Over the past several years there have been reported that a man legally married several women. Polygamy will one day be considered normal. I also read where a woman married herself. Another woman married her mother. In Japan a man married an apparition (spirit being) he himself had created.
It is no surprise, nor is it an accident that America’s rejection of the Biblical God has produced a decreasing percentage of the population that is choosing to marry at all. At the same time there is an increase in sexual activity outside of marriage. Over time the marital bond that has held the society together since the nation’s founding has weakened to the point that some of her young people see no need for marriage of any kind, ever. Also, those who have married in the past are viewing divorce in a whole new light. As a result the divorce rate has skyrocketed. This, combined with the availability of television, movies, books, etc. have caused sex outside of marriage to be presented as normal, and in many cases, preferred. Today, fatherless families are becoming the norm. A common mantra among young American females is that “We don’t need men.”
As a result, sexual relations outside of marriage have not merely entered into the American culture, they have taken over the entertainment segment of the nation’s leisure time activities. One cannot watch a television program or a movie without illicit sexual activity becoming a central part of the theme, and sometimes the only theme. Concerning the movie industry, in order to ensure the largest audience possible, there must be at least one sex or violence scene depicted in order for the movie to receive an X rating which automatically increases its viewership. What was once the domain of the marriage bed has become the main subject in American culture, in movies, on television, in music and in every facet of the entertainment industry and on the Internet which practically everyone holds in his/her hand while doing practically everything else. The nation’s obsession with sex has resulted in the rise of the 24/7 availability of pornography. A past national survey concluded that the average American male thinks about sex every five minutes. As a result everyday American conversation has become saturated with course, vulgar words. The “f” word is can be heard in casual conversation. People will orchestrate verbal scenario’s so that the word can be used with its designed effect. It hardly raises an eyebrow in the One Nation Under God. And Satan smiles.
In days of old pornography consisted of wooden or clay images of the Goddess of Fertility which many societies worshiped and served. She was called by different names in different nations as recorded in the Holy Scriptures and in secular history. She was normally depicted naked and having numerous breasts. As was the case in the days of Israel’s fall from God when the erotic images of the Canaanite goddess were common among the Israelites, so too is the case among her modern descendants in America. Only now anyone with an I-Pod can produce porn in an instant and send it throughout the world. Because pornography has become an integral part of the nation’s mainstream culture, it is now only a click away.
Within the ancient Israelite culture, temple and shrine prostitutes provided real live sexual encounters with those who had come to worship Baal. America does not provide church whores (yet). It recently became known that a Catholic priest tried to orchestrate a “Holy Trinity Threesome” with two nuns. Professing Christendom has not gone that far, as far as we know.
As a society America does not (yet) provide raw sex as a spectator sport in public venues open to the general population like the Romans did when feed Christians to the lions. But she does saturate the society, as well as the world, with pornography. America is the number one producer of globally viewed and globally read porn. I read that the average male federal employee spends on average three hours of his working day viewing porn–our tax dollars at work.
Carnal, erotic images and material objects of illicit sexual desire have multiplied both in numbers and forms over the years since America, following the pattern set by her ancestral Israelites, began her slide into apostasy. And what begins inside the darkness of the individual mind, if allowed to remain there, will eventually make its way into the light of everyday life. This is what has happened to the “light of the world.” I have noticed that in the world of televised, printed and Internet advertising one image is consistently presented regardless of what the object being advertised happens to be. Whether the object being advertised is an automobile or food or homes or insurance, or …, sex in some form is presented as a come-on to grab the viewer’s attention.
In today’s world, SEX SELLS–anything. This truth has historical roots. While I was in college during the 1970’s I recall walking past a bulletin board and having my attention grabbed by a notice on which was printed in four-inch, bright red letters the word SEX on a white background. Was someone openly advertising sex for sale? I was shocked. And being a typical human being, I, along with everyone else who saw it, felt compelled (tempted) to read what was printed under the word. Satan won and I read the notice. It went something like this: “Now that I have your attention, I have a (named) book for sale ….” Indeed, even back then sex did indeed sell, or at least aided in the sales pitch. The writer certainly knew how to get the public’s attention. Could he might be the brains behind the sex-saturated advertising that is so popular now? The truth is that sex has saturated the American culture. The world is watching as America pays the price for her obsession. L.J.
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