Returning to the subject of Political and Religious Correctness, I will address the trend toward acceptance of any and all religions that is slowly devouring the American society in general and the church in particular. I will begin with an article I wrote for the local newspaper some time ago titled Freedom of Religion?
Many Americans take pride in the fact that we are a pan-religious society. The fact that we welcome any and every religion to our shores is looked upon as a nation-strengthening policy. “Freedom of religion” has become the mantra of those who believe that our nation was founded on a “come one, come all” mindset. But did the founding fathers, under the leadership of the Biblical God, intend for any religion other than Christianity to take root in the nation that is “Under God,” whose currency carries the motto “In God We Trust?” Let us examine the writings of the founding fathers to determine if they envisioned the morass of heathen religions polluting the spiritual air of this country.
Note that the expression “One Nation Under God” is singular–God, not gods. George Washington recog- nized that the Biblical God had ordained the establishment of this nation. After being offered a crown upon his inauguration he replied, “America already has a King; God is our King.” In that he regularly prayed to the God of the Bible that he regularly studied, we can assume that America’s King was the Biblical God.
Returning to the establishment of the first colonies, we find in 1601 King James I issuing the first charter with these words: “We greatly commending and graciously accepting of their desires for the furtherance of so noble a work, which may be the providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the glory of His divine Majesty in propagating the Christian religion … for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian religion.” Note that he was referring to the “God” of the “Christian” religion.
In 1602 the Pilgrims expressed a similar sentiment in the Mayflower Compact: “Having undertaken for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith ….” The Pilgrim fathers called themselves “… the seed of Abraham, God’s servant, and the children of Jacob.”
Throughout the writings of America’s founding fathers there are numerous references to God, not gods and to the Bible, not the Quran or any other religious writings in reference to the founding of the repub- lic. Nowhere are we told by them or their chroniclers that they envisioned a time when any other god or religion would be found in the nation. No other god or religion is mentioned anywhere in reference to the daily on-goings of the people of the United States. Every reference to the people being allowed to worship as they saw fit referred to the prohibition of a State-dictated religion as had been the case in England. Our founders, under the Biblical God’s leadership, were determined to not allow that to happen. It was a governmentally-dictated religion that Thomas Jefferson was warning about when he wrote in a letter to a friend that he insisted on “… the separation of church and state.”
It was only later, when liberalism began to raise its ugly head that, first the church, then the political system, then the society in general began to fall away from God and to allow Satan’s religious systems to weave their way into the spiritual fabric of the nation. The result: The nation is rotting from within. Political Correctness has replaced common sense in social affairs. Religious Correctness has replaced the Holy Bible in spiritual affairs. Due to the combination of the two, plus the exponential liberalization of each succeeding generation, we can expect to witness the removal of all references to the Biblical God from our currency as well as from all governmental buildings in the near future.
Seek God while you are still allowed to do so openly. You will not find Him in Catholicism and Protestantism. Nor will you find Him in any other heathen organization. You will only find Him in the pages of His Holy Bible and in the hearts of those who believe and obey it. Come out of Satan’s religions and be separate; touch not the unclean thing. Then, and only then, will He be your God and you will be His people (2 Cor. 6:17). We are seeing a rapid rise in social and religious acceptance of Islam through- out the nation. Soon there will be federal legislation that will enforce the movement. In my next posting I will expose Islam, the supposed “religion of peace” for what it is–a religion of hate and death. L.J.
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