In the fourth chapter of the Book of Daniel we find King Nebuchadnezzar being told by Daniel that God had greatly blessed him with an ever-expanding kingdom, wealth, etc. Then Daniel warns him in verse 27 that he must bring his sins to an end and become righteous. But verse 30 reveals that the prophet’s words had failed to penetrate the king’s pride. While words of self-exaltation were still on his lips, everything Daniel had warned him about began to come to pass. Over the years the greatly blessed king was seemingly untouchable, his sins having no adverse effect on his life. Then disaster struck and he spent the next seven years in the fields, his mind gone, eating grass like the cattle among whom he lived. He had, as the song says, “run on for a long time” but in the end God Almighty struck him down.
The first 11 chapters of 1 Kings reveal the story of one of the most blessed men in all of the Bible–Solomon. He had all that one could wish for–wisdom, the mightiest kingdom on earth, prosperity, world-wide fame. God richly blessed this son of David for many years, even as he was slipping further and further from God by sliding deeper and deeper into heathenism by collecting pagan wives and concubines. The saying that “If you sleep with dogs, you get fleas” did not seem to apply to David’s son. Solomon lived in royal splendor, lacking in nothing, having everything. Rich and powerful, he wanted not for power and prestige, fame and fortune. But Solomon died a broken man–the consequences of his sins only coming to fore at the end of his blessed life. His son, Rehoboam, assumed the throne following his death and promptly brought about the splitting of the House of Israel into two warring factions. With the death of Solomon, mighty Israel, the scourge of the Middle East, disappeared. Ten of her tribes were soon defeated, enslaved and scattered throughout the world. The two remaining tribes, Judah and Benjamin (called “Jews”), were afterward themselves defeated and carried off to Babylon.
Some contend that those examples describe God’s dealing with a stiff-necked, ignorant, unenlightened people, that He doesn’t operate that way with the more knowledgeable, enlightened New Covenant Church. Let Him address this fallacy in a passage that deals not only with the present, but with the time of the end.
In Revelation 3 we find God addressing the forefathers of the modern, end-time church. Speaking to His church in an historical manner, he warned the churches throughout church history of what they would face, how they would react and how they should react. He ends His discourse with the church that would be in existence just before His return to earth–the church at Laodicea–the spiritual ancestor of the modern day Counterfeit Church. He said/says to her: “You say, ‘I am rich; I am wealthy and have need of nothing,’ but you do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked” (14-22). Through this passage God has been speaking to the entire global church system (Catholicism/ Protestantism), warning her to get her spiritual house in order while she still could. But like her ancestor of old, she paid Him no mind. Having had a history of success over the years, she assumed that God was looking on her with favor. The spirit of Antichrist that affected the Laodicean Church was and is in operation in the modern version. Pews are occupied; several services are needed to accommodate the throngs of believers, radio and t.v. offerings are serving worshipers from afar. Signs and wonders are standard fare. The modern day Laodiceans are riding high. Wake up, Laodiceans! The wages of your sins is death. Jesus warned that you will stand before Him at judgment and remind Him of the wonderful things you did in His name. Then He will profess to you that He never knew you because you obeyed man instead of Him (Mat. 7:21-13).
If God is just, America is doomed. In Luke 19:41-44 Jesus is lamenting over Jerusalem–symbolic of all Israel–saying that because the Jews rejected Him, He would send destruction and death upon them. This He did in 70 A.D. In fairness, He must do the same to the United States and for the same reason–rejection of His Word. Because the U.S. claims to be “One nation under God” and to place her trust in Him she, along with all so-called Christian nations, will be defeated and taken to foreign lands as slaves. God is not mocked; the so-called “Christian world” has mocked God. What we have sown we will reap. Hypocritical Christendom has sown the winds of sin; she is about to reap the whirlwinds of God’s wrath. When the Great Tribulation arrives people will flock into the church but to no avail. The church is not the solution; the church is the problem. If she had lived up to God’s Biblical standard He would have saved the U.S., France, England, Canada, Australia, Germany, the Scandinavian countries, etc. who claim the Biblical God as their Lord. But she has discarded His Ways for the ways of Satan–a fact this website was designed by God to point out. Professing Christendom, God is about to bring you down and great will be your fall. L.J.
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