If you have been reading this website for a while you have probably read the following several times: EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO THE WORD OF GOD. When the Lord called me to this ministry He sent me to Psalm 119 and told me to study it. I immediately fell in love with the words of the Spirit-led Psalmist. I was amazed at the number of different terms and expressions he used when referring to the Holy Word (“voice”–Exo. 19:5/ Rev. 3:20) of the Almighty. Psalm 119 shows us how important His Word is to Him. GOD IS THE HOLY SCRIPTURES IN SPIRIT FORM. The Scriptures are His “voice” to mankind.
EVERYTHING in the spiritual realm relates to that voice, for it is God in written form. Everything we know about God we learn from His written Word which He preserved for thousands of years so that today we have the same Words from Him that He “spoke” to the prophets and apostles. As the Apostle Peter said, “Holy men of old spoke (and wrote) as they were moved by the Spirit of God” (2 Pet. 1:21). The Almighty preserved their words for us who are living at the end of the age (1 Cor. 10:11). For this reason Jesus said that He would judge every human being by the Words He had spoken (Jn. 12:44-50). Why only Christ’s Words? one might ask. Because every Word in the Bible was spoken by Him to the prophets and apostles. The Old Testament God Who spoke face-to-face with Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, etc. was the Word Who came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth (Jn. 1:1-4,14). Jesus of Nazareth was the God of the Old Testament. Read the series by that name. Key word–Old.
The title of this Series states relates to John 1:4 where we are told that “In Him (Christ) was life, and the Life was the light of men.” John expands that statement in his first epistle to the church in which He states that Jesus was filled with light, and that there was “no darkness in Him at all” (1:5-8). John goes on to say that anyone who claims to have a relationship with Christ and continues to sin is a liar, that in order to have a relationship with Him we must walk (live) as He walked, that if we do so He forgives all of our PASTB sins (Rom. 8:25), and that if we say we have no not sinned in the past we deceive ourselves and the Truth (Word–Jn. 17:17) is not in us, for “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Notice the words “HAVE (in the past) sinned.” Jesus’ death provided forgiveness of our “PAST” sins (Rom. 3:25). That same Paul tells us in Hebrews 6:6 that if we continue to sin after having our past sins forgiven, we re-crucify Christ with every sin. Such a supposed “Sinner Saved By Grace” is not a child of God. God’s people live in His light. Darkness dwellers live in Satan’s darkness.
That the true saint’s light (obedience to God’s Word) will shine forth to others is noted in Ephesians 5:8 where we are told that true saints ARE THEMSELVES LIGHT, that they do not merely have God’s light, but that they ARE HIS LIGHT IN HUMAN FORM. God’s Very Elect are so filled with His light that they themselves are His walking, talking, living light–THEY ARE HIS LIGHT IN HUMAN FORM. Such people not only project God’s light, they are His living light. This is graphically brought out in First Thessalonians 5:5 where obedient saints are called the CHILDREN OF LIGHT. True saints are so filled with God’s Words that they become the offspring (product) of that Word. Their union with Him is so intimate through belief of and obedience to His Word that they are begotten by God’s Word, and therefore by Him. This spiritual process takes place exactly as does the conception and development of biological humans which are perceived as human beings by those around them. This is what Jesus meant when He said that those who had seen Him had seen His Father. Through obedience to God’s Word Jesus became His Word in human form. If we are one with Him, the same can be said of us. God recreates and manifests Himself in His Very Elect saints to the extent that people see Him when they see His spiritual offspring whom He begat through His Word. Wonderful. But there is a down side.
Remember that the masses did not see God in Jesus; they did not see Him as God recreating Himself in human form. Recall that they screamed “crucify Him” when they could have called for Him to live. Instead, they rejected Him and chose to preserve the life of a convicted murderer. God’s true “little flock” will also be rejected on the spiritual level by the religious masses around them. Recall that only about 120 followers remained with Him until the end. When the going got tough, they got going–away from Him as fast as possible. As I have said, only five people have aligned themselves with me over the many years I have been speaking and writing God’s Word. Only one of my family members believe and obey what I speak and write. To the others I am a spiritual embarrassment. But I am not surprised. Recall that when the Roman soldiers came for Him, even His disciples abandoned Him. Did you ever wonder how many of the apostles’ followers were with them when they were martyred? I suspect the number was zero. This makes clear why Jesus said that where two or three come together in His name, He will be with them.
In Romans 2:19 the Apostle Paul tells us that we are to be guides of the blind and lights to those living in darkness. We are to BE “THE LIGHT OF THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL” to those around us whom Satan has blinded and drawn into his dark religious pit called “the church.” Satan presents himself as the “angel of light” (the Biblical God) to those who follow his false prophets who, by presenting themselves as Christ’s apostles, deceive salvation seekers into embracing “another Gospel” instead of God’s written Word. The Apostle Paul pointed out this problem within the churches of Galatia who, he told them, were following a perverted version of the true Gospel (1:6-9). The “angel of light’s” messengers present themselves as “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 4:4) who, as Jesus warned in Matthew 24:4,5, are able to “deceive many.”
In Matthew 6:33 Jesus tells us how deadly a false light (“truth”) becomes when it is presented as the true light of God. This Satanic ruse has proven to be very successful for some 1700 years. Multiplied billions of people have fallen for it. Over time Satan’s “truth” has almost obliterated God’s Truth by replacing God’s Word with church doctrine. Jesus said in Matthew 7:13,14;22:14 that such would be the case, that only a “few” will “find” God’s strait gate (church), believe His Truth and obeyed it. Jesus speaks directly to this abomination in Matthew 15:4, 7:23 and Luke 6:46. Read those passages.
Because most people in the church are not His people, He commands us to separate ourselves from those who choose church darkness over God’s light. Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1. With that separation comes a total change in what one will “see” on a conscious and deliberate basis.
We are told that the eye is the window to the soul. The fact is that most of what we take into our hearts (minds), think about and react to enters through the eyes. Jesus speaks to this truth in Luke 11:34-36 where He tells us that our eyes must be singular in focus. True Christians deliberately eliminate the things of the world which television and the internet provide in a continuous flow. The world, including the church world, is addicted to worldly entertainment. One need only be around other people for a few minutes to realize that Satan has addicted most of the world to his self-pleasing offerings. Just last evening a report revealed that even children not yet able to walk are becoming addicted to the screens which they stare into while holding them in their tiny hands, their eyes wide with wonderment at the world into which they are being drawn. Today the average age at which children see their first pornographic material is eleven. Globally, very second–24/7–approximately 28,000 people are watching pornography. Is it any wonder that the world is obsessed with sex? We must come out of the world and surround ourselves with the things of God because Satan is working constantly to provide man with what man wants (Mat. 16:23). The extent of screen addiction shows us how successful Satan has been. It is for this reason that we must, as much as possible, separate ourselves from the world around us. Read God’s Segregating Sword. Key word–Segregating.
Now let us view God’s Word from another perspective. In Romans 13:12-14 we are commanded to “cast off the works of darkness and to put on the “ARMOR OF LIGHT.” This is affected by “PUTTING ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.” Recall that Jesus was called “the WORD” prior to His coming to earth. When coming to earth He became “the Word that was made flesh.” He did this by being totally dedicated to God’s Word. Biologically, we are literally what we eat. Spiritually, we are what we consume spiritually. To “put on Christ” is to be so filled with God’s Word that we become the “WORD MADE FLESH” as did Jesus of Nazareth. To put on Christ is to put on an armor of light. God’s WORD/LIGHT, if believed and obeyed, serves as a coat of armor against Satan’s “fiery darts” of temptation (Eph. 6:16). Recall that Jesus quoted Scripture when being tempted by Satan.
May we begin and end each day in the presence of God, in prayer with the Word of God ever present in our hearts. Throughout the day let us take every opportunity to commune with the Lord, learn about Him and how to apply what we learn. I recommend Scripture memorization. Only those who seek to always be in God’s presence will rise to meet Christ in the air upon His return. After that we will “always be where He is”–in the earthly Kingdom of God. Read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. L.J.
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